[HIDER][CENTER][img]https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTID_iMhNq6vP7Ee8Jfa7at5byP6Lwy9EdLbZE4q9M65ylEma1e[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][b]Name:[/b] Ryder Shaw [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] Pretty much exactly as image. Dragon tattoo and all. Maybe, just maybe a cleaner shirt. [b]Personality:[/b] Head strong and stubborn. Can be considered abrasive and rude but deep down he is deeply caring and protective. Although he only shows this with a tough love approach. He is confident and often altruistic in his actions. However his low self worth causes him to act recklessly often with little regard to his own safety. [b]Background:[/b] His mother passed away when he was just a young child. He still remembers the days of seeing her bed stricken with a terminal illness. His father was a respectable hard working guy, doing the best he could with what he had in an unfair world. After his mother's death Ryder's fathers life slowly spiralled out of control from the loss. He became an abusive alcoholic who could hardly provide for his son. Who hardly tried. Ryder suddenly had to grow up fast and became bitter and hard. [b] Abilities:[/b] [u]Perseverance:[/u] [indent]Never give up, never back down. Ryder pushes on despite all odds not knowing when to quit. When his sights are set on something he becomes a true force to be reckoned with. This lets him carry on where others would fall but due to the likely hood of overdoing it this can also be considered a flaw.[/indent] [u]Brawling:[/u] [indent]His rough street lifestyle and poor upbringing have taught him to be a fighter. While not extremely technical, experience has taught him how to take, dodge and deliver a punch.[/indent] [u]Scoundrel:[/u] [indent]Those that truly want something will do anything to get it. He is not afraid to lie, cheat or steal to see his ends met, and he has become pretty good at it. Morals are something reserved for those of privilege with a background of luxury and choice.[/indent] [b]Relic:[/b] [u]Locket of forgotten memories[/u] [indent]A necklace locket that has an early picture of his family inside. Happier simpler times. It has long since been fused shut. To keep it safe it is often tied around his wrist and tucked securely into his glove.[/indent] [/INDENT][/HIDER]