Solae emerged from the master bedroom just before Min Ho was about to knock and make certain she was decent- the bathroom he and Oanh shared was only accessible from their room. The fair marquise had pulled back her thick, golden hair and into a ponytail to elevate it off her neck and stay as cool as possible. Even arranged in this fashion it fell nearly to her waist. She was adorned in a tailored plum-colored tank top woven of a popular fabric for exercise garments as it retained heat and wicked off perspiration quickly. Coupled with this selection were tight-fitted chocolate brown slacks that contained a stretchy material for ease of movement. Neither piece had loose fabric that would be caught or snag on terrain once they left the Park's residence. "You look lovely, Solae," Oanh said with a smile. And in Oanh's estimation Solae looked better than she ever could in the same outfit. The sizing was slightly off- Oanh was more muscular while Solae was delicate, busty, and incredibly thin at the waist by design- but the highborn noblewoman had picked more elastic attire that was more forgiving. "Thank you, and thank you for your generosity," Solae said with a slight bow of the head. Such a gesture was proper etiquette for the courts but generally reserved for peers. That she did this sign of respect for someone below her station by several 'rungs' and had no concern towards propriety was telling of Solae's disposition. Unlike many of her peers, Solae was considered liberal and did not too highly revere the titled system. A count or countess that refused to converse with commoners was typical; someone that engaged them on their level was rare. Solae was one of the latter. "How are you feeling?" Oanh said conversationally as Solae sat down at the table. There was a glint in her eye that spoke to a sharp, clever purpose to this innocuous query. "I am a touch hungry, but otherwise well," Solae responded apparently oblivious to an ulterior motive. Holding her hand up in a staying motion to Rene discreetly, Oanh closed the small distance between herself and Solae with astounding speed and injected her guest with a small dispenser no larger than her thumb. Solae almost startled out of her chair in alarm but relaxed when she realized she was not suffering from any ill-effects. If anything she felt [i]better.[/i] "It's easier if you don't know it's coming," Oanh explained. She unclasped her hand and revealed a small device with multiple sharp protrusions (akin to needles) exposed at one end. The liquid contained within the device had been inserted within Solae and was not visible, but a small droplet of milky white remained. "It stings but the infusion will help you heal a little bit better, enough walking won't be as painful tomorrow, but not enough to be taking out those sutures sooner. You'll have a rush of energy today and crash hard tonight, but it is worth the trade-off." "What about Rene?" Solae asked as she absently rubbed the spot on her arm that was irritated from the injection. "There are male and female versions because of the manner in which the drug affects hormones," Oanh shrugged, "but Min Ho should have some if Rene wants to help those bruises disappear a little faster. Min Ho will do watch today, I'll do watch tonight, but I didn't know if you'd want to rest or take a watch," she said as she turned towards Rene. "Resting increases your chances of survival after you leave here, so that is my recommendation, but I will not force you to sleep unlike my husband." "Have you dealt with the Amber Horizon Encampment at all?" Solae asked as she took a slice of bread from Rene and began to eat. Oanh was not waiting on Min Ho to return to eat; she heard the sounds of the bath. He would be taking his time and not join them at the table for a while yet. "The Syshin? Some. We do not bother them and so they do not bother us. It's an arrangement that has served us well. Why do you ask?" "I speak Syshi. I was hoping I might be able to barter with them for refuge and safe passage off New Concordia." Oanh raised a brow. She was obviously impressed. Learning any language took time, dedication, and a great deal of study. Few thought learning the tongue of the lesser Syshin was worth even the smallest amount of effort when most Syshin were forced to learn casual common. "You speak Syshi? That will definitely make them more inclined to help you. May I make a suggestion though, Solae?" Solae dropped her piece of bread on her plate to give Oanh her full attention as was proper. "You should consider how to mitigate that bounty against you if you [i]do[/i] get caught. Hyun Tae and I can only risk so much and do so much. If you are captured they will almost certainly execute Rene immediately. You can't do much about the monetary reward, but there other actions you can take. Let your wounds scar. Relinquish your title. Give away some portion of your wealth. Marry someone even in a farce to make it harder for them to engage you. Take a Syshin lover. If you can the reward you offer inherently reduced it could do you a great deal of good."