[hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLjIwY2IyNy5SM0poYm5RZ1JIZDVaWEksLjAA/minimus.regular.png[/img] [/center] [@Surtr Inc] [@Prosaic] [b][code]Grand Ridge Academy - Outside the Conference Room[/code][/b][hr] Once Lynette confirmed that super powers really were at play, Grant couldn't help but feel a little self-satisfied. His suspicions of this town were becoming more and more grounded, and at this point he felt without a doubt that he could find the answers to his past here. And come to think of it, he did have a mark, as his informant had asked. [i]"I think I know what you're talking about. I have a mark on my back, but for whatever reason no one has ever been able to see it except me. It's kind of a long story, actually-"[/i] He didn't get to continue, however, as a girl stormed out of the Conference Room right about then. It took a second or so for Grant to recognize her as the third friend of Lynette and Aliana's trio, Penny. He honestly didn't talk with her much, seeing as she could go on for quite some time during conversations (read: arguments) while he couldn't even let out a peep, so all he knew was that she was a friend of a friend who could be blunt but at least honest. He could appreciate that. But he didn't know what was currently going on with her, and due to his power activating at that moment Lynette couldn't even ask her what her deal was. Though the next person to come out of the Conference Room truly surprised him. His eyes widened as Martin exited the room, who appeared to be just as shocked to see Grant there. The two of them stood there for a moment, unsure of how to react, but then Martin simply whipped out his phone and began to type. The sound...barrier, was it? Whatever it was, it had slowly disappeared by now, so Martin could speak now without issue, but then again Grant knew their entire relationship was based on silent messages so even now it wasn't out of place for them to communicate that way. As his friend finished up his message, Lynette signed that she would return soon and left for the Conference Room, to which Grant nodded in acknowledgment as he flashed her a quick "ok" sign. His phone vibrated in his pocket quickly after so he took it out to read what Martin had said. [quote][b]To: [color=39b54a]Grant[/color][/b] [code]I want to say "Hey, man" like I'm not freaking out but I am. Something is going down, I'm very worried and I was going to help. I think your sister may be in trouble.[/code][/quote] Grant froze once he finished reading. Fear was clear in his eyes as he glanced up at Martin as if to reaffirm what he just told him. Normally he would be a bit more doubtful if he'd been told his sister was in danger, especially since they'd just talked with each other maybe half an hour or so ago. But knowing that something as dangerous as super powers were apparently being handed out like candy around town, and the fact that it was Martin telling him this, it made him absolutely terrified that it was most likely true. Damn it, this was what he'd been worried about! Was this his fault? Because he'd come to this town? Because he'd been sticking his nose in places and snooping around where he didn't belong? This was one of the very few moments in his life where he wanted nothing more than to be able to talk. He wanted to scream and demand to know what was happening and where Jasmine was. But he couldn't, he instinctively attempted to mouth something but of course nothing came out. His eyes flitted in a panic between trying to read Martin's face out of some desperate hope that he was lying while also glancing over at the door Lynette had entered. He didn't have time to go in and try to gain any more information or tell Lynette what he'd just been told. So he made an internal decision, after which he hastily replied back to Martin. His texts were usually worded better but he was in full panic mode right now. [quote][b]To:[/b] [color=c4df9b]Martin[/color] [code]Take me to her. Explain as we go[/code] [/quote] [hr][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLjU1MDE0Yy5TbUZ6YldsdVpTQkVkM2xsY2csLC4w/bluefish-scratched-demo.regular.png[/img] [/center] [@Surtr Inc] [@Ciaran] [@Atrophy] [b][code]Farmer Hill - Downtown, Sucre Café[/code][/b][hr] Jasmine felt like she was having an out of body experience when the pot she'd thrown suddenly let out a loud bang as it launched at Reese with a force and speed she was sure she was not capable of. It didn't seem to matter since the monster swatted it away anyway, but the fact that it had happened at all was still incredible. She frowned in confusion at what had just happened, but it didn't end there as Penny suddenly showing up from literally out of nowhere just made things feel even more surreal. Jasmine had no idea what was going on anymore, or why Penny had shown up in the first place, but it turned out the girl was actually trying to challenge Reese to a fight while giving the rest of them an opportunity to get away. "Penny!? What- How did you-!" Jasmine was stumbling over her words at this point, not only due to the shock of seeing Penny show up and then try to fight Reese, but also because she was [i][b]shooting coins from her hands like a god damn shotgun[/b][/i]. The entire situation was changing so quickly from horror to surreality to outright outlandish and she was barely able to keep up. The only thing she was without a doubt sure of at this point was the fact that Penny was trying to take on Reese alone and was telling the rest of them to run. With Kim catching a set of car keys, it seemed they'd have an easy way of escaping. And while she had no qualms with any of them running away from Reese, Jasmine had no idea how she was supposed to accept Penny staying behind to get herself killed. Even if she miraculously had magical super powers now (Seriously, what the hell?), there was no way she was going to be able to handle the gigantic brute on her own. He'd already swatted away a pot going at nearly-super sonic speed with ease, and there was no telling how much punishment his body could take either. But...what could Jasmine even [b]do[/b]? She knew how to fight, but this was on an entirely different level than she'd ever practiced before. But damn it, she couldn't just leave Penny to die! They weren't even friends, but that didn't matter; she let the other three girls go on without her, having resolved to stay behind and help...if she even could. Fuck! What could she do? [b]What could she do?[/b] She didn't have time to think on a plan of action any longer, as Reese wasted no time in going after Penny, going for a familiar over-headed swing that he'd tried just minutes ago on Jasmine. Time didn't slow down for her like everyone made it out to be in these kinds of situations in movies or novels. No, instead her mind went into overdrive and tried to process a million things at once. Penny was trying to dodge the attack, but with Reese's insane agility he would still likely eviscerate her. Jasmine felt a million different options and outcomes flash through her mind as she saw it go down, but nothing seemed to suggest the girl would live. If she could just [b]stop[/b] him, even just for a second, prevent him bringing down that blade on her with the force only a hulking monstrosity could possess- Jasmine wasn't sure what exactly happened next, or how she knew to make it happen. But she knew it did happen, and that she was the one who did it. One of the arrows of her newly-formed yet still unseen mark began to glow, and in that moment she felt she something extraordinary within her. She reached out towards Reese, her expression a mix of horror and stubborn determination, as she begged this feeling within her to do something, anything! [b]To stop Scott Reese![/b] And so, just as Penny attempted to dodge the swing, the power within Jasmine grabbed hold of Reese and commanded him to stop. Not to freeze, but to cease his momentum entirely. And as this happened, Penny was free to attempt to recover from her tumble and blast whatever she had within reach at the monster.