Not gonna lie, I'd be screaming my head off too in that situation ahahaha XD It's definitely worth trying, some of the dialogue options with Atton are brilliant as a female Exile XD Only thing that sucked was not getting to take Briana/Handmaiden with you when you leave Telos :/ Disciple/Mical was kind of an annoying kiss-ass :P (Though he and Atton do fight over you which is...hysterical bwahaha) Ohh man, poor guy. He's never gonna get rid of Illesia is he? Not surprised though, she did mess him up pretty good. Hopefully Meetra can help him fix it, or at least start to come to terms with it! I THINK we did, yeah...that's ringing a couple bells. And if not, that sounds like a brilliant idea nonetheless ;) No worries, have a good weekend! :)