"That would land you a stable income, if there was any demand for metal in Arcadia. As it stands, the only minerals that aren't already abundant can't be created through raw elemental crafting alone. Perhaps it was best for you to join up with the Arcadian knights. Caravan parts aren't exactly [i]compact[/i]. In the case of a catastrophic failure, having somebody like you around would be a godsend." Noru straightened his back and looked towards the front of the Caravan as Flin left. "But in any case, patience is the most important trait that any knight can have. Without it, you'd be better off in the [i]slums.[/i]" Marilyn didn't notice Flin pass behind him. She was focused on keeping the Venbu steady. It was especially important on these busy roads. Accidents happened more often than the government liked to admit, usually because new pilots underestimate how unpredictable Venbu can be with the wrong tug of their reigns. On top of the Cart, Flin could see only parts of the outer districts through the cover of large buildings. Near the Ivory Pillar's military barracks were industrial zones, dedicated to producing food and raw materials for the rest of the city. Some of the larger buildings functioned like factories, creating enough food to surplus for months in the case of famine. Others were more compact, and dedicated to making specialty products like watches, magical appliances, and other interesting contraptions. Arcadia wasn't exactly known for its technology though. Very few of the buildings they passed by were anything more than labor factories. Centaurus was just about to leave the upper industrial district now. It came across a large wide open gateway that lead into the first commercial district. A few knights hailed them as they passed by, while nearby civilians looked up at the Caravan with mixed thoughts. Most citizens knew the need for their Caravans and held a great amount of respect for their knights. Others were indifferent. Some were resentful. To the untrained eye though, they all looked to have the same reaction. Flin's view opened up immensely once they made it several yards into the commercial district. The tallest buildings were behind them, and they were still atop one of the highest districts in Arcadia's layered Nation. Looking down at the collection of buildings below was like scouring a hill from the top. With nothing but rooftops to show for it though, the sight wasn't all too spectacular unless you knew where to look. Part of the excitement was ripped away when the giant white walls of the Nation came into view. A lot of people weren't fond of the defensive ramparts, even if they kept them safe from the outside world. After a while, Arcadia's interior could become ugly and cold. Without the right to ride a Caravan, you wouldn't every get a chance to see the lushness of Thoris' jungles or the wide open seas. The knights weren't exactly handing out field trips, after all. Zay pushed his way back inside the Caravan and walked past everyone else towards the storage area. He just realized something [i]very important.[/i] They [i]hadn't closed the back of the Caravan.[/i] Its giant metal slab of a gate was hanging loosely behind it, bouncing uncontrollably over the bumps. He rolled his eyes, carefully stepped onto the metal door, and grabbed one of the chains with both hands before yanking the entire gate shut with a loud [i]click.[/i] Noru looked back at him and shook his head. "I was wondering when he would notice that." "You guys coulda' done something, or [i]said something,[/i]" Zay grunted from behind the storage room walls, opening one of the barrels in the back. "Captain's duties," Noru quipped. Zay peered past the doorway with his mouth half open and his finger raised, as if to scold Noru. But he ended up gritting his teeth and waggling his finger into a fist while turning away. [i]It [b]was[/b] technically his fault.[/i] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]* * *[/color][/h1] [i]12:00 AM[/i] Marrenfall - [b]Town of Unesa[/b], the Seventh Church of Maeti[/center] The mass for Maeti had just ended, right on schedule. It was sparse for a morning mass that christened the new month. But people seemed eager to leave, especially the youngest attendees. One woman refused however, firmly planted in her seat at the front of the temple while the Paladin Priest was preparing for the afternoon attendance. She sat with her head tilted slightly forward, buried in her hands as she muttered something barely audibly under her breath. Her husband sat next to her patiently, checking his watch every minute while he waited for her to finish. [sub]"...Bless the knowledge that flows...Keep them safe...Return...To us without harm..."[/sub] Her husband tried to gently rush her to the end of the prayer, but as he brushed her pale hair aside, the woman pulled away from him and continued frantically, whispering even faster to herself. He couldn't even see his wife's face through her thick, snow white hair. This past year had been the hardest for them. Two daughters and one son had left Unesa in search of something greater, all without a single word to either of the people who raised them. [b]Francis Patten[/b] understood it. They were at that age. Unesa was a small town, barely sturdy enough to contain the dreams of those who wished for more in life. Though it was one of the most well-taught locations in Marrenfall, most of its citizens subscribed to the church and dedicated more of their time to prayer than any sort of advancements. Francis' wife was one of those people, too obsessed with the idea that her children may return one day to maintain her duties adequately. Her job wasn't too physically demanding, but while she had her head up in the clouds, the [b]Unesa Library [/b]had become a jaded shadow of its former glory. Books went missing, the stacks were unorganized, and donations were at an all time low. If it wasn't for the fact that the Library's owner was equally as devout, [b]Maribelle[/b] would have lost her occupation ages ago. [i]Idiots love company[/i], Francis thought to himself. That's how the saying went, right? Or was it [i]misery love company[/i]. Either would work just as well in this case. This past year had been nothing but misery for him. Maribelle was miserable company to keep. She didn't seem to care about him in the least, and honestly, the same could be said for him. If this went on any longer, Francis had no intention of sticking around. "It's 5 minutes past 12," Francis whispered, tapping his watch impatiently. Maribelle slowly rose from the cover of her palms and looked that the statue of Maeti with wet eyes. Those statues were a complete [i]sham.[/i] Every church in Marrenfall had a different depiction of the Paladin god. But she didn't know, or care. Faith could do crazy things to a person's reasoning. Maribelle turned her head towards Francis with a saddened expression, and then turned away to gather herself. Without a word, she finally arose and made her way towards the exit. Francis sighed and trailed closely behind.