When the gravity sphere was encompassed, Jenso was released from its pull immediately. But it only took a few seconds for the barrier that he projected to begin caving in on itself. It wouldn't hold for long. The shards that went after each of Yzeira's bodies shared a similar fate, in that they had very little effect. Yzeira's cracked barrier did not leave any room for the shards to penetrate. Instead, the bounced off and hovered nearby as the series of explosions sounded off. After the smoke cleared, the barrier had already fully regenerated, and had no cracks to show for it. The explosive nature of his attacks expelled force too unevenly to inflict a serious amount of damage, and trying to worm into the cracks was foolish while Yzeira was there to actively deflect smaller attacks. The other clone saw the attacks coming as well. There was no point in hiding the onslaught from his eyes. Before the shards could erupt fully from the ground, Yzeira twisted his ankle and sent a shock wave through the roof, evaporating more than half of them as they emerged, while also flattening the ground he stood on before it could come anywhere near upsetting his balance. The wall served zero purpose, as well. Yzeira could see through it. It didn't matter though, he ran around it and focused on Jenso as he was released from the orb's pull, once again conjuring energy around his body with one hand. A red glow encompassed Jenso and followed him as he moved, but this time, Yzeira had taken 2 orbs into his body, and began to conjure something in his other hand, leaving him with 3. The other body took the moment of reprieve to restore his orbs to full power, while also taking one into his body, preparing something opposite to his clone.