As the wave crashed into the ship, Marea almost immediately lost her footing and began sliding along the deck. Back and forth, she was whipped about as her vision constantly flashed between the deck and the stormy skies above. Grasping at the air, she finally was brought to a stop as she found a holding. Hearing her name being shouted, the blue-haired girl looked up to see her hands tightly holding onto the collar of Marlowe's shirt, pulling it tightly into his throat. [color=2E2C2C]Marlowe...Why are you- I'm choking him![/color] As the engine finally activated, giving the crew reprieve from the storm, Marea released her suffocating hold on the shirt collar. For a moment, she let out a sigh before placing a hand on Marlowe's shoulder as a dim glow of aetheric energy radiated from the spot and seeped into him, mending the injuries he had sustained from the fight prior. "There. should be fine to continue."