Admittedly, reading a room was not a skill that Claude was familiar with, he didn't spend enough time as part of a group to glean it, even still however he could already tell this merry band of misfits was going to provide an..... Interesting experience. Although Claude had guessed one of the warrior types would puff out their chest and attempt to christen themselves the leader of this group, it had not happened and though he was happy about that for the time being it seemed this gang needed some direction and fast. Taking a short step towards the rest of the group Claude began to realize he had, if anything, underestimated how unprepared his new comrades-in-arms seemed to be, the boy had almost immediately began talking of sweets, at a time where they didn't even know where they were going Claude thought it best not to dignify the outburst with a response and come to think of it he hadn't ever actually visited the bakery in Vasilius so he didn't have an answer for the boy either way. Meanwhile the girl seemed to be having words with one of the warrior types, who incidentally Claude was sure he'd seen the boy stare daggers at him earlier as well. [colour=LightSteelBlue]'Must not be good with children'[/colour] Claude thought to himself. He eyed up the members of his group one final time and cleared his throat, it seemed someone was going to have to give some semblance of direction to these people and unfortunately for Claude it seemed he, as usual, was the only one with his eyes firmly on the goal. [colour=LightSteelBlue]"Before we all start giving each other affectionate nicknames"[/colour] he began, flashing a bemused look at the warrior and the girl [colour=LightSteelBlue]"I think it best we start deciding where to properly begin our search."[/colour] His face then grew serious. [colour=LightSteelBlue]"Now, admittedly I spend a good deal of my time here in Vasilius so my knowledge on current going ons are... Spotty, the only location I know about as confidently as here is Eerum, however I've heard on good authority that the ever so friendly folk of The Barbed Church in Kafaara have supposedly been funded to research the blight. I feel it'd be advantageous for us to start there and see what they've found out."[/colour] Claude gave a side glance at the boy, a flash of annoyance in his tone [colour=LightSteelBlue]"But, if there's anything of importance you need to do I'd suggest doing it now. Or, if any of you have a better idea then lay it out now."[/colour] Despite himself Claude was actually somewhat thankful for the boy's outburst, it had reminded him he'd need to collect a few things for the trip ahead. Unlike the tourists he had no need for a wagon ride to Vasillius however he hadn't had as much time as he'd like to get all of his affairs in order and go over anything he may need, it'd be a long trip, regardless of if these people would agree to begin with Kafaara or not. But then that would assume they'd all be able to leave the hall without killing each other. Claude was quite unsure which would come first.