[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/tOOIWiX.gif[/img][/center] This was getting out of hand… or, no, it was already out of hand once Mercy died. Now, it was getting painful. This case was like a highway, with all it’s routes, and every Infinite was on a different path. They weren't disagreeing, but no one was agreeing either. Something would have to be done, but Thomas wasn't particularly good at handling this type of thing. The best he could do was address Noel, and try to help the Infinites reach a consensus. [color=ADD278]”I agree, the book must’ve come from the study. Ah, I’m sure the Politician knows someone who could tell you more about this.”[/color] Thomas looked to Cyrus, then Lucy, a hint of disdain in his gaze. [color=ADD278]”I can corroborate your statement. The Infinite Spy, the Infinite Reporter, and myself were all in the pharmacy this morning. It was about half past ten.”[/color] Thomas subconsciously ran his left hand over his right hands watch as he spoke, admiring how smooth the glass felt after all this time he’s had it. [color=ADD278]”Unfortunately, I didn’t finish my inventory, as I thought you were aware. I cannot say for certain that there is nothing lethal, such as litonix, in the pharmacy.”[/color] Thomas met Noel's eyes. [color=ADD278]”And, by the way, if you’re suggesting anything, [i]I[/i] suggest you use evidence a little less circumstantial.”[/color] With that out of the way, Thomas’s attention fell on Max and Faith. Through an almost incoherent mess of suggestions, there [i]was[/i] something on the right track. [color=ADD278]”I’d like to hear more about this theory, that Mercy herself was infected by the Horseman Virus. I said it before, but we still do not have the full [i]how[/i] or [i]what[/i] for this murder.”[/color] — Thomas looked at Daimyon, and then back towards Faith and Max — [color=ADD278]”When the Poet’s group found the Zombie Mask, which holds the Horseman Virus, it was empty. I don’t see why someone would go through all the trouble of obtaining the mask just to dissipate it, so I am certain that it was used on someone.”[/color] [color=ADD278]”There’s something that’s been bothering me too."[/color] Thomas raised his hand to his upper lip again. [color=ADD278]"Mercy’s gait has always been equal to half her height, or, well, close to half her height, — it’s a little hard to measure when all I could use was the floor tiles for reference — just like a regular healthy human. When I saw her at the party today though, her gait was noticeably changed. Monokuma had mentioned that the Horseman Virus could affect how an individual walks. If Mercy was infected by the Horseman Virus, that would neatly explain her gaits inconsistency.”[/color]