[@Rultaos][@Gardevoiran][@iTem][@t2wave] Stryker was about to reply to Benny when the mysterious voice rang out over the intercom. [color=darkgoldenrod]"Sooo... Any otha' secret projects we should be aware of while we're here?"[/color] Benny asked. At a loss for words, he looked around at the others. The look on his face told it all, he was just as confused as any of them. "Not that I'm aware...... oh wait... No way." The realization hit him all at once. Still talking, but mostly to himself, he turned on his heel and waved for the others to follow him as he marched out of the War Room and down the hall to the med bay. "He did it, he actually did it." The captain was still muttering to himself as the med bay door slid open and he walked inside. Immediately his eyes were drawn to the drawn curtains around a pair of beds, presumably where Amy and Grayson were resting up. Finally he slid his vision across the aisle to the surgical robot Tibulus had built, the Funganoid himself lying immobile on the operating slab and the redheaded woman staring at herself in the washing basin mirror. The war paint had been washed away, but her build was unmistakably that of a Skaldurm vanguard. Stryker slowly stepped closer and cleared his throat before speaking. "Tibulus? That you in there?"