[hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#cc33ff][center]Guinevere Stark[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/6g2snw67z/teen_guin1_1.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Guin wasn't convinced that everything was going to be okay. She knew that she was at high risk for addiction, given her father's alcoholism. She wasn't aware of her mother having any substance addictions, but to be fair, Guin tried to avoid knowing anything about her mother. It was bad enough that she knew who she was. The world would've been a better place, in her opinion, if she could have pretended that her mother died in childbirth. Or maybe claim Aunt Nat or Pepper as her mother - that would have been the ideal situation. She even would have gone with the ridiculous explanation that Midichlorians had been her mother - that she was conceived by the Force and her father's intellect. [color=#cc33ff]"How can you know it'll be okay?"[/color] she asked him quietly, letting him hold her. [color=#cc33ff]"My mother uses me to get her five seconds of fame...My dad flies around in a metal suit and nearly got himself killed at the Battle of New York...I have deep hidden insecurities that result in a need for attention...And every day, my mind goes a little faster and it feels like I'm out of sync with the world - like I'm just waiting for everyone around me to catch up, as if this is a horribly buffering movie you're streaming on Netflix...I just get so sad and overwhelmed and scared and angry, Lando..."[/color] She did laugh slightly at his attempt to cheer her up. [color=#cc33ff]"Yeah...I sprayed the insides of their lockers with an amine, so they'll reek for ages...Was going to go to this party Flash is hosting tonight and cut them off on the way there, beat them black and blue in an alley or something..."[/color]