From [url=]The Transreality War[/url] [hr] [b]|Ship Name:[/b] N1-B [i]Romanova[/i] [b]|Universe of Origin:[/b] Command and Conquer Red Alert 2 (+25 years) [b]|Method of Transfer[/b] (inc. damage sustained during transfer/current supplies): The Soviet Union tested Chronosphere technology for the first time. Either something was uncalibrated, or the chronosphere was never designed to teleport itself, because the ship suffered some severe damage before ending up in a completely different universe. The ionizable materials tanks - vital for firing the tesla coils in an extra-atmospheric environment - are leaking heavily and there is significant melting, warping and other heat damage in the force field emitter. And while the chronosphere might be capable of activation again, there's no telling what the consequences might be. [b]|Ship Specifications:[/b] After the glorious Soviet victory in the Second Great War, humanity was could venture to the stars free of any capitalist chains. During the rush to design, build, and launch spacecraft, many new designs were tested. Many attempted to incoporate experimental technology liberated from the oppressed former capitalist nations. The most successful, however, was based upon an unfinished prototype for a Soviet lunar-landing rocket, the N1. [hider=Schematics and Pictures]Bare [img][/img] Annotated: [img][/img] Under Construction: [img][/img][/hider] [b]+Length:[/b] 1000m [b]+Armament:[/b] 10x Tesla coils arranged in three rings of three, modified for use in space. These actually spew a stream of ionized plasma at a target before following up with several thousand volts of electricity. While their range isn't particularly long (the primary coil has decent range), the combined electromagnetic and thermal effects is significant. 9x 23mm Rikhter machine guns. Originally used in the Tupolev Tu-22, the Rikhter is capable of spewing out 300 rounds per second at 850 meters per second. The Romanova uses them to supplement its Tesla coils against enemy fighters and as point defense against missiles. 6 missile silos. The Romanova carries a full complement of 12 nuclear warheads and 48 V5 long-range ballistic missiles. [b]+Propulsion:[/b] 30 Fission fragment rockets, maneuvering thrusters [b]+Utility:[/b] Magnetron - think very powerful directed magnet; essentially it's a tractor beam capable of pulling car-sized vehicles into space from extremely low orbit for about 6 seconds, followed by a significant cooldown. Chronosphere - Mid-range teleportation device. It will kill living beings near the origin and destination of the vehicle being teleported if they aren't in a faraday cage (e.g. surrounded by metal). It takes 10 minutes to recharge. This particular chronosphere has its origin locked on the [i]Romanova[/i], or else random transuniversal teleporation (and damage) results. [b]+Defenses:[/b] 30 second force field (at the cost of all power and thrust for a minute and a half during and after activation). Note that the force field is nearly impenetrable, however. [b]+Crew:[/b] 1,200 [b]+Cosmonauts (soldiers equipped with lasers, maneuvering packs, and space suits trained specifically to fight in vacuum):[/b] 300. Some ships have small personal fighter craft. The Soviets prefer to just use extremely maneuverable (and somewhat expendable) cosmonaut "volunteers" armed with laser rifles. [b]|Crew:[/b] [b]+Name:[/b] Venera Romanova [b]+Rank:[/b] Kapitan 2 ranga [b]+Job:[/b] Commander [b]+Description:[/b] Venera Romanova, a minor relation to the famous Romanov line, was only 15 when the soviet forces secured their victory against the evil traitor Yuri. Spurred by the endless patriotism in the world's new superstate, Venera enlisted in the new space branch of the soviet armed forces. Being, of course, a naturally higher-caliber leader, Venera was quickly sent to the Officer's training school. From there she was placed as captain of the latest top-secret military vessel, appropriately named after the Premier's family line. It was a quiet, out-of-the way position, easily covered up if she should fail while still sufficiently prestigious should she succeed. Venera herself is a highly charismatic leader, either completely brainwashed by soviet ideology or very good at hiding unpatriotic thoughts. Most of her military tactics, when they are called for, follow the general Soviet strategy: might, power, and single-minded purpose. She commands her ship with an iron fist of respect and fear - as a matter of fact, there's not much difference in her mind. Some whisper that she is a bit power-mad, pointing to the Premier himself's madness in his twilight years. Those that make such whispers, however, are quietly reindoctrinated into more productive avenues of thinking. Meanwhile, she's been fighting an internal struggle to maintain the prestige of the Romanov line without seeming like a weak and minor part of it herself. Having been elevated to such a high position, she feels pressured to act how she thinks people would expect her to.[/b] [b]+Name:[/b] Yevgeniy Utkin [b]+Rank:[/b] Kapitan 3 ranga [b]+Job:[/b] XO [b]+Description:[/b] Kapitan Utkin is a small rarity in the CCCP: a man that acquired command through merit alone. Frustratingly for him, however, a Romonov beat him to command of the N1-B. While he believes whole-heartedly in the message of the Soviet Union, he sometimes questions its methods (internally, of course). He's often stuck actually implementing the commander's plans, but takes advantage of this and often tries to tone down Venera's relentless ideological pratter. [b]+Name:[/b] Sergei Volkov [b]+Rank:[/b] Kapitan-leytenant [b]+Job:[/b] Cosmonaut Commander [b]+Description:[/b] Sergei Volkov is well-known amongst the crew for having attended re-education filming sessions [i]voluntarily[/i]. He says that they're "fun" and "entertaining". He comes from a line of warring men, going all the way back to the First Great War, when his great-grandfather commanded a mammoth tank against the forces of Greece. His grandfather fought as a commando in several secret raids to help secure the World Socialist Alliance's secret buildup of armed forces, and his father was the captain of a Kirov-class heavy bomber airship. In reality, anyone who would willingly lead a battalion of men into one-on-one combat against enemy fighters in space would have to be a little crazy. However, he has successfully proven the worth of the Cosmonaut concept. In several full-field scale excersizes, it was found that a swarm of highly maneuverable and expendable men is nearly as effective and much less expensive than an actual fighter escort. Some of these findings, of course, might have been due to the quality of the hastily-assembled MiG [i]Cosmos[/i] starfighter, but nobody can deny that Volkov's equally-crazy commando force is effective. [b]+Name:[/b] Gregor Zelinsky [b]+Rank:[/b] Doctor [b]+Job:[/b] Scientist/Engineer [b]+Description:[/b] A nervous-seeming man who studied under Tesla himself, Dr. Zelinsky was quietly reappropriated from a top-secret project to work on the Romanova. His background in chrono technology (the Chronosphere being a joint invention between Einstein and Tesla) proved invaluable in the integration of captured capitalist technology. This has the unfortunate side effect of Dr. Zelinsky being the one whom everyone both blames and turns to should anything on the ship malfunction. His knowledge of both Soviet and Allied technology is unparalleled as a result, and certainly nobody on board the [i]Romanova[/i] could outmatch him.