[B]Crickent[/B] [I]{The Bird and the bug.}[/I] Beasts have their own way of knowing things, don’t they? The flying beast would find as soon as it landed, hell, even sooner the insects posture had originally changed from before. Hunched over still in its ‘Spider-Man’ stances, possibly to the chock of the noble beast he’d find the minute he entered the little spot Cricket inhabited, it was [I]looking directly at him[/I]. It was not expecting the proud creature put before it, no. Unbeknownst to most aside those that studied Crickets type, its antennas actually served as a long range (a mile or so) highly sensitive motion sensor. The noble beast before it had been detected before it even got here and the direction he came from was looked at and as its antennas told it, boom, there it was. Normally other small animals and the like would not make it do such a motion but those motion sensors detected whatever was approaching was big, so what modicum of interest and curiosity got the best of it and well, here we are now. Oddly round head tilted as it regarded the creature. Things such as fear and most other such emotions escaped the dumb bug, but it was a [I]cautious thing[/I] if anything else, especially around such things as what stood before it. Big, mammalian with what looked like Reptilian traits, all these things bore semblance to creatures from Crickets home planets who had tried to do it harm and, to put it bluntly, failed. Head stretching out, thin nostrils silently sniffing the air were the other beast was, signs of a mouth could possibly be deduced then as the lower portion of its head shifted a tad bit out of place. “….[I]Chirrraaaaaaaaaa[/I].” And a low sound, not a growl, but a general ‘call’ for no apparent reason was let loose from the Insectoids unseen mouth. Words completely went over Crickets head. Whether it was a challenge or not was up to debate but unlike the noble beast before it Cricket was as was stated a few times; a big ol’ dumb bug. Head swaying a tad bit the creature stopped in place suddenly. “[I]Ki-kle…Kik…Ki…Chiiii…[B]KLIK[/B][/I]!!!!” And suddenly made odd retching sounds fallowed by a gack like noise and its turning its head away from the beast and the lower portion of its head shifted a tad bit outward. With a wet slop, something flew out from the unseen mouth of the creature. Landing into a tree, a solid yellow bone like stinger tipped protrusion stuck to said tree, and kept what appeared to be a deathly-rotten purple black open pores littered ‘bag’ swung to and through gently against the tree, light hissing sounds going off as green liquid and matter-based substances leaked from the pores, obviously acidic as they melted through other physical objects they came into contact with. Quite a strange feet, the end result being Cricket scratching the left side of its head with its left hand, shaking said head a bit before regarding the other beast before it again. “….[I]Chirp[/I]!” And letting lose another odd little chirp. A strange creature with strange sounds and signals and a thing that came out of it, that was noticeably [I]pulsing[/I] at that. Quite the combo… [@Griffintaur]