[quote=@Tyler Night] Hey guys, just wanted to give a heads up. We are gonna finish the fight here soon, our digimon and partners will be broken up temporarily. [/quote] Just to clarify, this means this means that people are going to be split into groups, not that the Digidestined will be separated from their partner Digimon. Just in case there was any confusion. [quote=@Tyler Night] Also think that we are gonna limit the digivolutions in the rp, after the fight 1 champion at a time and we are gonna have to work up to Ultimate/Mega/Super Ultimate. [/quote] This is just to slow things down a bit and also to give people something to work towards. If everyone can reach their Mega form right at the start it kind of leaves us with nowhere to go from there and also makes introducing villains that aren't Mega's themselves a little difficult. Once the groups are split up each of you will get your "anime" moment where you reach the next stage in order to defeat an opponent and we can start progressing the story a little. Hopefully these decisions aren't too controversial. [@Winter Star12][@Burning Kitty][@bowtiesrcool86][@Double][@DarkwolfX37]