"That's easy, Puppy. The thing that wolves and the undead have in common is that both of them are descended from Loki's children", Elizabeth shouted over to Keisuke, before splitting a couple zombies in half with a strike from her spear's shaft. "Caster likely knows more about this than I do. I just remember it from one of the books I read while I was imprisoned. Talking about this..." "Argh, this isn't going anywhere! You take one down and three others come to fill the void", Elizabeth said in an exasperated voice. The Lancer-class Servant scratched her head as her patience for this low-class audience began to run dry. "You guys want to get through those walls so badly? Then, how about trying to break into this?" She said before smashing a zombie with her spear, throwing it high in the hair, right in the path of Archer's arrows. Following her last attack, Elizabeth flew up again before landing in front of the village's gate. "Archer, I'm going to rock you for a bit, alright?" She said before spinning her spear overhead and planting it on the ground. As soon as she did so, a huge crimson-colored magic circle sprung the ground behind Elizabeth, filling the area with a large influx of mana that only a member of the dragonkin would be able to output and the overwhelming smell of blood. A moment later, the wooden walls of the village disappeared, being substituted by the much taller and sturdy ramparts of Csejte, Elizabeth's prison castle. "You can try to get in, but let me tell you that this the most effective prison in all of the Servant World, even Alcatraz, and Chateau d'If are better known for the people they let escape. The journey into Csejte is a one-way trip only, so are you ready for it?" Elizabeth finished her declaration before boldly pointing her spear at the approaching zombies. "And you, get in while you can", she added a moment later, gesturing for the villagers to get Siegfried inside of the castle's gate, which was placed right where the village's former gate was. [hr]