[b]Name:[/b] Pumpkin Slicer [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://i.imgur.com/oUrZjYz.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b]Early 30s [b]Personality:[/b] A paranoid and eccentric man, Slice believes that there is an underlying pattern to all things and if he can just find and correctly interpret the sighs and portents he can stay on the "golden" path through life. Unfortunately for him he sees signs and portents everywhere and has a list of false predictions a mile long, but that's just because he's still practicing, he'll get better, honest. He's also extremely superstitious, believes strongly in things like luck and magic, dosen't trust NCs, and is terrified of his own in particular because he thinks it's plotting to devour his soul. The only reason he keeps piloting it is because "it's an evil machine, and if I stop piloting it it will just find someone more pliable to sate its bloodlust with." [b]Backstory:[/b] No one really cared about prisoner #62487 or where he came from before he was selected for the Denver-Vegas games. Shoved into a mask, into a shoddy mech, and let loose to be hunted like an animal in the wilderness for the entertainment of the masses, his story was supposed to end in a sad and pathetic death. No one though he would do the unprecedented and actually manage to steal one of the Hunter NC's. No one thought he would have the knack for piloting in took to not only evade but actively hunt the hunting team that he was supposed to die pathetically to, nor the Corporate NCs that were sent in after he killed them all. No one thought he would be able to break through the containment around the game area. No one thought he'd be able to get out of Denver-Vegas territory. Somehow, though, history slipped off the rails and this nameless nobody managed to slip the noose that was tightening around his neck. In the end George Allen couldn't even be that mad. It was incredible television. Still, the fugitive the public was now adoringly calling "Pumpkin Slicer" after his mask and weapon had made a fool of his company. That was something that couldn't stand. He had to be hunted down and killed, no matter where he went. Slice was forced to keep fighting, signing on to different Corp and merc squads just to get some protection from Denver-Vegas. The latest and most long lasting of these relationships is the Electrum Company. [b]Tactical Preferences and Skills:[/b] Slice doesn't prefer fighting at knife fight range, but he recognizes that's what he excels at and it's what his NC wants. He prefers stealth, ending fights with a surprise attack that the enemy never saw coming and breaking away if he can to hit them from another angle if the first strike fails. As for personal skills he calls himself a "fortune teller and medium" and claims to be able to perform "black magic." In practice this means he's familiar with all kinds of folklore, occultism, and ghost stories. More practical are his skills as a NC mechanic, with a intimate knowledge of their inner workings that could only come from a professional education on the subject and an uncanny ability to fine tune them in order to get maximum efficiency. Notes: - Only takes off his mask when alone and there's no chance at seeing his own reflection. This is to keep his NC from finding out what he looks like. - On the personal [b]Shit List[/b] of Denver-Vegas ------ [b]NC Character Sheet:[/b] [b]Code-name:[/b] Black Magic [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/jxp9LFZ.jpg[/img] [b]Body Type: Bipedal[/b] [b]Type of NC: Assault[/b] [b]Equipment & Armaments[/b]: The most notable piece of equipment Black Magic possesses is a powerful electron jammar that renders in effectively invisible to radar. It's primary weapon is its Crescent Moon Blade, a super heated blade whose sharp edge and weight enabled it to remove an enemy NCs limbs with a single strike. It's fallback weapons are a pair of "Stake Guns" it carries of its hips, sub-machine gun like weapons that fire super heated stakes. Thought the mech possesses great speed and agility, it is practically naked when it comes to NC armor meaning its only option when faced with a heavy weapon is to dodge and pray. The NC is also equipped with the most advanced recording hardware in the world. The recording suit in the head allows it to perfectly capture video and audio in a 360 degree area around the mech that is saved to a server inside as a VR movie that can be copied and played in any Denver-Vegas brand VR Entertainment system.