[hider= Manny] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/16/fe/3316fe559f13dd3bbefa84bd6e602b5e.jpg[/img][/center] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Name:[/color][/b] Emanuel Newman [b][color=00aeef]Aliases:[/color][/b] Most people call him Manny [b][color=00aeef]Age:[/color][/b] 72 years old [b][color=00aeef]Birthday:[/color][/b] March 22 [b][color=00aeef]Ethnicity:[/color][/b] Partial Mexican and Partial Caucasian [b][color=00aeef]Birth Place:[/color][/b] Daytona, Florida [b][color=00aeef]Location:[/color][/b] Manny was at Tampa Bay Florida [b][color=00aeef]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=00aeef]Major/Minor:[/color][/b] (DDS) Doctor of Dental Surgery, (BDent) Bachelor of Dentistry, (DMSc) Doctor of Medical Science, several liberal arts degrees with little relevance to the workforce [b][color=00aeef]Occupation:[/color][/b] Manny worked primarily as an Oral surgeon on the verge of retirement. [b][color=00aeef]Languages:[/color][/b] English, And extremely minimal Spanish. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Appearance[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Height:[/color][/b] 6'1" [b][color=00aeef]Weight:[/color][/b] 154 lbs (Pre end of the world 216) [b][color=00aeef]Build:[/color][/b] Manny has a build that looked like it was fairly strong, but has been slowly depleted. [b][color=00aeef]Eyes:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=00aeef]Hair:[/color][/b] Very dark brown, though people may claim black. This is also ignoring the fact that his hair is graying rather drastically. Especially from the stress of everyone dying and all. [b][color=00aeef]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Manny looks as if he is Caucasian but may have a slight tan at any time, when overall he just has slightly darker skin then Caucasian. [b][color=00aeef]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] Manny has a few slash marks on his hands and arms from knife fights as a teen, but many of the scars he has now are from post Apocalyptic events. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Psychology[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=00aeef][center]Protective * Aggressively Defensive * Attempts pacifism * Glass half full * cautious * Stubborn [/center][/color][/i] [b][color=00aeef]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Homosexual [b][color=00aeef]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Twice Widowed [b][color=00aeef]Personality:[/color][/b] Manny is one of those people who will never look for a fight, part of the reason is because he knows he tends to be aggressive as hell when he is fighting, and it normally ends badly for himself and whoever he was fighting. He will when he can look for a peaceful way to solve his problems, but he does recognize that can't always happen, though if someone in the situation keeps pushing a situation he may start swinging punches. Despite his temper at times, he has acknowledge it, making it easier to take a step back and talk things out. Despite the world ending around him Manny has been able to keep a positive attitude about his situation. he is still able to help people in ways that not many people can anymore, he can move into a house now based on how secure the front door is rather then if he can afford it, and he doesn't have to pay income tax anymore! What he is also able to do is help cheer up people he has met along the way in hopes that their overall moral and will to keep going in the world stays strong and that they will eventually prosper. Another plus he has obtained is that he is able to get a chapter of reading in daily most days. Manny in recent history shows slight signs of paranoia, not from walkers, but from bandits, and other people who may capture him. Overall he still has his positive attitude, but he seems to always be more aware and cautious whenever approaching a situation then he was before the end of the world. [b][color=00aeef]Habits:[/color][/b] -Manny has a tendency to get really focused on his work, and completely cut himself off from the outside world. He has tried to work on this as the world outside of his thoughts has a high chance of killing him, but it's still something he works on. -Manny whenever he enters a new area attempts to learn as much as he can about it, things like what is intact, how many people can he expect, how many infected, he hates being in an unknown situation. So he can be noted looking at almost anything and everything whenever somewhere new. -Manny will out of habit, find spots that are in the wide open, he can handle indoors, but he cant do closets for longer then a few seconds, or narrow hallways. Whenever he finds a spot to sit he will go find a chair or seat that is set up in the middle of a room, rather then an edge. [b][color=00aeef]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Manny loves to learn, whenever he gets the chance he will grab an educational book of most kinds and read it cover to cover at least once. If it's something he feels he should really know more on he may read it a second time so that he knows what information to look out for in the future. [b][color=00aeef]Fears:[/color][/b] [list][*] Manny fears that his anger will get the best of him someday, and that he may hurt someone worse then a few bruises. [*] He fears a situation where someone is hurt, and he is unable to do more then comfort them verbally as his medical skills outside of dentistry are limited to general med, a basic understanding of anatomy, some books, and the few situations his surgical skills may be useful. [*] Manny has a rather strong fear of getting too connected with someone again, after having lost two people who he considered as close as two people could be. [*] After his time in Eden, the idea of being a captive scares Manny, unable to escape situations he may be stuck in, and unable to do anything about it. Just the idea of it, makes him think what he may do if in that situation again. [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Likes:[/color][/b] [list][*]Manny Enjoys helping people, anything from reaching things on high up shelves to pulling an infected tooth out that could cause possible death. [*]Books, he fucking loves books. Mostly educational but fiction has it's place. [*]Guns. Despite being a pacifist for the most part, he loves blasting clay pidgins too tiny pieces with shotguns. Not much more relaxing then that. [*]Manny Enjoys keeping in physical shape, he jogs when he can, runs when he is feeling great, and every now and again lift lighter weights. [*]Manny is a fan of the idea that everyone can live peacefully in some way shape or form. He prefers a quiet life style with little excitement, and what excitement there is he prefers it to be a bit more controlled then not. [*]Animals in general. He had a cat before the world went to hell, and as a kid he would raise chickens on a family farm. He still has a pretty strong love for animals but he hasn't really been able to care for one since things went to hell. [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Dislikes:[/color][/b] [list][*]Tyrants, Manny is not a fan of people who try to keep and enforce power using fear and intimidation. It's one of the things that will set him off faster then he can register he should calm down. [*]He has a huge dislike for people who instigate situations, partially because he knows he is weak to people doing this, but also because he hates it when people go looking for a fight. [*]He is not a fan of arrogance, though it is not a thing that will get him pissed off, he finds arrogant people to be rash and stupid. [*]Manny has a huge grudge against fire based weapons. Flame throwers, incendiary devices, home made explosives, those kind of things. He was all for a global ban of weapons that caused unnecessary harm or pain to those in combat and civilians. With the world ending though, he has noticed more of these weapons seeing use again. [*]Manny has a minor thing against people who do not do simple things to take care of themselves physically. Though he does understand that the world has ended, basic physical maintenance is still a reasonable goal. [*]The dark. Manny isn't a fan of the dark because with already limited eye sight, not being able to see is annoying to him. It makes it hard to read, hard to work, and makes him dependent on sounds to figure out what is going on. [*] Torture, Manny's time in Eden has proved something to him. Torture, no matter the reason can and should be avoided. There is always a better way in Manny's eyes. [/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Cards On The Table[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Pre Outbreak Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*]Dental surgery [*]General medical [*]Basic Shotgun skills [*]Out of practice Knife fighting, though this is a skill he hasn't used since his early life. [*]Rather fast reflexes, this has helped him in shooting, fighting, and solving other problems that come up and are in need of a fast solution. But like many things it is not perfect due to his age. [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Post Outbreak Skills:[/color][/b] [list] [*]General surgery, when things got really bad Manny had to learn how to preform more then dentistry to help people. [*]Basic pistols, he learned, but he need to be still, and chances are his target has to be about point blank. [*]Horseback riding [*]Improved shotgun skills, he can hit targets further, and for shotguns pretty accurately. [*]Moderate hand to hand, not super effective, but he can at least keep himself protected if things went bad. [*]Basic wilderness survival, herbs, purifying water, those things. [*]Scavenging [*]Botany [*]Redneck Amputee Engineering [/list] [b][color=00aeef]Current Supplies:[/color][/b] [list] [color=00aeef]Emanuel "Manny" Newman[/color][list][*] Current Clothing - 1 pair of briefs, 1 purple t-shirt, 1 plaid flannel over shirt, 1 pair of dark wash blue jeans, one black leather belt, one pair of tennis shoes, one pair gray socks [*] Double Barrel Shotgun - 20 gauge - 2 round capacity - 1 round [*] Box of shells - 15 left [*] CCAT Kit - Soft Pack [hider=contains][list][*] 1 Tourniquet [*] 1 QuikClot Combat Gauze LE [*] 1 H&H Compression Bandage [*] 1 Petrolatum Dressing (4" x 4") [*] 1 Duct Tape (2" x 36") [*] 1 Nasopharyngeal Airway (28Fr) w/ lube [*] 1 Sharpie Marker [*] 2 Safety Pins, Large [*] 1 Rolled Pair, Nitrile Gloves (Lrg)[/list][/hider] [*] Hiking Pack [*] Bottle of Antibiotics - 30 [*] Spool of thick thread w/1 large needle [*] Bottle of rubbing alcohol - half empty [*] 1 hiking water pack - half empty [*] Brown t-shirt - ripped [*] Bar of Irish Spring Soap [*] Box of Pads - Overnight - 7 left[/list] [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Your First Walker Encounter:[/color][/b] Gunshots rang out on the streets, it seemed for every two seconds a shot went off, or a burst of them. It was frustrating for Manny, thinking about what was happening between each shot. He knew of the events going on north from here, but he wasn't ready for them himself. He saw the news, how people would be shot repetitively and drop dead, only to crawl their way back up to be shot again. It scared Manny thinking about what was going on outside. Knowing that everyone outside was scared enough to shoot him on sight if they were had any suspicion of him being an infected. He looked outside the front window to his dentistry, he could see cars passing by well beyond the speed limited of the community, even the highways for that matter. There were bodies in the streets and yards he could see. What he was seeing was worst case scenario."[color=00aeef]Fuck this, I am getting too old for this shit.[/color]" Himself and what staff had showed up today were busy collecting the remaining medical supplies and tools, getting ready to evacuate to one of the emergency sites in case they were needed for more drastic reasons. Jimmy Hendricks, a boy by Manny's standards, and who also worked as one of nurses shot him a look. "[color=a2d39c]We've got time, buildin's old but strong. With that, none of them know we are in here.[/color]" Manny wasn't a fan of Jimmy's rather heavy southern accent, mostly because of the words that he left out or said incorrectly, but he overlooked it because Jimmy could keep calm in any situation it seemed, and had on multiple occasions stopped Manny from getting into fights that Manny would have claimed he would have won otherwise. "[color=00aeef]Get Susan, I need you two to keep a look out, I need to get to my car.[/color]" Jimmy looked at him as if he was stupid. "[color=a2d39c]You sure that's wise? Most the supplies are already in the truck, and once that is loaded up we can just pack in and leave. What's so important that we need it?[/color]" Our last resort in case we get trapped. Out of his staff of twelve people, only two showed up today, he didn't blame them, most had families, or were scared to go outside. Jimmy was fairly care free and lived on his own, Susan as an intern who felt safer here then at her own dorm. She was also the only one who had a real ability for thinking instead of acting on impulse, something that both Manny and Jimmy struggled with. "[color=00aeef]Stay inside, I got a gun in the car that with how bad things are getting we may need it. I need you two to keep an eye out, let me know if there is something I am not seeing, and stay quiet, be ready in case we need to run. Have the bag ready, and keep an ear out in case someone breaks in where we can't see them.[/color]" Jimmy asked why he didn't bring it before, Manny shrugged, but in all honesty, he was just hoping things wouldn't get that bad. He made his way outside to his car, it wasn't far, about seven slots from the entrance of the building, but it seemed like a mile. Every step he took he felt as if he would get separated and trapped. But if things were really getting this bad, he would need to do this before things got bad. He felt like an idiot for not grabbing it before. Once at the car he pulled out his keys and was about to do the remote unlock, then stopped worrying about the noise, so he just unlocked it from the driver side, and unlocked the backdoor. Once in the back seat he was able to pull off a blanket, revealing an over under barrel double barrel shotgun. Despite the 20 gauge not having the same power as a 12 gauge, it would drop it's target in a single shot if in range. "[color=a2d39c]MANNY![/color]" He heard the yell, but his reflexes told him not to look at it, it told him to look around, and off to his side, just around the corner of the building by the hood of his car, a woman with a missing arm, and half her face gone on the same side, who looked as pissed as a woman who was told her coupon got denied at Target. With a single action he pulled the shotgun and fired, cursing responsible gun ownership as it was still empty. He reached into the car and grabbed a locked suitcase, the one he kept the shells in, and tried to get up. The car door was closing on him as the woman tried to get at him, her hand sliding off his back every now and again trying to grab him. It wasn't until something had hit her on the side of the head that she got distracted from him. Jimmy stood with a chair leg in his hand, looking as if he was ready to fight the world, Manny made another grab for the shells, unlocking the case as Jimmy and Susan attempted to hold off the woman. Once the case was open Manny heard a scream of pain, he was too focused on getting the gun loaded now though. Grabbing two shells and loading them into the gun he turned and saw Jimmy and the woman practically intertwined as she took a bite out of his neck. Manny was furious, these two are his responsibility to protect, and he'll be damned if anyone tries to hurt them. He ran as fast as his aging body could, and bashed the shotgun stock on the back of the woman's head as hard as he could as if it was a spear, knocking her off balance, but more importantly off Jimmy. Once she was off, her attention was on Manny, who now had the gun leveled and aimed at almost point blank range, and fired. Before both barrels had fired Manny was able to take quick note of her teeth, despite a large portion of her face being gone, they were in surprisingly good condition, and other then the blood surprisingly clean. Manny saw what each shot had done, the first taking off the top of her head and jerking it back with the harsh whiplash exposing her neck, and scattering the brains across the small parking lot, the second shot took her lower jaw and neck and liquidized it at the close range almost separating it, but not quite. Manny was speechless, he had not only killed someone, but had done it so brutally that bones and brains would be scattered across the parking on and his mind for years to come. he was shaking as Susan took the gun slowly from him. "[color=f26522]Manny, we need to help Jimmy, and we need to get out of he-[/color]" Jimmy cut her off. "[color=a2d39c]No time, that shot will bring all sorts of unwanted attention. Get me some bandages and I will put 'em on in the truck.[/color]" Manny didn't speak, he just nodded, helping Jimmy into the truck before more came. He was about to get in himself when Jimmy pointed at the open suitcase, the one with the shells. "[color=a2d39c]We'll need those.[/color]" Jimmy said, Manny knew he was right, but did they need them all? They were going under military protection, and there were almost 200 shells in that case, the though of using them all made Manny feel sick, but he closed it and brought it anyways, sitting in the back seat of Jim's truck, as Susan threw in the last bag and drove. They would reach a safe zone before nightfall. [b][color=00aeef]History Before Outbreak:[/color][/b] Manny at a young age was raised on a small chicken farm, but he rarely spent time on it, most of his time was out doing things like getting into fights, reading comics, and seeing what's the biggest thing he could light a fire to without getting in too much trouble. Despite his many dealings with the law because of actions in his teenage years, he wasn't scared of them. He was scared of his father's reaction when the local sheriff told his father, and most the law enforcement Manny dealt with knew that. It never stopped him though, not until Manny and some friends got into a fight with another group of kids, and one of them pulled a gun, and shot one of Manny's closer friends. Once seeing that, he went to his father begging of forgiveness, scared that he may go to a point as far to kill another human being. Years later he would go into medical school to become a spinal surgeon, but between getting bored of it, and thinking it doesn't help as many people as other fields might, he went into dentistry part way through. He knew it didn't help people the same way, but he felt he could still impact more people, and would be able to help them in ways that would be harder to do if they were passed out on the best drugs money could buy. After getting the degrees needed to graduate he still went to school taking several liberal arts degrees just for the sake of learning. Very few actually applied to his field though, and they rarely would have been able to be note worthy on their own. At the age of 49 Manny started to notice some of his friends were getting tired, weak, and sick. He refused to let that happen to him sooner then it had to, so he made it a goal in life to keep as physically active as possible, keeping his heart strong, his legs working, and his cardio as strong as he could. Even though it wasn't perfect, he was still able to walk around and run from time to time in his later years. In his mid 50s Manny opened up his own dentistry building, with himself, and three people in his staff to keep things going. Over the years he would hire more people as needed, move into eventually a bigger building, and spend his spare time keeping his physical shape in check, while also sparing what time he could helping community programs. He would help build parks, donate what he could to libraries, and do anything else he could so that kids would not end up going down as violent a path as he had gone down. [b][color=00aeef]History Since Outbreak:[/color][/b] Manny arrived to an emergency site that was supposed to be protected by local national guard forces, but many didn't show up for duty. Manny learned later that many went home to protect their families, leaving those who did show up under manned and stretched thin. Most of the defenses were dependent on the surprisingly equipped police force of the area. Manny knew about the riot armors, the tactical shotguns, but he figured the only M16s they had were for the SWAT teams, but he was seeing more then a few dozen. The stadium used as the emergency center until proper evacuations could begin would be overrun in less then ten days. Manny would be forced to help fight his way out with a group of survivors to get out, none of his staff members made it out with him. After a few months of traveling he came across several people who would join up with his group, until they settled into an old Spanish fort, despite it not having a lot of supplies, it was impossible for the infected to force their way inside, it even had some land on the inside to help growing crops. When supplies ran out though, people got anxious, desperate. After a year, the scavenging runs were not bringing in enough food, and there was too many people for the few crops to feed, eventually conflict broke out and those who did not flee were killed by each other or the fires inside the stone fort as everything inside of it burned. Manny made it out, with a small group of survivors yet again. After about a month of traveling his band of survivors came across a small group of people who had secured a hotel, and they had invited them in. Once inside Manny would meet someone who he would eventually have a marriage with. The hotel worked nice for a while, but due to limited farming space on the roof, supplies were thin, not desperate yet, but thin. When a large portion of the group left to find a location that would suit the needs better for the overall group, a horde came through, destroying the defenses for the hotel, and killing a large portion of the population. The survivors were trapped until the scouting party was able to return and pull them out, the man Manny had a makeshift Marriage with was killed after the defenses fell. For the next year, Manny and the survivors of the hotel would travel with a few vehicles looking for fuel and food as they went. As they went, they came across other groups of survivors. Sometime when they came across these groups they would trade supplies, some of their people would stay, and some of theirs may join them. After a year of this, fuel became too hard to come across, so they would eventually settle down in a gated community where they were able to reinforce the gates, and clear out the buildings within them. While in this new community Manny would help where he could, but he still mostly acted as the groups doctor, despite his many claims that he is not a proper doctor for the job. But between books and what areas do overlap from his schooling, he is still able to pull off a lot of things most his group wouldn't be able to in the medical field. His group would soon start collecting horses, other animals, grow crops, and have the space to do so. A lot of the equipment they needed they could pull from construction sites near by, and from the gravel mine in eye site of the walls. About a year after being within the new walls, the group learned how to reload used casings, though they were limited to shotgun shells as forming solid bullets was still something they did not have the ability to do yet, this was a huge improvement to their situation. Manny never learned how, he just knew that with the reintroduction of a proper ammunition supply scavengers would be more likely to go further to get the needed medical supplies for his makeshift doctor's office. a handful of months later, a horde would pass through. By this point the group was used to redirecting them using shotguns and horses, but this one was large enough that they could only gets parts off at a time, and by the time the horde had reached the gate it was still a couple thousand. The scouts, Manny included, would keep trying to break off pieces, semi successfully, but with little luck overall. When the gates fell one of the fighters of the group decided they needed to take a stand at the gravel mine where the eye sight was clear, and it was close enough to draw the dead from the inside of the walls. Manny and about 8 others with most of the armory at their disposal open fired into the horde and drew them to the gravel yard. Between the gravel piles that stood tall, and the clear line of sights, it was easy to make every bullet the scouting party had hit it's mark. While this was going on, those on horseback would keep trying to draw pockets away using shotguns and themselves as bait. Despite being well coordinated, a lot of deaths still took place. Those who got scared and ran, found themselves surrounded faster then anyone could help them. Those who ran out of ammo first, found themselves defenseless on top of the piles of gravel. Those who had failed to pay attention to everything going on, were eaten. But by the end, the horde was mostly pulled away, and those not pulled away were killed. Out of the party of those who had been at the gravel mine, only Manny and one other survived, the other having been bit along the way. Once back at the community, Manny attempted to remove the limb with little luck of doing so in time. His own clinic as it were, was burned in the fighting, along with several other buildings. He found this, odd to say the least. His people didn't have any fire weapons, and they weren't effective on the dead anyways. After looking around a while he found a couple other's of his group who had survived, and what looked like infected going through their supplies. Upon closer observation one of Manny's people made the observation that all of their Blood was smeared on them, they were not dead. Once one of the phony infected noticed Manny and the other survivors, they attempted to speak, Manny in his rage though took aim and fired on them all, giving none of them the chance to surrender. Despite repelling the attack, most of the survivors were dead or dying, and a lot of their supplies were destroyed or used up trying to recover, and with the gate down, defense became a lot harder, especially without enough people to regularly keep watch at all the gates. Less then three weeks after the gates fell, people were desperate enough to kill each other for what supplies remained. Manny realizing this, decided that there wasn't anything he could do for the people who were left, staying together would only cause more tension between them. He took one of the horses, his share of the supplies, and left the first chance he got. He would ride on horseback borderline starving for weeks to come. Soon after he came across a wounded man in a ditch, at first Manny figured he was just another dead corpse until he spoke, then Manny saw the plea for help in his eyes. He jumped off his horse to help, only to find himself surrounded and out gunned. Despite that, he would reach for his shotgun still on his horse, and while that action took place, he was knocked out from behind with a rifle stock. When he woke up he was in a cage, for an arena for people to fight to the death. He tried t plea that he was a doctor and if they would change their ways he would help them out. That got him a good gut punch and a chance to understand how bad things were. Days later, he would join fellow survivors in bringing an end to Eden. [hr][hr][h3][b][i][color=00aeef][center]Extras[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=00aeef]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "Could be worse, at least we still have what we need to try again." [b][color=0054a6]Theme Song:[/color][/b] "The Humbling River: ~Puscifer [b][color=0054a6]How Many Walkers Have You Killed:[/color][/b] [color=00aeef]"Truth be told, I don't know. Before a few months ago, I would say... maybe sixty five, people rarely wanted their only doctor fighting."[/color] [b][color=0054a6]How Many People Have You Killed:[/color][/b] [color=00aeef]"Should have seen that coming... Seven."[/color] [b][color=0054a6]Why:[/color][/b] [color=00aeef]"Two, because I denied them medical supplies they would have needed to survive... because I decided that someone else needed them more. One because they asked me to after being infected. The last four... because they killed everyone I cared about." [/color] [b][color=0054a6]Anything Else:[/color][/b] -Manny goes by horseback, because a horse can eat grass with better effects then it will for Manny, and he still has supplies he thinks he'll need. -Blood Type A Positive [hider=Me not forgetting for once!] https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4667459 [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Emanuel Newman Relationships][center] [hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=00aeef]Relations[/color][/i][/b][/h1][hr][h2][b][i][color=00aeef]Manny Newman[/color][/i][/b][/h2][img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTk_q6pmuXgkh3fGS1y_S2S6IlsjXNMcppooxQPZssEpdoWybPM[/img] [i][color=6ecff6]"We all have a choice in how we go about things, I just hope whatever choice you make you make the most of it, and I hope it helps more then yourself."[/color][/i][hr][hr]⟢ 🎆Respects ⟡ 🌓Neutral ⟡ 👋Acquaintance ⟡ 🙇It's Complicated ⟣ ⟢ 💛Friend ⟡ 💙Good Friends ⟡ 💜Best Friends ⟡ ❣️Ex-Friends ⟡ 😈Frienemy ⟣ ⟢ 💘Infatuation ⟡ 💓Loves ⟡ 💗Couple ⟡ 💕Basically Family ⟡ 💞Family ⟡ 💔Ex-Lovers ⟣ ⟢ ♨️Tense ⟡ 💀Dislikes ⟡ 😡Hates ⟡ 👿Enemy ⟡ 👹Absolutely Loathes ⟣[hr][hr] 💙 [b]Alexander[/b] 💙 [i]"A good friend and a good ally"[/i] Manny trusts Alexander with his life, a lot of this is because Manny and Alexander have worked very closely since the events at Eden, and the loss of Alexander's leg. The two old men despite the lack of communication about their old lives. [hr] 👋 [b] Beatrice [/b] 👋 [i]"I don't think she likes me. We work together decent enough, but not much past that."[/i] Manny has tried at times to be on good terms with Beatrice, though where is Manny is very open and personal about how he goes about things, Beatrice isn't. Though Manny isn't a psychiatrist he wonders if it's a self defense mechanism to help cope with loss and potential loss. It would make sense. [hr] ♨️ [b]Thana[/b] ♨️ [i]"She's a strong leader but she's a pain in the ass."[/i] Manny considers Thana to be a strong and capable leader who has done wonders with the group to keep them alive. Though Manny thinks that Thana's decision to leave so late in the day so soon after Thalia lost her arm with the only working vehicle they have found in a long time was a foolish choice. He believes that she wouldn't have left them on purpose, but her choices to leave could have gotten everyone in the group killed. [hr] 🎆 [b]Thalia[/b] 🎆 [i]"She's a tough girl who reminds me of when I was young and ready to fight the world."[/i] Thalia reminds Manny of what he was like as a youth, hot headed, ready to fight anyone and everyone, and wouldn't take shit from anyone. Though Manny's poor attempts to make a little humor out of her losing her arm has caused a little tension. But she has recovered amazingly and is pushing forward. So he holds a lot of respect for her. [hr] [/center][/hider]