And done. [hider= Zorrozakiris] Name of nation: Zorrozakiris (Official name: Kru Zorrozakiris j kru Ada a kru Hurota.) Species: Although a sapient member of almost any species may become part of the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris (Temple of the Ancients) and as such there are a number of aliens living within the Zorrozakiris that are not on this list, the following species are the prominent/populous demographics. [hider=Cholokah'zu]The Cholokah'Zu are a grey skinned race of four legged aliens hailing from the world of Hahis. Their two arms evolved out of a third pair of legs and combined allow them greater stability while climbing along walls and ceilings. The ends of their limbs are covered in countless hairs which are both small and flexible so that they can make contact with as much of the surface as needed, 'sticking' them to it while allowing the Cholokah'zu to loosen its grip with minimal effort. For this to work, of course, they need to be relatively light; Whereas a healthy human male might come in at around 160 pounds, the average Cholokah'zu weighs only 100 pounds, making the Cholokah'zu weaker in terms of pure strength. They make up for this in speed and agility, however, with most able to move at speeds of up to 65 Mph and jump around eight meters. Their short claws are connected to poison glands in their hands and secrete paralytic venom when threatened, making them dangerous to exposed foes in spite of their physical weakness This speed and versatility over terrain make a trained Cholokah'zu soldier a stealthy, swift and agile foe who is especially adept at ambushing and mobile warfare. As a notable aside, their natural set up is less energy efficient over long distances than the bipedal human set up; they were primarily a sedentary and territorial species, sticking to hunting and gathering within a small distance of their den where they would store any uneaten prey for later consumption, avoiding unnecessary travel. As such few of their societies were ever nomadic and those which were often failed in the long term. Interestingly, Cholokah'zu are facultative hibernators and can induce the state at will. They do not 'dream' in this state, there is no sleep or REM sleep, but rather are semiconscious and perceive the world around them as if through a strange filter - Likely to allow them to wake up at the approach of a dangerous animal. Regardless, this has allowed some Cholokah'zu, particularly those of the Raver continent, to attach a spiritual meaning to their torpor and thus some Cholokah'zu use this as a meditative state during religious festivals and sermons or simply to 'commune with the spirits.' Today this is a relatively unimportant distinction so long as the supply lines hold but historically it caused a lot of grief for empire builders, making the logistical problems with feeding an army over a long distance that much worse. They have human level intelligence and reproduce sexually. They do not give live birth, however, and display lower levels of sexual dimorphism. A month after an egg clutch (typically two to four eggs) is fertilised inside the mother, she will lay them. These eggs will then take two months to gestate before hatching into a Cholokah'zu hatchling. It is not uncommon for one or more eggs from a clutch to fail to hatch. The growth from child to adult takes only ten years, and the average life expectancy is 73 years. Cholokah'zu who are bonded with Hrahakan have greatly increased lifespans; while young Hrahalen will extend it by a century, elder Hrahakan seem capable of keeping their hosts alive seemingly indefinitely. [/hider] [hider=Hrahakan] A blueish worm like being, no more than a few centimetres in length. This unimpressive looking slug is in fact the foundation of the faith that holds together the Zorrozakiris. It is unknown how old the Hrahakan are; given their extraordinary traits, it seems that they are not a product of natural evolution. Whether were some biological or magical experiment that broke loose long ago or truly are holy seers placed in the universe to divine true spirituality, their gifts have carved them quite the niche. The methods of the Hrahakan are far less overt than those of the Qit Swarms. They do not create new species, rather they form a symbiosis with those which exist. Although they are certainly able to make small changes to the genetic structure of the host, they cannot simply copy it or create new lines of code. True to their nature, they require hosts to shine and survive. Without hosts or some form of synthetic processor, they would exist merely as an annoying, barely sapient worm that doesn't appear in anyway dangerous at a glance, save from being slimey and disgusting. But with hosts the true genius of their biology begins to shine. While it is out of a host it may exist as little more than an animal, once it obtains one it quickly proves that it is very intelligent; much of its knowledge and memories are stored almost like a compressed computer file and are thus inaccessible. The worm has all the information but lacks a substantial processor for it. Once the Hrahakan takes a host, however, it has access to the hosts mental faculties and uses them to great effect. Naturally, the symbiote thus values sapient hosts. Depending on the circumstances the Hrahakan finds itself in, its behaviour here varies dramatically. Hrahakan can act without the victim even realising that the creature is present; due to their control over the hosts nervous system and brain, they are able to manipulate their hosts into thinking that an idea of the Hrahakan is the idea of the host. Naturally, this action has to be something that the host considers logically sound or at the least consistent with their usual behaviour or the dissonance may tip off the host. The Hrahakan are symbiotic rather than parasitic; a Hrahakan can greatly increase the regenerative and immune capabilities of its host, mitigating otherwise serious wounds and greatly increasing the creatures lifespan span. Additionally, Hrahakan who have had several hosts can transfer knowledge to their new host. Even on occasions where the Hrahakan has not revealed itself, it may benefit the host by reminding them of important information and boosting their other mental faculties. The Hrahakan on these occasions will subtly aid hosts in rising to positions of wealth and security within a society, thus increasing the hosts available supplies and subsequently the food intake of the Hrahakan (as well as ensuring the host will not need to visit a doctor, risking discovery of the symbiote.) Since it inherits the faculties and body of the host, it typically inherits their memories and abilities and often uses them to great affect to mask its presence and defend itself and its host. Perhaps their greatest strength is their ability to adapt biologically on the fly; their supercells can be repurposed into almost anything and now redundant systems and cells ejected or reabsorbed. This is particularly important in adapting to a new host, often the specimen inside the host has threaded an entire array of new 'features', abandoning them when the host dies and reverting to its original worm form. As such, bonded Hrahakan symbiotes have effectively supplanted biochemical or genetic augmentation for the Zorrozakiris; a bonded Hrahakan symbiote can not only generate new organs to benefit the host, but can also adapt said augmentations to new encounters, environmental hazards etc (provided whatever it is doesn't kill them before they are able to do so). Some changes or repairs may require or cause the host to lose conciousness or even in extreme cases receive medical assistance/life support during the process. Whether this is a natural or magical ability is not entirely understood, and the symbiotes themselves do not appear to know. Further evidence of a magical nature to it can be found in later magical abilities; once the bond between Hrahakan and host is sufficiently deep and well developed, and especially in the case of the Adabhutay, magic begins to manifest itself (or if it was already present, begins to become enhanced). Simple at first, it becomes somewhat more complex and obvious over time. The order and rate in which they acquire these abilities vary to some degree between the individual Hrahakan-host bonds. Most common early seems to be for the pair to become empaths capable of reading the feelings and intentions of those around them; this can be a great boom to them, allowing them to be extremely charismatic, convincing and reassuring which goes some way to explaining the success and spread of their religion. Usually this is followed by telepathy and psionics, with eventual telekinesis. The Adabhutay do appear to have some limited ability to imbue objects with magical power. Pairs are capable of learning more than these 'natural' magics and the older Hrahakan claim to have memories of their own forefathers using more complex spells, but it appears that for the Hrahakan, that knowledge is currently lost and must be rediscovered or acquired from other beings in the galaxy. Due to their seemingly magical abilities, vast wealth of knowledge and cunning, the majority of Hrahakan now exist within the Zorrozakiris, where they form the centre piece of the Adakoras. Younger Hrahakan are bonded with young Cholokah'zu faithful as a 'blessing' and grow in status with them. This arrangement has proven extremely beneficial for the species; rather than having their reproduction and spread checked by a constant need for secrecy, the Hrahakan in Zorrozakiris have a steady rate of population growth and are prospering. Hrahakan are biologically immortal, but take a long time to fully 'mature' and unlock their full potential. Their development is split into stages: Juvenile: Typically, progression from Juvenile to adolescent takes 20-40 years. Juvenile Hrahakan are incapable of exerting any direct control over their host, and ate sometimes incapable of even making conscious communication; in such cases communication between a host and their symbiote must be done on a subconscious level, during sleep, hibernation or meditation. Hosts and encouraged to do this to bond with the symbiote; frequent communication and bonding accelerates the process throughout all known Hrahakan stages. Although they boost their hosts immune systems and regenerative capabilities, they are incapable of reducing genetic degradation from cell division and as such do not enhance their hosts lifespan beyond a few years unless the Hrahakan matures. Adolescent: For most, progress from adolescent to adult takes a further 80-120 years. Adolescents have matured to the point of gaining control over their abilities; host lifespans begin to increase dramatically as cell division is improved, regeneration of injuries is boosted, as is cognitive function. The adolescent begins to develop more advanced organs and thread its tissues throughout more of the hosts body. Communication between host and symbiote becomes easy and natural, and both are encouraged to embrace this rather than to block it. Adult: From here, progression to elder can take hold at any point past a further 200 years. Adults have gained a large degree of control over their abilities, changing their biology as required and regenerating even grievous wounds. It is within the adult stage that Hrahakan become capable of making their hosts biologically immortal. Elder: Elders have, at least, lived for 300 years and typically have lived for far longer. They are the apex of Hrahakan development. The extent to which these stages are due to physical development is unclear; physically, there appears to be little difference between the stages of Hrahakan past juvenile incubation, yet the differences in their capabilities are observable. This suggests that it might be to do with experience and knowledge. The Hrahakan themselves describe the journey in metaphysical or spiritual terms as if it were a journey to enlightenment, again suggesting that to some degree their capabilities are magical in nature. The only stage transition that appears to be a primarily physical process is juvenile to adolescent, where the symbiote grows substantially larger and develops its supercells to the point where it can begin creation of specialised cells. Even then, the affect of communication on the process suggests it is to some extent not a experience or spiritually based. Likewise, transfer to a new host and thus the requirement to bond again slows the process, or in the case of elders can even reduce them back to their adult stage. Clearly, this bond is intensely important to the capabilities of the Hrahakan symbiote. Indeed, Hrahakan which serve as pilots or conduits for machines and computers rarely do so for long; even though the synthetic and computer processes built into these specialised machines allow them to think and act as sapient individuals, the lack of a bond is ultimately to their detriment and can even cause regression from adulthood to adolescence if they are subjected to this for decades. [/hider] [hider=Vaegakosh] The Vaegakosh are an amphibian species hailing from the planet of Vaega. Discovered in a very primitive state with little language or culture, the Vaegakosh were brought into the fold of the Adakoras and 'uplifted'. They are small in stature, weight and strength, but are naturally sneaky and lightweight. They have also surprisingly proven to be adept mechanics and mathematicians and are over represented within the Order of the Book engineers. Their small stature, agility and their penchant for mathematics have found some of them employment as snipers for the Order of War, and their vast numbers and penchant to zeal have also led to many acting as general infantry for the Order of War, PDF or Clan militaries. They have powerful legs that are excellent for leaping and swimming. Although they can walk and stand bipedally and do so frequently when working, they prefer to walk on all fours when their hands are not occupied. They have bulbous eyes and a mouth of 20 fierce fangs. Their skin varies widely in colouration, with greens, blacks and reds being the most common. The Vaegakosh lay between 200 and 400 eggs at a time within various pools of water, such as ponds, lakes and rivers. These then develop into tadpoles which slowly grow and undergo metamorphosis into small juvenile Vaegakosh. Vaegakosh do not care for their young and many of these juveniles will die to attrition or even fight and kill each other over food in their struggle for survival. Should they survive their short but volatile youth, however, they live for roughly 47 years; they undergo metamorphosis over two years from their birth, emerging from the water as small juvenile Vaegakosh. After a further year of growth they enter adolescence, where their physical development accelerates until it is completed a year later. However while their physical development takes only four years, their brain and mental development cycle is far longer with it taking them 12 years to reach adulthood emotionally and mentally. Their progress is checked somewhat by their male/female ratio of 3:1, with many males never reproducing during their lifetime. Still, Vaegakosh are explosive breeders and the Cuwar J Zakis Orvasut (Ministry of People/Population Planning) monitors population growth carefully in order to avoid overpopulation - and in the hopes of being able to invoke it deliberately should the Zorrozakiris ever enter a state of total war; given that they are physically developed within only four years, the Cuwar J Zakis Orvasut reasons that in times of desperation, the Vaegakosh young could make suitable expendable infantry. With their shorter lifespans than most other beings in the galaxy, the promise of life extension and potentially biological immortality is a great gift. Coupled with their impressionable mental state for years past physical maturity when they are technically allowed to sign on with the temple, the Vaegakosh are typically devout followers of the Adakoras and due to this and their quick population growth, they are the only species other than the Cholokah'zu to be heavily represented in the Temple military.[/hider] [hider=Kacin] The Kacin are an avian species that come from the planet of Aadakania. They were first encountered when an Order of the Book science ship crash landed on Aadakania while on a survey mission due to mechanical complications. The Kacin, fearful of the strange insectoid beings from the sky, proved hostile and attempted to kill the science team. While one was wounded the science team were able to seal themselves within their ship where they were trapped for 33 hours as the Kacin attempted to destroy and later bury the ship. The Order of War starship that responded to the distress call was able to easily subdue this, and diplomatic contact was later established, although relations were already tainted and it took many years for trust to be built. The Kacin give live birth and are are the slowest of the species in the Zorrozakiris to reproduce, not counting the Hrahakan. Their young also take 16 years to mature, a significantly longer time than their Vaegakosh and Cholokah'zu associates. The Kacin are the least zealous and devoted to the Adakoras of all the species in the Zorrozakiris, and their decision to join the Zorrozakiris was more pragmatic than faith based. While undoubtedly the Adakoras has made inroads into the lives of the Kacin and won converts, it is noticeable that temple donations, military service and vows are lower from the Kacin than from the other species. It is noticeable enough that the perception of Kacin as greedy and cynical has made its way into the public conciousness as a stereotype (which is perhaps in itself partly responsible for the affect); in the long running comedy series Orhnakis ('Guards') that follows a city watch department, the recurring Kacin character of Aiyan is a selfish straw atheist who goes so far as to sell the alleged fingerbones of a dead saint in order to buy himself a new holovision. Their more cynical nature as well as their lower reproductive rate means that their rate of adoption into clans other than originally Kacin clans such as Great Clan Lymier is low. They are not discontent with their position in the Zorrozakiris, however; most Kacin now share the faith of the Adakoras even if they are not particularly orthodox, and from a more pragmatic perspective the Temple Military has proven able defenders and the technological progress that they gain as part of their union with the Zorrozakiris has allowed Kacin trade and business to flourish amongst the stars. [/hider] Description of government: De facto theocratic oligarchy. Zakir Ada (Council Spiritual) and the Zakir Hurota (Council Temporal) are the two main political bodies of the Zorrozakiris. The Zakir Hurota is mostly an administrative and legislative body and although nominally equal to the Zakir Ada, it is de facto subordinate and has some policies outright dictated to it. The Zakir Hurota is a divided body composed of tribes and clans which control their own parts of each world. These clans are always manoeuvring against each other though outright wars are rare, a lot of this manoeuvring is political, preventing the other clans from acquiring power while working to acquire power for themselves. While the decentralised clan system has provided effective administration for the quickly growing nation and its ever increasing population, it's too weak and divided to serve as a central government with conflicting interests and policies; Enter one area and the ruling clan may throw you a feast to welcome you and shower you in gems, enter another part and a different clan may demand you pay tribute for the rights to use their space. This has allowed the Zakir Ada to assume the role of government and effectively turn the nation into an theocracy or ecclesiocracy, keeping the Clans in check and forming the central government, setting standards and consistent law codes across Zorrozakiris space. Clans set individual taxes and laws for their territories, although Clan law is always superseded by the standing Temple Law. The Zakir Ada is governed by the Adabhutay. Although there is no formal distinction in rank between the Adabhutay, they show deference to the four Adabhutay of Cevik; Hayun-Ornis, Jubin-Arnos, Nhuzak-Tyun and Kulan-Mylin. Each citizen and resident of Zorrozakiris must pay a tithe to the Temple, excluding special exemptions. Each clan has a seat on the Zakir Hurota's Council, though there are five 'Great Clans' who hold a disproportionate level of influence and power. [hider=Great Clans] Although there are innumerable clans and houses in this space age, the Great Clans are the truly influential ones. Most clans tend to rally around alliances with each other and at the head of these alliances are the Great Clans. None of the Great Clans save for Yeherradad discriminate on species or racial grounds, although some minor clans only accept specific species. Lymier: Occasionally known to the galactic community at large as the Banking Clan, Lymier is the clan outsiders will likely have the most knowledge off. Lymier has grown fat off of trade and commerce, controlling important hyperspace routes through Zorrozakiris space and conducting mining operations and trading throughout the galaxy. With this wealth, it established itself as a major international bank where possible. They are originally Kacin in origin and, unsurprisingly, tend to be more cynical than the other clans and, although still religious, sometimes openly disregard the temples wishes in favour of profit. Lymier often acts as a major cultural, economic and technological conduit both in and out of the Zorrozakiris. Its species composition is a shockingly high 80% Kacin, 11% Vaegakosh, 6% Cholokah'zu and an above average 3% 'other' species; these others are often individuals from foreign species who became employed in Lymier business ventures, ended up working within Zorrozakiris space and eventually grew close enough to a major figure to petition for adoption. Lrumah: One of the two major militaristic clans of the Zorrozakiris, Lrumah maintains a well equipped and well trained army and navy. The Lrumah has a quota for military recruits each year and on the rare occasion this is not met, they will conscript young able bodied Cholokah'zu and Vaegakosh into service. Although the Temple officially frowns upon mercenary work, Lrumah openly leases army and naval forces to other nations on mercenary contracts. This flaunting of the Temples wishes is a strange anomaly in the Lrumah's extreme devotion to the Temple. The clans composition is 52.8% Cholokah'zu, 42.2% Vaegakosh, 4.7% Kacin and a mere 0.3% 'other' species. Deele: The second of the major militaristic clans of the Zorrozakiris, Deele emphasises defence to a greater degree than Lrumah. Deele builds multiple surface-to-space weapons around its forts and palaces and launches many defensive orbital platforms- and yet Deele is often entangled in arguments over authority and jurisdiction with frustrated planetary defence force officers, who are supposed to be consulted before changes to the defence grid are made. The clans composition is 49% Cholokah'zu, 38% Vaegakosh, 12% Kacin and 1% 'other'. Grunda: The least of the great clans, the originally Vaegakosh clan of Grunda is a recent addition to the Great Clans having supplanted Clan Veton 31 years ago. Grunda controls some of the most fertile farmlands and rural worlds in Zorrozakiris space and as such is a very important and influential clan. Although it is sometimes not afforded the respect it deserves from older great clans such as Lrumah, even they now begrudgingly admit its importance. It is not a militarily powerful clan itself, but Grunda maintains close ties to the Temple and as such its major planets have an Order of War Battleship permanently stationed above the. The clans composition is a 64% Vaegakosh, 21% Cholokah'zu, 14.2% Kacin and 0.8% 'other'. Yeherradad: Yeherradad is unique among the Great Clans in being the only one descended from the Raver clans, specifically claiming lineage from the great Zozumiralpachar Yeherradad. They were among the first clans to fuse the traditional ancestor worship with the doctrines of the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris and popularised the trend. Although the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris continues to try and convert the Raver fully to their doctrine, the current stability on the continent is well appreciated by all parties. Yeherradad is thus the Great Clan least affiliated with the temple and the Adabhutay in these territories find themselves constantly busy attempting to spread their philosophies with little more than lip service from Yeherradad clansmen. Yeherradad also only accept Cholokah'zu with some Raver ancestry, despite pressure from the temple and the other clans to become less insular. [/hider] Description of military: [h3][b]Space Forces[/b][/h3] [hider=Order of War, Space Forces] "Glory and honour guide our ascension." [hider=FTL Capable] [b]Akulxixas (Carrier):[/b] At just over 1008 meters long and 983 meters wide from its furthest points, the Akulxixas carrier is vastly larger than the other space craft of the Zorrozakiris. Carrying 75 Tucahay'ko and a thousand fighter/bombers internally spread over eight hangars as well as 48 Orhnak Zak and 18 Inbukhtuay attached to its exterior, the Akulxixas is the true capital ship of the Zorrozakiris. The Akulxixas has 64 point defence lasers and 30 twin-linked laser cannons, 32 heavy missile pods as well as 16 ion cannons, 16 heavy laser cannon batteries, 6 plasma torpedo launchers, six heavy ion cannons as well as a pair of plasma lances. In addition to their standard complement of star craft, the Akulxixas is often used to transport large numbers of soldiers and ground vehicles for invasion purposes as well as vast amounts of cargo to maintain supply lines. [b]Kull (Battleship):[/b] Coming in at 904 meters long and 720 meters wide, the most noteworthy design feature is an expansive (and expensive) series of internal cross bracings and redundant systems built in honeycombs sectioned off from each other by bulkheads. This makes the ship surprisingly durable to damage and hull breaches, with some Kull having continued to fight despite losing 80% of their armour and suffering breaches to all decks. With 56 point defence lasers, 32 heavy missile pods, 24 twin-linked Laser Cannons/ion cannons (varies as to how many are laser cannons and how many are ion cannons), two 'heavy' railguns, four 'light' railguns, twelve heavy laser/ion cannon batteries (again, varies.) four plasma torpedo launchers, a tractor beam and a plasma lance, the devastation this ship can wreak with a single salvo is as considerable as the punishment it can take. The plasma lance is a recent development and has a long cooldown time compared to their other weaponry, firing a continuous beam of energy for eight seconds that is extremely effective when used against unshielded craft, especially if said craft is also held in place by the tractor beam. It is significantly less effective against shields and so is typically used as the final knock out punch against an enemy ship once their shields have been dropped. This has led to some commanders adjusting the configuration of their ships ion and laser cannons and refitting them; while the Order of War usually keeps to the standard one to one configuration for versatility, the PDF and Clans typically prefer to have more ion cannons to lower the shields of enemy capital ships as fast as possible. For this reason, PDF, Clan and Order of War admirals alike often insist that one or two of their Adadun battlecruiser captains switch out some of their laser cannons for additional ion cannons. Such altered Adadun battlecruisers are usually referred to as the Adadun-Inbukthu to distinguish them. The Kull Battleship has two large hangers for a total compliment of 100 fighter/bombers, 20 dropships with 24 Orhnak Zak and 8 Inbukhtuay ships carried externally [b]Adadun (Battlecruiser):[/b] At 713 meters long, 410 meters wide and 247 meters in depth the Adadun cruiser is a major step up from it's smaller brethren and sometimes acts as a flagship for small fleets or strike groups. The Adaduns armaments are 42 point defence lasers, 20 heavy missile pods, 16 twin-linked Laser Cannons, 6 ion cannons, 1 heavy railgun, 2 light railguns, 8 heavy laser cannon batteries, four plasma torpedo launchers, 2 heavy ion cannons and a tractor beam. A variant of the Adadun known as the Adadun-Inbukthu class is also used to support Kull battleships and each Kull battleship will be accompanied by an Adadun-Inbukthu. This ship has only 8 twin-linked Laser Cannons and 2 heavy laser cannon batteries as opposed to the usual 16 and 8 respectively, but has 14 ion cannons and 6 heavy ion cannon batteries. Both variants have two hangers capable of carrying 2 dozen fighter/bombers each and both variants carry 12 Orhnk Zak and 4 Inbukhtuay externally. [b]Tucahay (Raider Carrier)[/b] A 376 meter long and 332 meters wide ship with a depth of 310 meters, the Tucahay fufills a special role. Although it carries a small complement of space ships for a carrier, the extra space is taken up by two parralel FTL drives. One of these drives is a hyperdrive and the other is a slipspace drive, allowing the ship to perform a hit and run technique. It is designed to make precision hyperspace jump into an enemy system and deploy it's fighter bombers close to a strategic target; The craft then deliver their payload and return to the ship, after which it makes its slipspace jump out of the system to safety before the enemy can mount an organised response, working its way to another nearby hyperspace lane and then using that lane to return to its fleet. Such typically raids have a hard time limit set by the commander and if a craft has not returned to the carrier by that time it will be left behind. Although the damage of such a raid is light and insignificant in the grand scheme of things, it can misdirect enemies and delay repairs or construction of ships by raiding shipyards, disrupt trade and damage strategic targets as well as act as a form of psychological warfare. It is equipped with a considerable 40 point defence lasers, ten laser cannon batteries and six ion cannons but no main guns. It carries 34 Fighter/Bombers and Four Dropships split between two hangers. On its exterior, the Tucahay carriers two Inbukhtuay Corvettes and six Orhnak Zak patrol vessels. The Tucahay also possesses an ablative stealth coating and a stealth field generator (although it is unable to carry exterior craft that do not possess these features while making effective use of either of them, though occassionally Orhnak Zak patrol vessels will replace some dropships within the Tucahay) making it capable of long range and quiet expeditionary operations or special forces work. Due to its specialised role and the high cost of two independent hyper drives, it is very rare for the Tucahay to play a role in a proper space battle. [b]Fargothay (Destroyer):[/b] The Fargothay is roughly the size of Imalah frigate and follows a similar design, although it trades most of the frigates point defence weapons for additional weapons and carries a pair of heavy railguns, 16 heavy guided Missile pods, four ion cannons, eight heavy laser cannons and two plasma torpedo launchers. It is surprisingly manoeuvrable and nimble, more so than the frigate. For defence against starfighters, the Fargothay carries a mere six point defence lasers and thus is reliant on other vessels for point defence and thankfully carries four Orhnak Zak patrol vessels for this purpose. [b]Imalah (Frigate)[/b] The 473 meter long, 320 meters wide and 190 meters in depth the Imalah is a significant step up from the Corvette. Designed as a mainline warship, capable of engaging in a protracted fight and typically used to support a destroyer, the Imalah frigate is the first ship to carry a proper punch. Attached to its 'underside', the Imahlah carries six Orhnak Zak patrol vessels and two Inbukhtuay Corvettes for FTL travel. The Imahalah is equipped with 20 point defence lasers, 14 heavy guided missile pods, 10 laser cannons, 4 heavy laser cannons and 2 ion cannons and a railgun. [b]Inbukhtuay (Corvette)[/b]: At a little under 100 meters long and 51 meters across, the Inbukhtuay is an extremely humble warcraft designed to be deployed in large numbers for support purposes. Sporting ten point defence lasers, six laser cannons, two guided missile pods and with its main gun being simply heavy laser cannon, the Corvette is best suited for defence action, dealing with enemy fighters/ballistic missiles and providing support for larger vessels during engagements. It's hyperdrive is a short range model only capable of travelling up to a fifty light years at a time. While this is perfectly adequate for defensive work, this leaves the Corvette with a very small force projection range. To solve this problem while keeping the ship small and cheap, it possesses the ability of the Orhnak Zak to attach to the exterior of a ship and many of these are carried by larger capital ships for deployment across large distances [/hider] [hider=Non-Ftl Capable] [b]Orhnak Zak(Patrol Vessel)[/b]: The 34 meter by 18 meter Orhnak Zak is in many ways a dropship with its troop bay removed replaced with more weaponry. In addition to the laser cannons, it has a point defence laser on it's other four faces with its gravity lift being modified so that it can double as a tractor beam. It is thus suited for dealing with enemy fighters and ballistic missiles and patrolling solar systems. Both the Orhnak Zak and it's brother the Tucahay'ko dropshipp possess the ability to attach themselves to spacecraft using electromagnets. While the Tucahay'ko most often uses this to board enemy ships, the Orhnak Zak instead tends to be attached to larger FTL capable ships via dedicated attachment ports. This was used as a cost effective way to increase the amount of ships that can be brought to a battle- as well as acting as acting as additional turrets and weapon hardpoints whiles attached. [b]Lagailok Daril (Bomber)[/b]: The Lagailok Daril is a 32 meter wide and 21 meter long 'bomber' designed to deliver strikes. Aside from being used for strategic strikes on ground targets, it is capable of causing considerable damage to other ships if equipped with plasma torpedoes. [b]Tucahay'ko (Dropship):[/b] The 34 meter by 18 meter dropship is a triangular design equipped with a single gravity lift for dropping and retrieving troops. It has three laser cannons in a triangle around the gravity lift, used to lay down suppressing fire while it deploys its troops. Some Tucahay'ko possess stealth coating and stealth field generators as well as cloaking devices and these are often used in Tucahay raider carriers for special operations purposes [b]Quarra (Space Fighter):[/b] At 11 meters long, 16 meters wide and 7 meters tall, the Quarra is an agile fast attack craft designed to endure dogfighting with its two laser cannons and two missile pods. [/hider] [/hider] [h3][b]Ground Forces[/b][/h3] [hider=Temporal Forces] The City Watch: The City Watch is the secular police force of the Zorrozakiris that maintain order in the Zorrozakiris. They are typically armed with electroshock batons and stunguns but may be issued ballistic weapons or laser pistols in times of conflict or civil strife. Senior City Watch Officers are equipped with Energy Gauntlets. The Watch is funded by the Zakir Hurota to uphold Clan law throughout the lands, and also uphold Temple law. Unlike the Order of the Watch, unbelievers are accepted into the city watch. Planetary Defence Force: The closest the Zakir Hurota has to a proper military force, the Planetary Defence Force are ready to launch into action should the planet be threatened. While not of first rate, particularly when compared to the Order of War or to the retainers of more martial clans, the PDF have standardised training and equipment that make them a staunch enemy. They typically have a strong armoured division and run the planetary defence grids, orbital fortifications and surface-to-space weaponry and thus on larger and more developed worlds the PDF can inflict significant casualties on invaders. Born from the need of the Zakir Hurota for an impartial military arm, the PDF were one of the few things the Zakir Hurota has ever managed to agree unanimously on. In the decades since, the PDF has been transformed from the defensive garrison of the planetary defence weapons and orbital platform into a full blown military force, operating some warships and participating in boarding actions of enemy or suspect vessels. Clan Armies and Guards; Each Clan maintains its own fighting force that varies in quality and commitment; Some of the Great Clan armies like that of Lrumah are as well equipped and trained as the Order of War while others, such as those of the Gkiz clan, only have a ceremonial household guard. Likewise, recruitment policies vary with more religiously devout clams only accepting believers and the quality of recruits varying wildly. While the PDF is the official force of the Zakir Hurota and the Order of War is the most illustrious of the Zorrozakiris armed forces, clan retainers are still a common sight on the battlefield. Clan guardsmen may or may not be sworn to uphold Temple Law. [/hider] [hider=Temple Orders] [hider=Order of the Watch] [img][/img] [i]"Comfort is given, justice is taken."[/i] The Order of the Watch is the police force of the Temple; they supplant the City Watch and local clan guards on Temple Property and protect holy relics and are sworn to uphold Temple Law and Spiritual Law (when on temple property, outside of temple property Spiritual Law is not legally binding.) Although the watch is not officially sworn to uphold local clan laws, some may enforce them so long as they see no conflict. Its members are expected and encouraged to be highly devout and pious but unlike the soldiers of the Order of War, the Watch have had no further mental conditioning or indoctrination. They take special care to maintain a positive public opinion and members of the Order of the Watch often donate an amount of their wage to charity (although this is not as selfless as it might first appear, as the temple provides 'free' sustenance and board to Watchmen who donate more than 20% of their wage, as well as reducing their tithe to 5%. In big cities, this often works out cheaper than renting and buying food themselves for many younger and lower paid members of the order.) The Order of the Watch uses a wider range of equipment than the city watch and wear the ornate armour of the Order of the Watch. While junior members of the watch are still equipped with electroshock batons and stunguns like their secular counterparts, senior watchmen are equipped with Shock Lances that combine the abilities of an electroshock baton and a stungun into a single weapon that appear similar to an energy staff. All members of the Order of the Watch are equipped with Energy Gauntlets. [hider=Order of the Watch Armour][img][/img] [/hider] [/hider] Order of War [img],100):origin()/pre10/b9d4/th/pre/f/2014/127/d/3/tri_star_rune_by_vladium-d7hk2x0.png[/img] [i]"Their hands."[/i] The Order of War is by far the largest of the branches of the Temples Military, encompassing both the army and the navy. It's soldiers are extremely zealous, with many willing to fight for the death even if the orders seem senseless. Many members of the Order of War are bonded with Hrahakan, allowing them to recover from grievous injuries and remain combat ready long after they should have passed on. Highly trained, well equipped and undyingly loyal, the Order of War is the true military force of the Zorrozakiris and a terrible foe on the battlefield. [hider=Order of War, Army] [img][/img] [i]"Their hands."[/i] The Cholokah'zu and the Vaegakosh are the most numerous species within the Order of Wars army, and the former make up the majority of senior positions. The typical small unit structure of the Order of War in battle depends on the species composition of units as well. [hider=Battle Twins] Two Soldiers. A temporary or informal unit with two soldiers working together to advance through bounding overwatch. That said, it has also been applied to a unit with one shield bearer providing mobile cover for a soldier with a squad automatic weapon. Snipers are the only type of unit to have this as a permanent, official unit size.[/hider] [hider=File] [hider=Cholokah'zu File] Four Cholokah'zuis. One Soldier with a Shield and a Staff Weapon, One Soldier with a Staff Weapon and grenades, One Soldier with a Light Machine Gun, One Soldier with a Staff Weapon and a Missile Launcher)[/hider] [hider=Mixed File] One Cholokah'zu (typically a Lesser or Journeyman squad leader) with Shield and Staff Weapon, two Vaegakosh with shortened staff weapons and grenades (usually novices or lessers), either one additional Cholokah'zu or one Kacin armed with light machine gun or staff weapon and missile launcher (again, novice or lesser) [/hider] [hider=Vaegakosh File] One Vaegakosh File leader (Lesser or journeyman) with shortened staff weapon and Vaegakosh Buckler shield (Lesser or Journeyman), three Vaegakosh with shortened staff weapons and grenades. (Novice or Lesser)[/hider] [hider=Kacin File] One Kacin file leader with a Light Machine Gun (Lesser or Journeyman Squad Leader) Three Kacin with staff weapons and shield (Novice or Lesser) [/hider] [/hider] Lance: two files + any attached support units such as Snipers Battletwins or armoured support. Common lance compositions are listed below [hider=Vaegakosh Lance] Two Vaegakosh Files A pure Vaegakosh Lance has some advantages over a more mixed lance. The high reproductive rate and the zeal of the Vaegakosh means that the Order of War can tolerate higher Vaegakosh losses than Kacin or Cholokah'zu. Further, their short stature and strength makes them ill suited to the fast attack methods favoured by the classical lance, but their small size also allows them to utilise more objects as effective cover than their larger brethren. This makes them well suited for tying down enemy forces and trading fire, making them the ideal choice for engagements from the front, as well as allowing them to more easily lie in wait or slip by opponents who are primarily reliant on the naked eye. That said, while the Vaegakosh are extremely effective at taking cover from ranged attacks and trading fire, they are drastically less effective in melee combat and although agile and capable of climbing/leaping over terrain, their stature makes them slower than Cholokah'zu or Kacin lances. Further, the Vaegakosh are too small to carry fully sized staff weapons and shields and as such have to rely on the less powerful shortened staffs and bucklers; while these bucklers are capable of covering an individual Vaegakosh, they are not capable of being adjusted and used as deployable cover like their larger brothers. [/hider] [hider=Frontline Lance] One Vaegakosh File, one Mixed File The Frontline Lance is joint first for the most common type of Lance. Combining the strengths of the Vaegakosh Lance with the greater tactical versatility of a mixed file allows for more even combat; the ability of the taller members of a Frontline lance to use more powerful ranged weapons or proper point defence shields also increases the versatility of the unit. The presence of a Cholokah'zu, typically a journeyman Lance leader with more powerful shielding, helps to someone negate the melee vulnerability of the pure Vaegakosh lance. Thus the Mixed File is usually the Senior file in such an arrangement, although Senior Vaegakosh files are not unheard of. [/hider] [hider=Standard Lance] One Cholokah'zu file, one Vaegakosh file OR one Kacin file. Tied with the Frontline lance for the most common Lance Type, the Standard lance does trade some defensive power for offensive power. The greater speed of a Cholokah'zu file allows for flanking and advancing while the Vaegakosh tie down an enemy, or allow the Cholokah'zu to pin an enemy from range while the small Vaegakosh slip closer and closer through cover to take an enemy by surprise with grenades or close range plasma fire. When a Kacin file is used in place of a Vaegakosh file, the Kacin will usually attempt to pin down the enemy and draw their fire using their shields while the Cholokah'zu make a flanking manoeuvre or close to the enemy. [/hider] [hider=Classical Lance] Two Cholokah'zu files. This lance type is fairly common. Being composed solely of Cholokah'zu, they are highly manoeuvrable and flexible lances that can serve a variety of roles on the field. This speed and mobility often sees them used as shock troops as well as reserves, but frontline deployment is also common. Additionally, the first Vinetar of a Cenetar is typically a classical lance composed almost entirely of Greater Cholokah'zu, making terrifying shock troopers and elite infantry.[/hider] [hider=Kacin Lance] Two Kacin Files. This lance is the rarest of the 'general' Lances due to the relatively small number of Kacin in military service.[/hider] Vintenar: Two Lances + any attached support units Cenetar: Five Vintenars Cenetars are then further organised into Companies, Chapters, Legions and so forth. [hider= Order of War, Military ranks] [hider=High Command] Grand Master (Teuz Xixes. Lit: Greatest Master): The Grand Master is the supreme authority for the Order of War, save for the Adabhtuay. One of the most trusted instruments of their will, the Grand Master is very old and wise. Both previous Grand Masters left the position because they ascended to the status of Adabhutay. The current Grand Master is the Cholokah'zu Arbados, bonded with Elder Hrahakan Tyris. [/hider] [hider= Navy] Fleet Master (Mothril Xixes): The Fleet Master is the figure in charge of a full fleet. When a Legion is formed, the Fleet Master will usually be the same figure who commands a legion. Greater Group Master (Tep Zukilxixes): The Group Master commands a squadron of ships. The Greater Group Master is often in command of a Battlecruiser or even a Battleship. Greater Ship master (Tep Mothxixes) :The Greater Ship Master commands larger vessels such as a Battlecruiser or Raider Carrier. Lesser Group Master (Kop Zukilxixes): The Lesser Group Master commands a squadron of Frigates or Destroyers, typically manning such a vessel himself. Ship Master (Mothxixes): A Ship Master commands an entire star ship. The name is somewhat misleading, as a ship master of an Imalah also has authority of the Inbukhtuay Corvettes that have came along with his ship. Lesser Ship master (Kop Mothxixes) :A Lesser Shipmaster commands a smaller vessel such as an Inbukhtuay Corvette. First Prime (Lagandin Mithran) : A naval First Prime is the second in command of a ship and its most senior junior officer. They will take over should the Ship Master be killed or incapacitated. In the case of said ship master also being a group master, another shipmaster in the group will typically assume the role of group master while the First Prime merely commands the ship. Second Prime (Pridin Mithran): The Second Prime is the third in line to assume command of a ship and is a senior bride officer. Lesser Officer: Lesser officers include Bridge Personnel, engineering officers, chief medical officers and other important ship officers. Crewman: The rank and file of a ship, including technicians, gunners, doctors, nurses etc [/hider] [hider=Army] Chapter Master (Gendrakon Xixes): A Chapter Master, as the name suggests, is in command of an Order of War Chapter. In times of war, Chapters are organised into armies that can be roughly translated as 'Legions'. The most experienced Chapter Master in a grouping may be assigned command of the Legion, or the Grand Master may appoint a commander or, on rare occasion, an Adabhutay will take personal charge of a legion. First Prime (Lagandin Mithran): The First Prime is the Second in Command of a chapter, usually a Senior Zealot leading the Chapters first Cenetar. Zealot (Dagoril): The Zealot is the commander of a Cenetar. They have command and control training and experience and are fierce fighters in their own right. The Zealot may take personal command of the Cenetars senior Vintenar, leading his hand picked Greaters into battle, or may hold back from battle and deploy his Greaters as shock troopers into the fray. The Zealot and his superiors have the best level of personal shielding available to the Order of War. Prime (Mithran): The Prime is the Zealots second in command. He will command the Senior Vintenar should the Zealot choose not to enter personal combat, or the Senior Vintenars second lance should he do so. Effectively, he is the Greater Banneret. He has equivalent shielding to the rest of the Greaters. Greater Warrior (Tepkull) : Veteran Warriors, the Greaters rarely have a command of their own. Rather, they compose the bulk of a Cenetar's senior Vintenar. Each Greater has personal shielding equivalent to a Banneret, making them dangerous shock troopers. Greaters of more accomplished and illustrious Cenetars may be closer to elites than veterans, with some utilising additional equipment such as cloaking devices. Banneret (Valian Tucah. Lit: Standard Bearer) A Banneret can be considered roughly the equivalent of a sergeant, leading a Vintenar of two Lances and typically commanding the senior Lance of said Vintenar. Their shielding is superior to Journeymen and helps ensure their longevity in battle. Journeyman (Udunzu. Lit: Dayone): Journeymen are the experienced backbone of the Order of War. Roughly equivalent to the rank of Lance Corporal or Corporal. A Vintenar's senior lance may be composed primarily of Journeymen, while it's junior lance will be led by a Journeyman. Journeymen have superior personal shields to Lessers. The name derives from the days of the Aldgugan empire: Professional regular soldiers were referred to as Day Ones, meaning that they were paid for each day of service. The meaning is thus more accurately translated to the English term Journeyman, although it is a vestigial title. Lesser Warrior (Kopkull) : Lessers are one of the most common ranks within the Order of War. A novice will be promoted to Lesser after he has seen combat, been injured or made a confirmed kill on a hostile. They could be considered the equivilant of a Private First Class. In terms of equipment, there is no difference between Lessers and Novices. Novice (Nhukull. Lit: Learned Warrior): Novices have completed their training but either have no combat experience or have minor combat experience. Initiate (Nhuzekull. Lit: Unedecuated Warrior): A fresh recruit in training. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Order of War, Army Equipment] The Military Technology of the Zorrozakiris is primarily energy based in origin. One of their primary weapons is the energy Staff; The energy stave is, as the name would suggest, shaped like a traditional staff with an ornate headpiece. Its shaft is actually a disguised capacitor and the crest a finely tuned focusing device. This allows the wielder to unleash searing, powerful bolts of plasma graded for anti-infantry work towards the enemy, perfect for blasting through heavily armoured enemy infantry or even lightly armoured vehicles. The 'spike' like focusing components at the head of the staff are resilient enough to double as a melee weapon at closer range, and can be super heated specifically for melee combat. For Vaegakosh, a shorter variant of the staff weapon exists; although its effective range is the same, it has slightly reduced power. [img][/img] In case a target calls for a more explosive solution, one Order of War soldier per group will also carry a plasma missile launcher. Another will carry the teams dedicated squad automatic weapon which spit out relatively weak energy blasts at an alarming rate, providing an excellent suppression weapon. The weapon is powered by battery pack the soldier carries on his back, making him less agile than his comrades and making him very vulnerable to attacks from the rear, as damage to the battery pack may render the weapon completely useless- or detonate the user himself. In addition to their standard personal energy shields, some soldiers opt to carry an additional energy shield in the form of- a shield. This shield is much stronger than that protected by their breast plate, however it naturally only covers one angle of attack. The shield projects an field around the shield that is visible to the naked eye as a faint bluish glow. The shield can be planted into the ground and the dimensions of this shield can be expanded to turn it into deplorable cover for the soldiers. These are generally used to deflect incoming enemy fire using the generators built into the device, preventing the force of the kinetic energy from impacting the soldier. If there are any nearby enemy units, the bearer may try to position the shield so as to deflect this firepower towards them instead. [img][/img] Their armour is made from two layers. The first is a flexible undersuit made out of flexible cloth padded graphene while the second layer is a hardened carbon nanotube plating. The generator for the soldiers personal shield is housed in the centerpiece of the chest plate and this is where the shield is strongest. The shield can be altered by the unit to response to circumstances - for example, to disable the shielding at the feet. Shielding would prevent the Cholokah'zu warrior from climbing vertical surfaces during battle, a tactic the Order of War takes great pride in considering their emphasis on movement and agility, allowing to take foes by surprise, organise elaborate ambushes and reach vantage points. Armour also varies based on squad position; the squad machine gunner has a sort of semipower armour exoskeleton to allow him to manoeuvre efficiently while carrying the heavy weapon and its power pack. Specialist squads may also have jump packs or stealth fields. All soldiers carry a vibration combat knife that uses ultrasonic vibrations to carve through flesh, bone and some forms of light armour alike. They also carry a laser pistol as their siderm; this small energy weapon lacks the power to reliably penetrate modern military armour but is serviceable as a light backup weapon. The leader of each Lance will have an integrated command and control system as well as providing direct audio-visual feeds to the COs. Sniper weapons are also energy based, using a highly focused beam of energy to cause a small explosion at the point of impact. These snipers are sometimes deployed to support an ambushing pod. There are naturally specialist weapons for special duties but the aforementioned equipment is by far a more common sight. [/hider] [hider=Order of War, Army Vehicles] [img][/img] Not strictly a vehicle, this this drone is fast and agile but lacking in both armour and firepower, the combat drone and thus useful for scouting and distracting the enemy as well as for providing support to heavy vehicles. Technical repair drones also exist and are often deployed to support heavy vehicles. [img][/img] The lightest and fastest of their vehicle is a fast attack/scout single man speeder. They use a repulsion plate to skim a planet's gravitational field, simulating the effect of flight, and enabling them to perform low-altitude manoeuvres, it skims over otherwise impassable terrain as if it were nothing and is capable of limited flight. It bears a dual pair of autocannons, suitable for anti-infantry use but all but useless against armoured tanks. Suited for harrassment and raiding, it is aptly named the Pulut, after a farmyard pest known for killing poultry and stealing food. [img][/img] In addition to a pair of under slung laser weapons suited to anti-infantry work, this alien craft possesses what is effectively a scaled up version of the energy staff, possessing much more power. It is for a good reason that this tank got the name Daril Ukhulay, which translates into "Demon Killer". The Daril Ukhulay is designed for taking out large targets, enemy positions or clumps of tightly packed enemy soldiers. Like all Order of War vehicles, it is constructed with reasonably thin and light Armour, resistant to small arms fire but like paper-mache to a railgun or staff weapon. Equipped with a repulsion plate, these overgrown cannons are surprisingly swift moving and provide a meaty punch in an Order of War strike. [img][/img] A very strange alien device that is an odd amalgamation of organic parts and metal. It does not have a pilot in the traditional sense; organic nerves were threaded through this vehicle by a Hrahakan. The vehicle is piloted by one of these symbiotes which 'plugs' itself into the nervous system and operates the vehicle from deep within as if it were a host body. It's fast moving turret fires a continuous laser beam that is well suited to bringing down enemy aircraft or missiles but can also be put to work on other enemies provided they do not get within its minimum range. The Ruhkt possesses no other weapons. [img][/img] The Ukhulay walker is, like the Ruhkt, often piloted by a Hrahakan (although remotely controlled variants and autonomous variants do exist and are occasionally deployed). With thick armour, a powerful focus beam and shielding, the Ukhulay makes an excellent assault vehicle when properly supported [img][/img] The Myzhax walker is a 6' mechanical soldier designed to operate in dangerous conditions and fulfil a brute force role. The Myzhax is the optional (prerequested) fate of a soldier whose body has been so badly wounded that not even the healing powers of the Hrahakan can save his life. The pilots brain along with his bonded Hrahakan symbiote is removed and placed inside the Myzhax walker, acting as a walking combat life support machine. The Myzhax walker is equipped with a variable plasma weapon that can fire a flurry of weaker low powered rounds for anti-infantry work or fire high energy blasts to engage enemy light vehicles. Bipedal and quadripedal varients exist, chosen depending on the species of the injured soldier and designed to closely mimic the original body of the host in order to make transition smoother. While the fate might seem ghastly, it is not an uncommon request submitted by the zealots of the Order of War. Although forever cut off from sensations such as touch, the fate is made somewhat bearable by the constant companionship of their holy bond, and the knowledge that salvation and ascension await if the Adakoras are successful. [img][/img] The Zakir Zo is a heavy, slow moving artillery piece capable of raining down death from long distances and firing at any space ships which have entered the atmosphere. Aside from its two anti-infantry weapons, any opponent too close for the Zakir Zo to bring it's main weapon to bear will find little resistance. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Order of War, the Inquisition] [img][/img] "Better broken in body than corrupt in mind" Those who watch the watchers, the Order of the Inquisition is effectively the military police of the Order of War, ensuring that soldiers do not neglect their duties or breach conduct. Despite its name, the Inquisition is one of the organisations that has the least religious duties and undertones, dealing in the letter of the law rather than matters of faith. [/hider] [hider=Order of the Solemn Guard (Lagailok Orhnak)] "Her reflected glory." Elite Veterans of many battles, the Lagailok Orhnak have been reborn through the seven trials on the death world of Jiguzhakir, named after an ancestral god of the underworld. Bound with an elder Hrahakan and armed with the finest equipment available to them, the Solemn Guard often carry out special operations or espionage work, slipping past enemy lines to assassinate commanders and disrupt enemy operations and then disappearing without a trace. The Solemn Guards cloaking armour is the closest the Zorrozakiris have get to 'invisibility' for moving organic beings, adapting to the scenery around them to provide the illusion of invisibility. This isn't perfect by any stretch of the imagination; while extremely difficult to discern while the object is stationary, moving does harm the illusion and as such the Lagailok Orhnak still prefer to operate under cover of darkness. They are formally in service to Hayun-Ornis. [/hider] [hider=Order of Holy Restoration] "His Hands of Healing" The Order of Holy Restoration is not an exclusively military organisation - in fact, it is mostly a civilian organisation. Still, the members of the Order of the Holy Restoration make up the doctors and medical staff of Order of War fleets and battle groups and so for the convenience of this list it has been categorised as such. It's members also make up many of the Temple Healers and Doctors of Zorrozakiris society and they are sworn to help any who come to them for aid free of charge. Their patron is Jubin-Arnos. [/hider] [hider=Order of the Learned Warrior (Nhu Kull)] "His Guard against terror." Handpicked to be the bodyguards of Kulan-Mylin from the Order of War and the Order of the Watch, the Order of the Learned Warrior are excellent at surveillance, security work and detective work. Kulan-Mylin being a powerful Psionic himeslf, it is perhaps only natural that the Nhu Kull have an unusually high amount of Psionic members and this is put to great effect in their work. [/hider] [hider=Order of the Book] "Wisdom and Knowledge are the birth of the sun." The Order of the Book is primarily a civilian organisation but, as the engineers and technicians of the Order of War come from the Order of the Book, it has been listed here for convenience. The Order of the Book is effectively the academic and intellectual centre of the Zorrozakiris, sending the knowledge back and forth between the academic institutions of its planets, let alone its continents. It's main institution is on the continent of Mistay and its patron is Nhuzak-Tyun. [/hider] There are a number of smaller special orders and chapters as well, but these are not important enough militarily to be described in detail here [/hider] Technological Overview: The Zorrozakiris are relatively technologically advanced, but their progress can be rather uneven as a result of being reverse engineered precursor technology, memories passed down from ancient Hrahakan and new innovation. Their understanding of biology and medicine is very good (as one would expect from a society which is in no small part run by symbiotes whose entire purpose is to keep their host alive) and they are able to perform feats that some might initially think impossible. Their AI technology is notably lacking and can be considered a weakness. This is in part due to the some of the abilities of the Hrahakan symbiotes allowing them to interface with technology, thus reducing one of the driving motivators for technological development in this field. This weakness shows when units are left autonomous rather than being given a Hrahakan pilot. For example, autonomous Ukhulay walkers exist but any commander learning his are autonomous rather than piloted will immediately be soured; they have a reputation for stumbling into ditches and being unable to right themselves when automated. Autonomous drones fare somewhat better but have been known to think there is a wall where there is nothing but air or, on at least one infamous and embarrassing occasion during a training exercise, completely fail to register an enemy squadron standing just ten feet in front of them. Magic is not unheard of in the Zorrozakiris, though the most difficult part of deciphering what is and isn't magic is their own limited lexicon and unusual way of thinking; perhaps a result of all three species having been artificially advanced millennia ahead of their time, their culture sees science, technology and magic as being almost one and the same. The Hrahakan are the only naturally magical species within the Zorrozakiris, at least to date; a few magical individuals of other species have emerged over the years, and those who share a deep bond with their Hrahakan symbiote are able to channel this magic, but on the whole the use of magic is not extensive within the Zorrozakiris and is mostly confined with long term bonded pairs. Their FTL travel is likewise uneven; they have both 'slow' slipspace drives and 'fast' hyperdrives, but the latter are constrained to premapped routes known as hyperspace lanes. This relatively standard FTL level is then given a sudden spike by another method. The third form of FTL they have is not really theirs at all but rather reverse engineered/restored Precursor gateways. This is a comparatively recent development; but a single Precusor gateway was found and restored, from which another gateway was built and transported to the far side of Zorrozakiris space. These gateways were connected and the first successful tests were run. The Zorrozakiris are in the process of building a third gateway, with plans to build more. The initial stages of this project, known as the Unity Program, intends to have the third gateway placed above the Kacin homeworld of Aadakania, while the second gateway has since been moved to Vaega. Once this network is established, they plan to connect the network to other key population/industrial worlds. Their energy production comes primarily from Antimatter and nuclear power generators, although their cities also make use of nearby natural sources of power where convenient, as well as using solar power for space stations. This is in part a spiritual and philosophical stance, fitting into the doctrine of working with rather than against the world. The energy is then stored in batteries and used to power vehicles, weaponry, buildings and electronics. Space ships and space stations have their own generators due to the vast energy costs. In addition to standard power cells, they have a specialised type of high energy storage battery; at a glance it appears to be a crystal that glows a bright green when they are filled with energy and the glow slowly diminishes until they go out. Such crystals are often used to power vehicles or appear in very small forms as part of circuits. Small variants of these crystals appear in their military equipment, being inserted into the base of energy staves and the centre of energy shields. Far larger crystals are used in space ships, space stations and sometimes even powering entire city grids. Cultural Overview: [hider] [hider=general] The official language of the Zorrozakiris is Yutan which has supplanted most other languages to the point where it is the primary language on the Hahis, Aldgurgan and Mistay continents and throughout all its space although some other languages exist and are still spoken prominently in some regions. The other important language is the tongue of the Raver peoples, an amalgamation of old tribal languages mixed with influence from the now dead Aldgurgan languages. They prefer their tongue over Yutan and although many are at least capable of understanding it, they may pretend they can not simply to avoid outsiders. The Kacin tongues are for the most part dead, although some still see regional use. The largest religion is the state religion of the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris (Holy Temple of the Ancients), and the Adakoras will attempt to gain a foothold and begin converting people in any species or nation that will tolerate its presence. But there are other important religions factions within the Zorrozakiris. While religion plays an important role in Zorrozakiris society, it is naturally not the be all and end all. The most popular sport in the Zorrozakiris is a form of honourable fighting that is held in arenas and broadcast around the worlds. Many of these duels involving melee weapons are usually done until first blood and blows to the head and neck are strictly prohibited, although some arenas prefer fights that go on until one party yields or collapses from exhaustion. Safer still are the duels involving 'ranged weapons'; Typically, these are done in specialised suits using laser weapons that cause the suit to freeze up if hit and are often held between teams of several dozen combatants vying for glory. Many of these are professional arena fighters, although the Order of War often trains soldiers in combat in the Arenas. Finally, however, are the 'blood rounds'. These fights are to the death and typically involve convicted murderers, rapists, traitors and other such violent criminals. A criminal who survives 20 of these battles has his sentence commuted to banishment- but few survive 20 of these fights. With the Hrahakan having effectively pulled all three of the Zorrozakiris other species past several stages of development, many sociological ideas or political theories or their equivalent ideas have never developed in Zorrozakiris. Democracy, too, is not a familiar idea to the average person; although local regions might hold elections for their officials or clans might hold elections for their councillor, this is neither universal nor the norm. Their idea of the perfect ruler might come closest to the idea of a philosopher kings; a highly educated ruler with a love of knowledge, intellect and wisdom. The Adabhutay are said to be all these things and to love their people unconditionally. Some Adabhutay are selective with their appearances, inviting only a select few great people to discuss with them. Others are more open, frequently travelling their province and speaking with the people, sometimes with fantastic and extravagant processions. [hider=Titles of the Temple] Wredru Zak (Layman; Literally, Ritual Person): Typically a young girl or boy who has been taken in by the Temple or who assists in religious rituals in exchange for education. Nhu'ko (Novice; Literally, little/less learned/educated): Someone who has undertaken religious education at the Temple. One must join the Temple as a Nhu'ko if one wishes to join the Clergy or enlist with the Order of War but the Temple accepts any who wish to learn more about the faith and its history, even unbelievers. Nhu (Adept; Literally, Learned/Educated): A person who has finished their religious education and is able to commit to joining the Order of War or the Clergy. At this point, the individual has not taken any vows and is not considered to have sealed a sacred pact. As such, they are perfectly free to choose a separate career path and many devoutees have attained this rank in the Temple simply out of a desire to understand their faith better or to continue down the path to enlightenment. Nhu could be considered a title rather than an actual rank, a degree in theology if you will. As such, unbelievers can be considered Nhu without holding any official position in the Temple. To advance to Acolyte or to join the Order of War, they must take sacred vows and forever be sworn to them. Clergy: Juhuada (Acolyte: Literally, Helpful Holy): A Juhuada is an a fledgling clergyman who has taken their vows and has entered into service. They are usually young and will spend their time as an Acolyte assisting the Makayada before being apprenticed to a Makayada as a Kopada. Kopada (Curate: Literally, Lesser Holy): A Kopada is effectively the most Senior Acolyte, the apprentice of a Makayada who is being prepared as his successor. Makayada (Priest; Literally, Teacher Holy): A Makayada is the priest in charge of a Adakoras (Temple/Church/Shrine). They will have a Kopada as their apprentice and eventual successor and may also be in charge of some Acolytes. Makayada'te (Bishop; Literally, Great Teacher Holy): A Makayada’te is the religious authority for a Province, having two or more Makayada as their subordinates. Adabhutay (Prophet; Literally, Holy Seer): An Adabhutay is the highest position one can attain within the Temple. An Adabhutay can be considered nothing less than a living god - or at least the closest one can get without ascension - to the faithful. The four original Adabhutay are considered to be senior and greater than the others, holding more importance and influence. [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Cholokah'zu] The Cholokah'zu have many literary icons such as Grungis Hruma who wrote countless plays and poems and is considered something of a literary genius by many Cholokah'zu. Those on the Raver continent typically prefer the works of their own writers like Zharanana Gkiz who compiled the poetic traditions of many tribes and added many of her own in her magnum opus Ancestor Hymms, or the (possibly apocryphal) writings of Zozumiralpachar Yeherradad, the first 'Zruti-jyo-Zrutit' (Chief of Chiefs in the tongue of the Raver people) who united the Raver tribes during the Aldgurgan colonisation. He was eventually betrayed by the Tribe of Ahalkalun who led him into an ambush in exchange for wealth, territory and power in the Sothis Empire (An Aldgurgan trading nation that was in ascendancy during this period, the Sothis would maintain its empire for 230 years before it finally crumbled to infighting. Many Ahalkalun choose to fled to Sothis after the Empire crumbled rather than remain behind to face retribution from the other tribes. Those who have Ahalkalun ancestors are still distrusted and disliked to this day by the other tribes and were very much rewarded as a traitor should be, having failed to gain any considerable political power since). Another important cultural icon is the Arum, a wooden ball of nested concentric spheres. Hidden in its core is a message that can only be removed when the player works out the complex alignment of spheres. To reach the core, each sphere has to be operated in turn to activate the next. No sphere can act without the next one moving. A Cholokah'zu is traditionally gifted four Arums at birth; One from his father, one from his mother, one from the local Makayada and one from his godparents. Each of these messages is supposed to impart both wisdom and love for the child, which the child will uncover throughout his life as he solves the Arumis in any order he chooses. The breaking of an Arum is considered to bring bad luck on the one who broke it, especially if they broke it deliberately to bypass the puzzle rather than by mistake. The Jogah are the most controversial of the religious organisations in Zorrozakiris as they believe that, contrary to the claims of the Adakoras, godhood is unobtainable and that the Ancients were never gods. The Jogah believe in a pantheon of four gods; Deh (God of Love and Peace), Gallahakir (God of Death and the Afterlife), Ornothex (God of Wisdom and Nature) and Jubidak (God of War and Honour). They believe that these gods smited the ancient ones because they were arrogant and viewed themselves as being above religion. They believe that the teachings of the Adakoras temple will inevitably lead to the same state of affairs and thus stand in direct opposition to them. The beliefs of the Jogah are fundamentalist and its members believe wholeheartedly in absolute morality. The Tribal Ancestor Worship is still held as the religion of a number of Clans descended from the Raver and these clans are the biggest force against absolute temple dominance. The Adakoras simply holds that these beliefs are not incompatible with the faith of the Syfhendaris and continues to try and convert these tribes to their faith. There is a great degree of overlap with the two faiths due to the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris effectively supplanting ancestor worship in many Cholokah'zu societies, and bastardised fusions of the two religions have become the norm among Raver Clans. The main point of contention between the two is that while the tribes believe that all of their ancestors have become part of the spirit world and influence the mortal plane, the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris teaches that only souls who achieve enlightenment ascend into this state with all others being reincarnated instead. Some Cholokah'zu believe that their hibernation/torpor is actually a meditative state that they can enter for various religious reasons. Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris faithful will typically enter this state in the hopes of making progress towards enlightenment while Raver ancestor worshippers believe it is capable of allowing one to communicate with the spirits of the dead. As such, these Raver typically enter the catacombs of their ancestors and enter the state to communicate with their ancestors and some take hallucinogenics before doing so. The Temple has issued many proclamations against this practice and tried to dissuade it. In fairness, hallucinogenic meditating has historically resulted in more than a few -bad trips- where a Raver tribesmen believes they have been contacted by some long dead ancestor and ordered to drive out the 'imperialist scum'. One can hardly blame the temple for disliking this practice, as they are often among the targets of these psychosis induced killing sprees. Media stories covering these events have led the Jogah fundamentalists into thinking that hibernation is more likely to result in communication with and possession by some unspecified demons. The majority of the Cholokah'zu consider wisdom to be the primary characteristic of a good person. In their fairy tales, heroes spend much of the story planning and consulting with wise elders to decide upon the correct course of action before executing a perfect plan. The villains in these stories instead act rashly and fail as a result of an oversight which the hero can exploit. [/hider] [hider=Vaegakosh] The Vaegakosh culture is lacking when compared the Kacin and Cholokah'zu. Uplifted from a barely tribal state with no real culture to speak of, to a large degree the Vaegakosh have simply adopted Cholokah'zu culture. Their shorter lives and incubation period, as well as them having far less predilection to familial bonds, have produced some differences. For example, Vaegakosh are more likely to be spontaneous and act in a manner that a Cholokah'zu might deem as being too rash or unwise. Further, while the Vaegakosh form and join clans and form part of the Zakir Hurota, they do not tend to see them in familial terms like the Cholokah'zu do. Although the Vaegakosh have volatile and mostly isolated lives while they are tadpoles, as adults they tend to be far more communal. Multiple Vaegakosh will bond together as friends and go on to share a house or apartment and huddle together into groups to sleep, a relic of an ancient survival mechanism; Vaegakosh without one of these communal groups become uneasy and tend to have difficulty sleeping. As such it is common for four to eight Vaegakosh to be sharing a house and sleeping together at night.[/hider] [hider=Kacin] Their behaviour is the most materialistic and divergent out of the Zorrozakiris client species. This has led to them having a more diverse range of cultures as well with their national subdivisions surviving to this day with their rivalries intact, if suppressed and mellowed somewhat; indeed, most Kacin clans have their roots in pre-uplift nationalities or ethnic groups. Kacin also tend to be more gregarious and as such a common profession is that of a diplomat and, perhaps ironically given that they are seen as the least devout, a missionary. They also have a tendency to wanderlust and a desire to explore and so are also common as explorers or surveyors. Kacin travellers and tourists are a relatively common sight compared to Vaegakosh or Cholokah'zu ones. While they enjoy speaking with others and sharing experiences, they will rarely give gifts or trade something at a loss. The temple might promote charity and encourage the Kacin to embrace it but Kacin culture sees charity more as an unfavourable trade than as a kindness. In their eyes, something must beget something else. While they have been stereotyped as backstabbing and underhanded, their culture does place a great deal of value on keeping ones word, thus while the Kacin have a tendency to withhold information or tell half truths and indeed may attempt to pull the exact words clause on someone, it is a rare Kacin that will go back on an agreement or break their word once it is given. This is usually of little consolation to the person who feels they have been taken for a ride, however. While religion is less overt and generally less important in their lives than in the lives of the Vaegakosh or Cholokah'zu, the stereotype of the Kacin as a cynical unbeliever is mostly false. Religious divergent tend less towards abandoning temple teachings and more towards avoidance of its structure and hierarchical nature. Many believe in the teachings of the Adabhutay and do try to embrace temple virtues, but do not feel that they need a formal temple education or to be subject to hierarchical authority in order to continue down the path of enlightenment, perhaps a result of their more divergent nature. Indeed, public services and celebrations are still heavily attended by the Kacin as this plays along with their gregarious and indulgent nature, and most Kacin would consider themselves believers if asked. The Kacin have a particular love for music and singing and indulge this frequently. Having a Syrinx rather than a Larynx, the Kacin are capable of producing a wide range of sounds simultaneously and do so to wonderful effect in great orchestras and choirs. [/hider][/hider] [hider=History] It was the year 525 of the Fifth Era of the Hahis Calendar when the first UFO crash landed in Darrasan, a small town in the country of Yundun. By this point, the Cholokah'zu had just begun to explore steam power and were amazed - and slightly scared- by this strange alien contraption from the heavens. By the next morning, the King, Yagijuv and his councillors had arrived to investigate this discovery. Ignoring his councillors advice for caution and in an action most unbecoming of the usually cautious Cholokah'zu, he ordered it opened up to which the towns people semi-reluctantly obeyed. Inside there were nothing but skeletons and dust, the space shuttle was truly nothing more than a life-pod that had been adrift for decades at least. In opening it up, they had inadvertently released a plague on their people. This alien bug ravaged across Hahis and spread to Mistay and Aldgurgan before eventually being transmitted to Raver. Countless died and many villages were wiped out in their entirety. It is little wonder that the Cholokah'zu considered it divine intervention when, just a year later when a meteorite that had landed in the Aldgurgan nation of Sothis contained strange alien life. At first, the jaded Sothis attempted to eradicated this new life form but a local priest, Jubin, allowed one of these alien symbiotes to merge with him. The Hrahakan that merged with Jubin took the name Arnos and the combined being dubbed itself Jubin-Arnos, who would eventually become the first Adabhutay of the Adakoras J Kru Syfhendaris. Jubin-Arnos brought knowledge from an alien civilisation that, to the Cholokah'zu, seemed like magic (and some of it, perhaps, was). He instructed the people on sanitation and medicine, healing the sick and bringing comfort to the dying. Before long he had accrued a large following of men who believed him to be a divine saviour. The Sothis Koras, who followed the pantheon that would later become the pantheon of the Johan, demanded that the king have Jubin-Arnos killed as a heretic- the king was intrigued by this holy man however and had him brought before him first. In the throne room of King Lakun, Jubin-Arnos offered to prove his 'divinity' by allowing the priest to stab him through the stomach, telling the King to leave his body alone in the dungeon afterwards. The Priest eagerly accepted and ran Jubin-Arnos through with his blade thrice before dumping the 'dead' man into the dungeon, thinking little more in the matter that evening. That night, the jailor came to the kings chambers with a face as white as death itself. In a trembling voice, he declared the impossible; Jubin-Arnos had risen from the dead and was requesting an audience. The King took this as proof of the mans divinity for how else could one so mortally wounded and yet risen once more? The Koras were not so easily swayed and declared Jubin-Arnos a foul sorcerer while branding the King a heretic. This schism erupted into a brief but violent civil war followed. Jubin-Arnos granted his knowledge to the kings knights, arming them with exotic weapons that the men at arms swore harnessed the winds of death themselves. Jubin-Arnos arose the new living God at the centre of a new religion. He brought his three most dedicated followers to the meteorite he had rode in on and granted them the gift of 'enlightenment.' They joined with the eldest and most knowledgeable of the symbiotes and became another three divine prophets. The four spread out to the infected continents of the world, dedicated to curing the plague on each and winning the adoration of the people. Their tales are documented in separate scriptures; The 42 Parables of Jubin-Arnos, the 21 Sermons of Hayun-Ornis and the Homilies of Nhuzak-Tyun. Kulan-Mylin, who went to Raver, wrote no books personally although his right hand man wrote the "Blessed Perseverance of Kulan-Mylin" which documented his many struggles to convert the Raver people - and the many attempts on his life. Once the plague was cured and the people saved, the three Adabhutay set about restructuring society. They set up many institutes of learning through their new temple, promising that enlightenment lay through wisdom and knowledge. They shared technology beyond the wildest dreams of the most daring Cholokah'zu; where once a journey would have taken a dozen days it now took a few hours by the might steel Alit and shorter still by the fantastical flying machines. Where once a Cholokah'zu farmer had ploughed using an Alit, he now ploughed using a Motorised Carriage. Truly, the prophets gifts were great and they grew greater and greater with each passing decade - to document the developments of those decades would be a herculean task in and of itself, both a miraculous leap into the future and a painful overhaul of society. Within a lifetime, the world was so much changed from what it once was that it was difficult for some to even comprehend. Most remarkable of all for the Cholokah'zu, the Hrahakan took them beyond the sky and into the cosmos that they had formerly considered heaven. They showed them that the stars in the sky they had once thought holes into the spirit world were in fact distant suns with planets of their own - and some, the Hrahakan promised, bore life of their own. The Hrahakan told them tales of the ancients who had come before, who had mastered the universe and their destiny and eventually ascended into state that can only be described as godhood. What happened to them after that, the Hrahakan could not divine, only that something had tried to ruin all that they had created. Yet together, the Hrahakan assured them, they would spread across the galaxy and reach the same enlightenment, remaking worlds as their saw fit and seeding life where there was death. The Hrahakan were holy seers, guides to find the path lit by the beacons of the ancients. The Cholokah'zu were captivated and pledged themselves whole heartedly to the cause, following their holy seers into the stars. In the centuries since the Hrahakan first crashed among the Cholokah'zu, the Zorrozakiris has expanded to include new species; the Vaegakosh and Kacin were both uplifted and brought into the fold of the Temple, whose influence seems to be all pervasive. They continue to spread across the stars, seeing themselves as the torches that light the holy path. The speed of this progress has left the Zorrozakiris confident that they are on the right path and has exceeded the expectations of the Hrahakan themselves. The Temple officially maintains nonhostile and friendly first contact protocols with new species, although some clans are more suspicious and untrusting. Some precursor relics have been recovered and reverse engineered which has given them the artificial gravity and gravitational lifts that they use for their ships among other technological advancements, the most significant of which being the gate system that they are currently working on. A third gate was recently completed, and is being moved into position for testing... [/hider] Other: [/hider]