The initial weeks for Jake had not been pleasant. Though he had expected at much, granted he was likely the most deserving of the blame. The stigmata of his name loomed like an eternal shroud as he avoided interacting with the other students outside of the bare minimum that he had to partake in due to class activities. Of course there was also that roommate of his, what was his name again? [color=39b54a][i]Chen Xiaobao[/i][/color], Jake clicks his fingers as he remembers the name as though it was a challenge. Within the classes, the pyromancy felt rather simplistic, though some of the tasks were not ones he'd typically use his powers for. To control energy at such a fine level, almost had seemed impossible for such a destructive force, one that he had personally been more invested in the combat side of prior to attending the academy. However the learning of theory had been rather interesting, along with the history of magics origin. Knowledge was always a fascinating thing for his family, [color=39b54a][i]their family[/i][/color], Jake would remind himself mentally over and over again. He had known the truth, it was his right to, how many of the students and staff knew was hard to gauge. Those that did, if any, had not admitted as such but so long as they weren't going to blurt it out to everyone he wasn't too concerned. Over the weeks he had continued to make a conscious effort to keep his face partially covered with an assortment of hoodies that he switched between. There was a principle behind it, though it would easily be perceived as some kind of misguided fashion statement that would never catch on with the other students, hopefully. This along with his general avoidance of the other students may of gave off a somewhat dismissive vibe but if that's what he required in order to have moments to think then so be it. Perhaps some would think the action was justified, he couldn't really blame them if they did. In a moment of irritation of his own mind, Jake raised his hand to rub the scar on his cheek hidden within the hoods coverage. But he had to look on the bright side for a change. It was Sunday, a nice allotment of free time that granted him the chance to through strategies at his leisure, without having to hide it every couple of minutes from his professors. The thick, but plain paper pad which he carried with him 'Lucshen Battle' scrawled on its cover. It had been in his possession to every class and had been on his person almost exclusively all day at the weekends. Every couple of days another sheet of paper would end up tacked on the wall of his side of the dorm. He wasn't quite sure what Xiaobao made of it, but then he didn't really care. Not that his notes would make any form of logical sense, his method for working was rather chaotic at best, leading to notes with arrows pointing to join different sections to one another scribbled down on different segments of the page. It could quite possibly be closely resembled by the writings of a madman, if one were justified to make such a judgement. He had left his dorm room as early as he could make a break for it to avoid any unwanted small talk as he made his way toward the common room with a soft hum. Opening his book as he did so. [color=39b54a]"Let see here... this would be, number six?"[/color] As Jake spoke to himself he circled a six in the corner of the page. Likely the only part that made any sense, an increasing number system. As he turned the corridor closing in on the common room he comes to an almost sudden stop as he saw two students greeting each other in the hall. Names.. names... names... Having established the most basic of information he continued onward nodding as he passed. [color=39b54a]"Memoli... Towerfall..."[/color] As the sun shone through the window causing his eyes to squint, he brought himself to a stop a few feet from the other two. [color=39b54a]"Nice fucking day indeed Towerfall. Still plenty of time to hurt oneself however, maybe don't take your name to literally."[/color] With that Jake continued on his way, he needed some form of sustenance and maybe he could catch a quiet breather before the masses would inevitably dog-pile into the common area. As luck would have it, the common room was near to empty just seemed to be that Santora guy for now. Rather than engage in small talk however he quickly scooped up an apple and bit into it as he found a seat resting the paper pad on his lap as he begins to sketch out shapes and symbols, assigning them numbers and letters as he goes. The he places his pen down to one side, staring at the page as though analysing what he done for some kind of deeper purpose.