[center][img]http://image.ibb.co/bVMiMc/poketitle.png[/img] [img]http://image.ibb.co/gE1f2H/pallettown.png[/img][/center] [indent][sub][h3][color=fff79a][b]STORY[/b][/color][/h3][/sub][/indent][img]http://image.ibb.co/mDP17H/splitter.png[/img] [indent]It has been four decades since the adventures of Ash and his friends as they travelled across the world. Since that time the world has changed, mostly in part to the Oak Institute. It is an organisation run by the great grand daughter of the famous Professor Oak, choosing to follow in his footsteps over her grandfathers, Ash's great rival Gary. The institute primarily focusses on monitoring and researching the Pokemon population in line with its breeding program. The breeding program has resulted in Pokemon no longer being located in only individual regions but are now in fact widespread across the world. Outside of the Pokemon institute the once widely feared villainous teams like Team Rocket and Team Magma were all disbanded in the last decade, the world uniting to bring them and their leaders to justice. This has resulted in a gaping hole that someone somewhere is undoubtedly going to try and fill. At present the authorities know of no organisation trying to take over the mantle but expect it to only be a matter of time. Ash Ketchum, the world famous trainer, now resides on a small archipelago in a far corner of the world away from all the cameras. His story and journey is the inspiration to all new young trainers after the creation of numerous movies and tv series chronicling his life. The Oak Institute took this fandom and set up an operation on the outskirts of Pallet Town, Ash's home. This building acts as a starting point for new trainers to collect a Pokemon and begin their journey. Called the OI Trainer Project it gives budding young trainers the opportunity to retrace Ash's steps and become the next Pokemon Master. The waiting list is extraordinarily massive as anyone would expect, with only 20 people being selected each year through a publicly televised lottery. Some people are on the list for years before being selected while others have handed in their application and had their name drawn a day later. Your character is one of these lucky people to have had their name drawn. Alone or together with the other trainers, they will travel the Kanto Region retracing Ash's steps. They will build friendships, make rivals and maybe find love, but by the end they will all learn about themselves, their Pokemon and finally come of age as a Pokemon Trainer. [center][img]http://image.ibb.co/dQo4rn/letter.png[/img][/center] [/indent]