Ryssa sighed as she walked through the throng of people, irritated at the two facts that were plaguing her. One, they still were not even close to Egypt her mother's home and the land she longed to return to. For while she had grown up in Rome and learn the tongue of the people there, her mother had despised the city and it's people. Though it was not fault of hers. Bet'anya had not come to Rome willingly. Rather she had been sent there as part of a marriage deal that had fallen apart and left the young woman a widow on the streets. Ryssa's birth had come not long after and the girl had spent her life being taught by her mother how to not be the gender she was or how to manipulate men. But that led her to the second reason she was irritated. The loud and overly elaborate captain slapped an arm around Ryssa's shoulders. The woman was decently taller than most of her gender and her build was a good deal more athletic. Sliding out from under the arm, before the captain got any ideas the supposed 'man' gave a blank look at the leader of the pirates. Dressed in breeches made of a wrap around, and the same for her upperhalf. There were enough layers of bindings to hide the obvious and enough layers over that to hide the bindings. With slightly higher collar on her makeshift hood, and her lean features. Her face was rather asexual. Neither looking like a man's nor woman's. Her silvery hair had gone grey at a young age. Most likely due to the stress of life, though others had called it a curse and shoved her from their presence. Letting it fall wild and long about her, she looked like a half mad individual but few came near. Few, sadly, not including the captain who was so jovial. "Home is sand." Rys the bloodthirsty marauder grunted in a monotone voice. Hoping her thin shoulders had not been noticed. Or if they had, he would merely be listed off as fragile or younger than he appeared. Which slightly worked. Rys had killed a man when he first came aboard, the bastard having caught sight of the woman's little truth. Rys had played it off as her own bloodthirsty nature, but it had been to close. So the lass had taken to clostier herself in shadowy parts of the ship when she wasn't needed elsewhere.