[hider=Valon Vladimir Valerious] [centre][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjg4NDY0NC5WbUZzYjI0Z1ZteGhaR2x0YVhJZ1ZtRnNaWEpwYjNWei4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [img]http://i68.tinypic.com/16kc0gx.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLjg4NDY0NC5RWEJ3WldGeVlXNWpaUSwsLjAA/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=a95353]Valon is not what some would consider anything special, in fact when it comes to appearance he hardly worth glancing at twice. Standing at a rather average height of 5'11" he is hardly seen as a threat. His body has no obvious muscle mass, he does not sport a six pack or ungodly abs, in fact some might say he is rather thin for his size. His eye's, well, his eye's are probably what people will notice the most, they are a dark shade of olive green and they do seem to give off a glow. His eyes are accented by darkened skin that had been mistaken for eyeliner but is natural. His hair is a natural shade of lightened brown, kept short, messy, and always around the forehead and a light beard upon his face that is never too heavy. The second most noticeable attribute to Valon would be the tattoo's if by chance one saw them underneath his clothing. His arms are a torrent of black thick chains, from wrist to shoulder ancient cracked chains are etched into his arms crudely, each link of the chain depicting spikes and in the center of each link, writing in an unknown language. On his back from shoulder blade to shoulder blade are symbols, each one different and each one with different meaning. On the back of his neck between the symbols is the tattoo of the Guardians pulling it all together. Valon is not known for his style nor does he care to keep with what you would call the current trend. Coming from and older era his clothes symbolize, at least in appearance the time he came from and not the time he currently resides in. Some would classify his outfits as Gothic or steampunk in nature. His clothes will often change from day to day in this same style. The only things that do not change is the cross in which he wears around his neck and the rings on his fingers. His voice is very rough, a lot like sandpaper rubbing against sand paper, it is often lightly accented and has a chilling tone to it. One would not say its level was demonic but his voice is deep and often times emotionless.[/color] [centre][color=812828]____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________[/color][/centre] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5UbWxqYTI1aGJXVSwuMAA,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]Seraph[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5RV2RsLjAAAAAA/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]3754 Years of age (Appears to be late 20's)[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5SMlZ1WkdWeS4wAAAAAA,,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]Male[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5SRTlDLjAAAAAAAAA,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]30th of October[/color] [centre][color=812828]____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________[/color][/centre] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5UMk5qZFhCaGRHbHZiZywsLjAAAAAAAAAA/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]Guardian[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5VbUZqWlEsLC4wAAAAAAAAAA,,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]Mezmer[/color] [centre][color=812828]____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________[/color][/centre] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5TR0ZwY2lCRGIyeHZjZywsLjAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]Brown[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5SWGxsSUVOdmJHOXkuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]Olive green[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5TR1ZwWjJoMElHRnVaQ0JDZFdsc1pBLCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353]5'11" / Fit[/color] [centre][color=812828]____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________[/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5TR2x6ZEc5eWVRLCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img][/centre] [color=a95353]"I was born over 3700 years ago to a loving mother who coveted me as if I was the savior of the world itself. Life was for the most part... simple like any life is growing up in a time where there was nothing. It is almost funny how far the world has advanced, how convenient things have become in these times. Anyways, life was simple, I was just a normal child living a normal life, at least... that's what I thought anyways. It seemed the older I got the more it became apparent that I was far from normal, I had a power, one in which I could control others. It came at a cost I learned, but I could bring anybody under my control. My mother often chastised me about using that power, she would get so mad and punish me for it and I never understood why... at least until the night they came. Two things happened to me that night, one my mother revealed to me that I was something called a half Mezmer, some kind of Demon and my father whom I never knew was a full Mezmer. The second thing that happened was my mother was killed. At first I did not understand why they had killed, but over time I came to learn that someone had found out about my ability, and knowing this full well my mother sacrificed her life by making them think it was her who had done it. I remember... I remember watching them burn her alive to appease some God to rid themselves of evil. This... well... this was my first great pain of three, that set me on a course of Vengeance for many years and lead to my changing. They say that monsters are not born, but they are made and in my case this was quite true. After my mother was killed I had no one and nothing. The people who had killed her shunned me as a child of a devil worshiper but did not kill me, why I do not know but perhaps because I was so young at the time. I was lost in this world.. until the day I meant my father. He had heard of what had happened to my mother, so he came for me and took me away from those lands and told me who I really was, what I really was and should I desire, one day, what I could become. The pieces fell into place even at my age it began to make sense, and I loathed my father for he did not help my mother and I cursed his name. I pushed him away, I wanted nothing to do with him or what I was, up until that moment it had brought me nothing but pain. Years seemed to trickle by, I grew up alone, fending for myself, refusing to be what my father said I could be. But alas it is not easy to grow up alone and young and to have nothing to your name, I was starving and I had to do it. I had to use that power so I could get food. This was the very cataclysm to my second greatest pain. They had seen it, someone, a Hunter, my very first recollection of their cursed existence. I did not know it than but they knew what I was and because of that my life was meant to end for they suffered no abomination like me. That hunter followed me with the intent to kill me and had he been left to his own devices he just might have. But my father... I learned he had never left my side but stayed in the shadows watching over me, helping me where I wouldn't notice. When the Hunter tried to kill me he stepped between me and him and... in the end... sacrificed himself for my being. I can still see that Hunter chopping his head off, I can still feel that pain in my chest, I can still hear the words he spoke to me before he told me to run. [b]Find love son for that is what will change the cursed fate I have layed upon you. I WILL die for you like I would have died for her.[/b] I should have just left but I stayed just close enough to see him die, my second greatest pain, learning my father loved me only to see him die before it could matter. I ran from there that rainy night, far as I could, my heart was breaking, my anger was building, I was losing myself and there I could do... at least in my current state. The images played in my head day after day and every time I slept, if I had been strong I could have stopped it. I remember the night it happened, the night I decided that I would suffer it no more, that I would become the monster they wanted me to be. It had been years since my father died and many more since my mother. The hunter tracked me all those years, I only able to elude him, just barely every time but I knew he would kill me or die trying. The memories plagued me, the people scorned me, the Hunter tries to kill me, the world hates my existence so I would GIVE them something to HATE! The blade was cold and I could its bitter sting as its tip pierced my chest, I could feel it press beyond my rib cage and slice into the heart I no longer desired. I felt deaths cold grasp take me, but... it was only momentary, I felt my humanity SLIP away, felt it LEAVE me and the monster that I tried so hard to not become became MY only FRIEND! Rage, hatred, malice, blood... Blood... BLOOD! He came for me... oh yes he came for me one...Last...TIME! The Hunter who had plagued me and killed my FATHER! He was not expecting what he found, he did not suspect that I had lay the trap for him. I still laugh when I remember his face, the face of a man who was afraid for his miserable MORTAL life! I relished heaving his head his shoulders, ripping it away, grinning like a mad beast savoring the kill. For the first time in entire existence I felt POWER and I felt SATISFIED! That was the start of it all, that was start of many hundreds of years of death that I brought upon this miserable wretched plain of existence. Wars... so many wars waged by men for power, for love, for conquest, for money, for human... greed. Every single one I was there among the chaos exacting my fill for blood, the fools... never any the wiser to what I truly was, never caring as long as I slayed their enemies and won their battles, while all the time, slitting their throats while they slept. I was now the plague upon this world and they would run FROM ME! It was like this for what felt like Eon's, I honed my skills, I honed my abilities and I used them all! An than... just like that... it all changed... with just the look of one mortal females eye's. I had saved her unknowingly to me when I killed a bunch of marauders who were plundering her home for food during one of the many wars. She was... so beautiful that even my blood lust ran cold just in the sight of her and I could not understand why. My thoughts of death and revenge, my anger seemed to subside when she looked into my eye's and I into hers. A moment that only lasted second had been the catalyst to not only my changing but also to my third and greatest, of all the pains, I have endured in my long existence. I did not understand what my father meant when he said Love could change my cursed fate, but I finally did, I realized that no matter what I was or what I had done I was more than a demon. I had once had humanity and I could have it again if I chose to let go of my pain, my anger, my revenge. Even though I did not know him I believe he knew the path my existence would take me, and he said the words, the only words that could one day take me from that path that only had but one end. I loved her and she loved me and together we had a son, a son I treasured more than anything I have known in this world. The hatred was still there, the cruelty in my heart, the rage, but she could control it almost effortlessly. They say that nothing good can last forever and this holds true, but I only wish it could have lasted longer. The night they died... I wasn't there, my son was sick and he needed medicine and while I was away... the Hunters had come, revenge for their fallen brother from so many years ago still strong within their blood lines. They did not find me but my family instead... they killed them... both of them... they took them hostage to draw me in... so they could kill them and exploit the one thing that could weaken me... a weakness I never knew I had... sadness. I don't remember that night very well, only brief images of blood and screaming and I am not sure I want to remember it ever. I blacked out for the first time in my life and when I awoke, my son, my wife and the Hunter were dead. My body was severely wounded and I myself was probably at one point close to death if there is such a thing. My third and greatest pain... the loss of the people that I loved in this whole existence... gone. I was no longer the same after that, I tried to go back to killing to take away the anger I felt within myself, but every time I tried I could see her face, her eye's. After so long I realized that there was no healing for me now and that killing endlessly would not bring her or my son back. She had known... she knew from the start what I was, I did not know how but she knew and she loved me anyways. Telling me that I could take a different path than the one I lead. That I could... be better than the monster I told myself I was and had to be. So many years I wondered this world... almost living in a place between, trying to find some kind of meaning, trying keep my emotions in check if not for myself than for her memory. I had lost all purpose and for the longest time I was just an empty shell and even now I probably still am, however... I did find purpose again. Its funny how one who hated this world and in some ways still does is now one that helps to protect others within it. There have been many that have wondered how a Mezmer could care enough, be virtuous enough to be a Guardian. An in some ways I do not know, my path has been wrought with blood and carnage, death and pain, sadness and regret. But maybe, just maybe that is why I made it, why I passed the tests, why they looked upon me and did not reject me right than and there. The older one gets human or otherwise, the more clarity they can possess, the more wisdom they can obtain. I have come to see that evil is not what you are or will be, but is decided by the acts in which you commit and the reasons for committing them. I am a demon and I am far from human anymore, and everyday is a struggle to hold onto the demon... the man she wanted me to be and the man I wanted our son to be. I will walk this path and continue to walk it for them, there is no way I will ever find redemption but I can and will make sure that others do not suffer the same fate as I. I may hate this world and I may hate others, hell I may even hate myself, but I will protect them from the shadows because this is the path I was always meant to walk."[/color] [centre][color=812828]____________________________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________[/color][/centre] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5SbUZ0YVd4NUlDOGdVbVZzWVhScGIyNXphR2x3Y3csLC4wAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [color=a95353] [b]Elira Valerious - Mother - Deceased Vladimir Valon - Father - Deceased Rovena Valerious - Wife - Deceased Vladimir Valerious - Son - Deceased[/b][/color] [img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjI4Ljg4NDY0NC5SWGgwY21FbmN3LCwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA,,/catharsis-requiem.regular.png[/img] [hider=Theme Song] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLY0EKotBQ8[/youtube] [/hider] [/hider]