[color=orchid]The deadline for finishing character sheets has passed! While I will want to open the RP back up to new applications, for now, I want to focus on building a healthy IC with the people who already have at least expressed interest. The purpose of that deadline was to avoid having new ships constantly popping up before any sort of plot could advance. Explicitly stated: [b]if you have not at least posted in the OOC before now, then please wait a week or two for the RP to open up again before applying to join.[/b][/color] [hr] [@Anomaly758] With regard to posting order, generally I try to leave a minimum of two or three posts before posting again. The ways I know of that RP's die are: [hider] -two or three people post far more than everyone else -nobody goes out of their way to interact with other people, and therefore... nobody interacts with anyone -someone posts walls of text while others don't, meaning nobody feels like reading the IC -passionate arguments over numbers/small details -someone is overpowered for the challenge or for the party -a substantial portion of players get busy or lose interest at the same time -the GM gets busy or loses interest and there is no co-gm -too much time spent on character creation, not enough time spent exploring the RP[/hider]Most play-by-post etiquette stems from trying to avoid those things. Beyond that, post as often as you're able. As far as the fighter situation goes, I'm not sure it's a bad thing. The lack of fighters puts you in a need to get both more fighters and people, thus giving you an avenue to force interaction with other players or the world and make difficult decisions, thus driving the story/game forward. If it really bothers you, though, I suppose it could be changed (we're not that far into the game, after all); personally, I would look at it as an opportunity to make something interesting happen in the roleplay.