[hider=Captain Edward B. O'Daily] [center][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180518/5a0f3f68b60e64b7bbbbb02b1901b8c4.png[/img][/url] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/cc/f4/ed/ccf4ed0f68804155577f2a7e7b86ebcc--red-coats-british-army.jpg[/img] [i]Commander in the 39th Regiment of Foot[/i] [/center] [color=silver] [i][b]Name:[/b][/i] Captain Edward Burmish O’Daily [i][b]Sex:[/b][/i] Male [i][b]Occupation:[/b][/i] Commander in the 39th Regiment of Foot, British Expeditionary [i][b]Height:[/b][/i] 5’8” [i][b]Weight:[/b][/i] 155lbs [i][b] Eldritch Encounters:[/b][/i] His first and only encounter was a vicious and bloody event involving a number of cultist men and a jungle Gug. Edward and his soldiers attempted to seize control of an ancient ritual site in the depths of India’s jungles, which unbeknownst to them was fortified by the entity and several armed men. The monster lay in wait for any such assault and upon its attack the company was put to rout, but not before receiving high casualties, including the loss of Edward’s late elder brother Major O’Daily. [i][b]Traits:[/b][/i] [list] [*] [i]Learned[/i] – Being an advent reader Edward is well versed in all manner of classical and current works. He is well educated, and as such very intelligent, even amongst his peers in the British Officer Corps. [*] [i]Gentlemanly[/i] – Proper etiquette, disciple, and conduct is key to thriving in the current European political environment. Raised within a well to do family Edward was taught thoroughly in all things to do with protocol. It would be unbecoming of a young officer for this to not be so. [*] [i]Intrepid [/i] – A proper and proud Irishman Captain O’Daily is not stirred to terror easily. Raised by his father to possess a stiff upper lip in all situations Edward isn’t apt to complain or be afraid no matter the circumstance. [*] [i]Prodigy[/i] Although not perfect by any means, Captain O’Daily is aspiring field officer, and well versed in his craft. He retains an innate understanding of all things military from strategy to logistics, and can fight by blade, fist, and firearm with the best of the enlisted men placed under him. [/list] [i][b]Equipment:[/b][/i] A man of Spartan needs Edward carries very little on his person, limiting it to his military uniform and saber, a journal with an inkwell and pen, and an engraved silver spyglass. [i][b]Order:[/b][/i] No, At least not yet. [i][b]Background:[/b][/i] [list] [*] 1805 Edward was born in London into the O’Daily family. He spent his early life going between Ireland and England and Portugal and attending all the fine schools located in-between. [*] 1821 Edward was officially commissioned into the Royal Army as a Junior Officer, where he joined the 19th training regiment. [*] 1825 Edward was given a small command within the 39th Regiment of Foot, Expeditionary and was deployed to Eastern India to assist with the military interests of the British Empire abroad. He was to be placed directly under the command of his elder brother within the 39th. [*] 1828 Edward was granted the rank of Captain, and was recognized for several years of dedicated service. [*] 1830 During a fateful mission in the Indian jungles Edward and a mere handful of his men staggered back into the city. They were in a state of shock, covered in wounds and bearing witness to the slaughter of a full company of British Expeditionary Soldiers including the late Major O’Daily. All at the hands of some unknown wanton beast, and a horde of vile miscreants who fought alongside it. [*] 1831 Edward returns home to Ireland, placed on leave from military service for the time being due to his “ravings”. There he joins forces with a clever sergeant who survived the encounter alongside him. Together they discover there might be some answers to be found in Bohemia... [/list] [i][b]Personality:[/b][/i] - Curious - Daring - Proud - Arrogant - Cunning [/color] [/hider]