Given that Siloune's companions were obviously her subordinates, Meesei did not pay much attention to their reactions. Siloune herself, though characteristically arrogant for a Thalmor, was also reasonable enough as a diplomat by their standards. She was at least willing to have a dialogue about the issue instead of dismissing Meesei outright. "I am well aware of the experience found within the Dominion military structure; a former Thalmor justiciar orchestrated the training of most of the lycans in Alinor. However, I am not here to suggest any sort of exceptions to your military doctrine or command structure. Quite the opposite, what I am suggesting for this invasion is a cooperative military action on the part of multiple seperate entities: The Empire, the Dominion, and the lycan clans. We can operate independently and pursue separate objectives during the invasion. Regardless of who was or was not in charge, mixing our command structures would only needlessly complicate this invasion. Your commanders would not be even-ranking to any Imperial or lycan, since our command structures would remain distinct. We merely need to coordinate our overarching strategy at the highest levels among our respective military leadership." Meesei expected her next point to be the most contentious, as it pertained to the linchpin of their entire invasion plan. "I only see one...potential complication in regards to independent armies, as there is only one Rueful Axe. It has been empowered successfully and will be capable of weakening Vile, but of course, we cannot all share it. I am sure that Justiciar Lunise has informed you of my intentions to carry the weapon into battle myself. I expect that you object to this, and I fully understand why you do, which is why I am fully prepared to prove myself a worthy axe-bearer. Since the most important trait for the bearer of the axe is combat proficiency, a duel with your own champion, or champions, would be an appropriate test."