[Center][h2][color=fff79a]Nia[/color][/h2] [img]https://i.imgur.com/QxBTBqs.png[/img] [b]Location[/b] Outskirt school [@Demonic Angel][/center] After Nia had apologized to the deepest extent she could go, the girl spoke back to her in a familiar yet non-understandable language. The sudden shift of a different language definitly got Nia angsty and unknowing what to do. She hopelessly looked around for help from anybody who would likely know German but was left helpless off course... Still trembling from the angst Nia tried a thing herself to at least try to put the girl back at comfort. [center][color=fff79a]"E-eto... Guten tag..."[/color][/center] Nia got somewhat red as her voice faded out near the end of her line, unsure of what to say next. That did not help. She was embarrassed that she could not understand the girl that well in German. She wanted to say more but was helplessly left with a simple greeting and nothing more to help the girl in this situation right now. Nia almost looked like she was about to cry but luckily the mood was broken when the Vae suddenly shifted her gears back to English. Nia her mood immediately started to clear up when she could finally understand the girl. Upon hearing the girl her reaction she felt the slightest bit relieved that she wasn't at all hurt in any way but did feel a little startled which Nia could totally understand. Nia put her hand to her chest as she deeply exhaled like a burden had been lifted from her heart. [center][color=fff79a]"I'm glad. I-I still feel s-somewhat responsible for b-bumping into y-you you know..."[/color][/center] Nia visibly squirmed somewhat with her hands against each other as she turned her eyes away from the girl. Awkwardly she moved her hands in place to hold her lower torso in order to keep her hands from squirming so much. Once looking to the side of Vae Nia noted another man walking past the sidewalk likely coming from the same bus as Vae did. At first glance noting seemed out of ordinary untill she noticed Vae seeming somewhat uncomfortable by the man. Nia looked back at the man and felt goosebumps spring up over her body when Nia noticed the way he looked at Vae. It was too uncomfortable to look at for too long. Nia knew that look all too good. The gaze of lust. It was too disturbing for words. Nia definitly showed Vae that she noticed the man as well and simply waited for Vae to break this dark mood again as Nia didn't want to comment on it too much. Vae absentmindedly let the jacket slide from her shoulder as she was still seemingly taken out of place by the man. Nia noted the many scars and tattoo's on her body but made sure not to let it seem too much like she was staring at them in order not to discomfort Vae any more. She patiently waited for Vae to notice her lowered jacket as well. Quickly after the weird moment Vae commented on how she wasn't worth an apology. Nia widened her eyes a little as she stared at her in discomfort and worry. She didn't want to dig into this story too much but she wanted to return the favor to at least put the girl back at comfort at least a little. She totally ignored the way the girl spoke and managed to at least somewhat get a smile back on her face. Vae rummaged around in violin case somewhat to see if it wasn't broken by the impact but seemingly it was fine. Nia bend forward somewhat while joining her hands behind her back together in a cutesy posing way. [center][color=fff79a]"N-no I'm honestly sorry. P-please let me make it right again by treating you to some fruit. W-what do you l-like most. I-I'll get it for you..."[/color][/center] She knew using her quirk outside of school was forbidden but she wanted to make this girl feel okay again. Vae continued with the conversation while Nia brought her bag back to the front and unzipped the zip of. [center][color=fff79a]"E-eh! You are in K-komei as w-well? -nod- I can bring y-you there! D-don't worry I-I can protect y-you from- U-uh I mean I-I can l-look out f-for y-y-you..."[/color][/center] Nia squirmed slightly again as she noticed that she accidentally brought up the man again in her lines. She didn't want to let the girl think back on it too much seeming how horrible she thought they were. Nia turned somewhat red as she swiftly squatted down as she put her bag on the ground and started digging in it. After about a minute she had found the bag she needed and had gotten out a small brown sack with likely something small. She stood back up letting her school bag sit on the pavement and speak against Vae once more while frolicking with the back slightly. [center][color=fff79a]"C-can I ask... I-is this your f-first day t-today?"[/color][/center]