Any of our attackers specialise in range? Hmm I think my attack style will be fast and hard, not in it for the long game. A bit reckless, close quarters, end it and move on. Kind of like if a raging barbarian had improved initiative, sneak attack, flurry of blows and dodge. The first hit is a really good one that hits them right in the sweet spot before they're even ready. Next he just wildly pummels, throwing attack after attack, amped up on adrenalin and rage. Only focusing on defending against one attacker. And at the end of that he really hopes they are down. He's a bit exhausted, trying to catch his breath and now he can feel the impact of the attacks he shrugged off earlier. Now it's the Tanks turn to step in... Hopefully we have a healer. ;) Just a thought, could end up in a totally different direction depending on what happens.