[hider=Esailia Lelander] Name: Esailia Lelander AKA: Kat with Eight Lives, Kat Age: 27 Race: Human [hider=Appearance] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/71/96/9f/71969f3ba9dd1d51ac597f70c5579266.jpg[/img] [/hider] Faction: Bounty Hunter Role in Team?: Gunner [hider=Bio] Never having any umbrella in life, Esailia wandered through her teens and early twenties without too much of a goal beyond staying alive and fed. This lifestyle ended up with her joining the military and training into weapons and hand-to-hand combat. However when the scientific division offered quite a sum of money in exchange for test subjects for a new gene therapy to improve reflexes and combat awareness, the lull of easy money ensnared Esailia. However this didn't turn out so well, resulting in a botched experiment and a blown budget on the scientists' end. With this, Esailia was forcibly discharged by the military after her appearance caused too much of an uproar in her unit. And so she became freelance, her skills with guns and her new enhanced abilities from the feline DNA earning her a title in bounty halls as the Kat with Eight Lives. Though as it goes in Esailia's life, opportunities seem to attract her, regardless of the risk...so she decided to sign up for this new directive from the government to explore space, and the Marauders had a good ring to it. [/hider] Personality: Serious on the job, rather mischievous in nature. She tends to grab onto things that are amusing to her and run with them for long stretches of time. She likes to tease her targets when she gets the chance, and she's far from being a prude when it comes to intimate relations with anyone she finds relatively attractive, or likes her for who she is, and do not judge her by her appearance. Weapon(s) : Modified [url=http://blog.timesunion.com/opinion/files/2011/10/1005_WVgunsdrugs.jpg]M16[/url], a [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2013/196/a/1/desert_eagle_pistol_by_shakdo-d6djy3g.jpg]desert eagle[/url] sidearm, A specialized [url=https://s3.amazonaws.com/NGT_User_Images/user_images/508c346919ce9.jpg]crossbow[/url] with bolts labeled "K8L", a pair of [url=http://hatsan.bg/userfiles/productlargeimages/product_2117.jpg]combat knives[/url], and twin [url=http://www.heavenlyswords.com/images/C/bk906.jpg]custom short swords[/url]. And her trusty [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/265/1/2/bo____staff__by_morphinebeats-d5fjqjr.jpg]Bo staff[/url]. She does not carry all of these at once, that would be rather stupid of her. She selects load-outs for the situations she is preparing to go into when she can. Family/Relationship?: None she cares about anymore. Other: (up for debate) enhanced hearing and reflexes from her feline DNA. possible claws? [/hider] Hoping this doesn't sound too much like your average catgirl attempt. XD I didn't want to make an alien species for it because I didn't want to go full anthro, at the same time I enjoy the idea of her having a chip on her shoulder about her ears and tail.