[@Loony] Ah, that was the other game I thought, although I forgot the name. Digital feel indeed. A for effort. Since Enter accepted it, it should be fine. Fleshed out backstories are good. Whaaaaaaaaaales! Yeah, noticed. And I was going to mention that in the messages. I didn't notice the same faux pa happened with Nyaromon (until you mentioned fixing it and I checked to see if it was edited), but I greatly appreciate that you were receptive to cutting down on redundancies [s]instead of whining like a little snot[/s]. But no need to feel bad about it. Now, if I may- you were fine with Whamon except that Sweet Chomp doesn't need to be listed as a technique- his sheer size lets him carry people in his mouth, enough said. He's large enough and the Techniques are varied enough that they work with four of them. Now, for Plesiomon, "Sad Water Blast" just seems to be a bad translation of "Sorrow Blue". Digimon World 3 seems rife with that kind of translation error (Which is why some [s]weebs[/s] uninformed individuals call the Digiegg of Sincerity the Digiegg of Reliability and call the Digiegg of Reliability the Digiegg of Honesty, for example. [As far as I can tell, that's what happened]). Now, as far as "Water Tail Blast" is concerned, I can't find a real source for it anywhere. It appeared on the digimon wiki, a Deviantart post that was just a grab of Plesiomon's official art, and "DMA + DigiDex" which is significantly influenced by the main editor's oppinion to the point where things are made up and people confuse it for a legitimate resource. For Gekomon, you can just make Utsukushii Utagoe be any single song type attack, since it translates to "Beautiful Song" or something like that.