WIP [b]Name[/b]: Paige Renee Kennedy (Sometimes goes by [i]Kennedy[/i]) [b]Age[/b]: 31 [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=PIC][img]https://preview.ibb.co/kvROWT/paigeupload1cut.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Height[/b]: 5'6" [b]Weight[/b]: 130 lbs [b]Likes[/b]: [b]+[/b] Animals [b]+[/b] Scented Candles [b]+[/b] 80's Music [b]+[/b] Exercise [b]+[/b] Golf [b]+[/b] Ornate Dishes [b]Dislikes[/b]: [b]-[/b] Politics [b]-[/b] Modern Art [b]-[/b] Social Media [b]-[/b] Relationships [b]-[/b] Surprises [b]-[/b] Video Games [b]Zodiac Sign[/b]: Scorpio [b]Special Talent[/b]: Taught herself how to count cards in Blackjack [b]Profession[/b]: Deputy US Marshall, newly assigned to Sol City District [b]Bio/Personality[/b]: Paige comes from a stone-cold conservative family from Delta City in Central Florida. Her father being a minister and her mother a lawyer and a judge, she was imprinted with an immense sense of morality since she was old enough to comprehend the meaning of discipline. To her the value of one’s word is akin to a blood oath even to the most trivial of arrangements: Give her a statement and she expects the truth. Make an appointment and you damn well better show up on time. She takes her job extremely seriously, but has mellowed some in her years of experience- a sharp edge that has been weathered to deal with the streets. She's learned how to deftly walk the lines between justice, proof and truth knowing the difference in being a law-enforcement officer and lawman (or woman). Currently, Paige finds herself transferred to the Sol City district where a combined effort between Customs, ATF and the Marshal Service are being prepared for a large operation to counter the importation of drugs and weapons into the city. Paige was selected as she recently participated in an ongoing identical operation in her Florida home district. However, her transfer was amid some controversy. After lengthy investigations and multiple arrests, Paige shot dead a well-connected weapons dealer in a sting operation. A man that could have provided further information to aid in the operation were he allowed to be interrogated. He was known to have participated and set up multiple hits against officers and witnesses alike as well as being point on multiple overseas weapons deals. While many were privately happy to hear of his termination, it was decided that Paige had to be transferred rather than punished. Sol City was a natural choice. The exact details of the encounter are known by Paige alone as she encountered the man without backup. In her testimony of the events, she simply stated that he pulled a gun on her and she fired in self-defense. There were no witnesses. [B]Paige in Chapter One[/b]: Paige entered Sol City on a quiet Wednesday night after a long flight in from her hometown of Delta City, Florida as part of a Federal taskforce reluctantly brought in by Sol's mayor to clean up the growing criminal enterprises in the city. The night of her arrival proved to be the only quiet night for Sol City since her landing as she proceeded to deftly hand out her near vigilante form of law-enforcement towards the more unscrupulous residents. In her brief time in Sol she has made serious waves in the underground taking down sleazy members of Sol's most notorious gang, the infamous (and richly protected) Jazz Night attacker and the mafia gun dealer, Jackie Costa. However, Paige's growing relationship with her former friend turned enemy, Milo Ventri, has been the focus of her private life since their tense reunion at the Winter Party. Her initial disdain for him turned slowly as she discovered his unsettling connections with a Detroit-based mob racket that nearly cost him his life. With Paige's help, Milo was able to break from the hold of the mob and in doing so the two began feeling a growing sense of belonging to one another in spite of their past and shared relationship with Milo's former love, Ana Harlow. Milo's freedom came at high cost though. In the days following her capture of Jackie Costa, a mob assassin nearly killed Paige in her apartment leaving her badly beaten before she managed to dispatch him. Chapter One of Sol City ended with Paige in Sol Memorial Hospital recovering from her injuries. In Chapter Two, Paige will be back on the streets with her own score to settle against those that came after her and anyone else that gets in her way. [b]Actress[/b]: [hider=Molly McQueen] [Img]http://ia.media-imdb.com/images/M/MV5BNzg3NTUyNjM2OV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTYwODM0OA@@._V1._SX640_SY963_.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Your character's favorite song[/b]: [youtube]https://youtu.be/tnOSBbRXqJI[/youtube] [b]See Joel's CS for player bio[/b]