[center][h1][b] Team Black | Caster - Claude [/b][/h1][/center] "The matter of a wish matters not if we do not manage to survive or win, boy." the robed spirit suddenly called out to the unexpected newcomer. "It certainly did not matter to the lord you disposed of in the end, did it?" With a wave he dismissed the concerns of Yuri, or rather, bade him to leave them for later. “If we are to set up a headquarters… as our esteemed host suggests, then I shall lead the way.” The servant spoke without reservation. “Yes, I know the perfect place. A place well-suited for our efforts as a team.” and of course, especially for himself. “ “It is not a terribly old place, all things considered. But its suitability for the purpose of this ritual is second to none. A place separated from the rest of the city, a place suitable for our various mysteries. While it is only a mere decades old it is exceptionally compatible with the fortifications I am to offer. Ah, of course I must introduce myself first before I am to be a guide.” With a smile he raised a hand. A frame was knitted with magical energy, the processes of a creation being run through in his mind. To make a map was not beyond Caster’s abilities, and so it could be replicated through magecraft. The gathering of pigments, the dispersant, solvents.. The tanning and stretching of the hide of a beast. Drawing, observing, seeing the city. All the steps were played out in his mind, the process of creation carried out. Yes, to project something was in a sense the same as creation. A massive map coalesced into existence in the hands of Caster. He sent a slight smile to his master as he watched it roll out into something akin to a carpet, covering the floor and even going as far as to roll over the feet of a few of the masters. He pointed at a certain island. “There, at the Berlin Cathedral we will be gathering. Our efforts will likely be blessed, and from a more practical point of view of a magu-ahem… heretic, it is a place most suited for mysteries.” Caster simply began to walk away without further word or elaboration. Nor did he wait for a response. Was it that he expected them to follow like a herd? Was it that he simply did not care whether or not they accompanied him. But what was certain was that the servant of magic paused only to call out to the knight that accompanied him. “Come now, master. We have much work to do.” -- The establishment of a territory, the creation of bounded fields. There was much work to do, and little time to rest. A simple enough matter to insert themselves, and any number of guests into the Cathedral. While he decided to keep his usage of hypnotic suggestions to a minimum, there was no harm in using such magecraft upon the ones who were of the church. Well, it was simply easier this way he explained to his master. It was simply a matter of making sure they do not see odd things or pry. Minimum interference was required due to their already existing authority and sanction by the church. Walking in the holy halls Caster felt a certain melancholy, a certain twinge of regret. He was no evil man, he was a righteous man. Yet... that ignoble end, the tortured life he led. There was good in it, there was bad in it. Yet the blotch of a stain upon his life that woman was at the end of his life was a deep one, a pigment of desire and sin that spread and covered up everything. In a sense that woman came to define him, in a sense that woman took everything that was Caster and erased it. Now he was simply a fool ruined by love, with all that came before meaningless. Ah, he truly ****** her. As Caster set up his territory church bells began to ring, echoing throughout the city. A great presence was filled in those deep echoes that invoked a certain famous other cathedral, and perhaps a touch of a forbearance even a normal person could feel. Yes. War had come to Berlin, and perhaps these bells marked the beginning of a fall. Without further adieu Caster began his work in the church that became his workshop. The first order of business was the creation of homunculi helpers. After all they would make the work go quicker. Then came the construction of various other bounded fields. His homunculi were able to make more homunculi and aid him with such tasks. Of course there were a few created to physically reinforce and redesign the cathedral so as to truly make it a stronghold. In a sense their base was truly the Cathedral, but the island itself was their/his territory. Seperated from the world, truly this was an island of god, an island of ghosts, an island of mystery. Today, legends invoked and brought back to the living world walked among the halls that showcased history. Welcome to Museum Island. Welcome to the Berlin Cathedral. Let the bells of Notre Dame sing of war and sin. May we be protected by the flames of the hell of our own creation. Amen.