[Center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjAyYjY5ZC5UV0ZrWld4cGJtVWdUR1YyYVc1bC4xAAA,/beyond-wonderland.regular.png[/img][/center][hr][Code]Market Square[/code][hr] Time wasn't exactly on Maddie's side, either due to not having a watch on her constantly, or her not scheduling her plans properly. Madeline had taken time off of studying to go hunting with her brother, once per week as usual. Yet when she realized that she was late for the meeting, Maddie had to leave early. [Color=paleturquoise]"Look, sorry I had to leave sooner than needed, but I'm late for a meeting!"[/color] She told her brother over the phone as she quickly walked down the street. [Color=paleturquoise]"Bro, you know I'm shitty when it comes to managing time! Okay- Okay, I'll swing by the cafe real quick and-"[/color] Madeline stopped in her tracks when she saw Scott jumping across the rooftops. [Color=paleturquoise]"....What. The fuck."[/color] She stood there in silence for a moment, before lifting her phone back to her ear. [Color=paleturquoise]"I'll call you back."[/color] She hung up, and broke off into a sprint to where she suspected the beast had jumped away from. [hr][code]Cafe Sucre[/code][hr] Maddie skid to a stop once she saw the group. She recognized some of them from the camp, but the only person she really recognized was Claire. [Color=paleturquoise]"Uh, I'd ask 'what did I miss?', buuuut that might come off as rude."[/color] She said, walking up besides Claire.