Siloune's brow pinched. "I shall pretend, only this once, that I did not hear implications of lycan clans harbouring deserters from the Dominion military. But, even as I give you as much charity, [i]you[/i] would presume to challenge the best the Dominion has?" She held her head back and quietly scoffed, still somehow remaining subdued in expression. "I was under the impression, Champion of Hircine, that you were petitioning for military intervention, not for making enemies." With utmost gravity, Siloune bowed her head forward and bored into Meesei's eyes. "Need I remind you of the agreement you signed with the Dominion regarding your clans within our borders? Their existence is purely continued by our lenience. I advise you to tread carefully." "Commander," Calad's surprisingly high voice finally sounded in the pause before Meesei could speak. Siloune's shoulders lowered as if reminded that her temper's limits were showing. "Speak, Calad," she said without looking at him. "May we discuss this outside?" He said, looking pointedly at Meesei. "Without our guest?" After a second, Siloune's lips curled in and she stood up. Her two companions followed as she paced outside. The door shut loudly. Meesei was left alone, once again, with the two door guards. Both watched her like a hawk. One crossed his arms. Outside the meeting room, Meesei could hear an argument rapidly growing loud and impassioned between her three liaisons. Whether by magic or the thickness of the walls, she could not make out the words themselves. She could only hear the conflict that quickly flared up. During the few minutes, the talking outside the room grew and lowered in volume. Siloune's voice cut through each of Calad and Teoriah's words if they spoke too loudly. The last half-minute was more amenable, with even speech and a long clarification by Siloune. The door opened again with a distinctly crisp clack after listening to all the other muffled sounds. Calad, Teroiah, and Siloune walked in and resumed their seats. Calad leant back and crossed his arms. Teroiah's face was fading from a beet red to her natural fair tone, but her lips and eyes were more neutral than annoyed, unlike before. Finally, Siloune was just as composed as ever. She weaved her fingers together on the table and resumed immediately. "Let it not be said that the Dominion provides no compromise. In spite of your dangerous assumptions, we wish to extend an offer contingent for the Dominion's involvement in this...incident." She lifted her chin a touch. "Here in Alinor, exactly two days from the end of this meeting, you will arrive to answer a trial by combat -- a duel to first blood -- with Teroiah. Teroiah is the commanding officer of the force slated to invade Oblivion to stop Clavicus Vile. Should you prevail against Teroiah, the Rueful Axe shall remain under your discretion and Teroiah will cooperate and coordinate with Imperial and lycan leadership in this mission. Should Teroiah prevail, you and all the fighting forces at your disposal shall obey her orders to the letter for the duration of this mission, [i]and [/i]all lycan clans in Dominion borders shall be subject to investigation regarding deserters from the Dominion military and other criminals at-large. We shall be invading Oblivion whether you accept these terms or not, but we shall not provide military assistance alongside your forces under any other agreement." Her face levelled. "Any questions?" As usual, the Dominion was making it clear who was in control. With Siloune putting her foot down, Meesei had little room to move. Nevertheless, the room she had was the room she planned for; her magical prowess versus the Dominion's.