Ryssa gapped at Amentuankh's mockery of her. It wasn't that he was wrong, or that it was bad advice. But rather she was fighting back the heating of her cheeks at the irritation of being so shamed. "I'd discuss my past, but I don't have much of one." The 'man' muttered in disgust as Amen moved off to join the older Epizelos. Rubbing her shoulder, and Ryssa noted Ahirom monkeying up and down the mast to prepare the sails. As much as she would wish to help the pale figure was certain she'd only make a fool of herself or reveal herself as a woman. Both were problematic. A sly look at Neriad and the brothers only urged her towards the mast to try her hand at helping. Better the mast than to get a lot of warriors insistent at dragging her out to drink. Something that would only make keeping her secret harder. Moving towards the mast, the supposed man eyed how Ahirom was climbing. It looked doable with her own lithe form. Keeping a ear on the conversations she could possibly catch, the woman in disguise clambered up the mast. Copying Ahirom's movements as she observed him, trying to aid him best she could. Often keeping one hand to catch herself, making her slower at the tasks though no less proficient. Amentuankh was a decent person for a pirate 'captain'. He kept gold flowing and gave sound advice. But it was irritating at how close he kept getting! More than irritating it was dangerous!