The president clenched his fists tightly. "How dare you make a mockery of my great nation. You see partner, the way I see it: you're either for this nation or against it. Now I ain't no diplomat- oh wait, yeah I am, but I digress. If you ain't for this nation, that means you're against it; and you know what that means? One of two things: You're either a terrorist or a commie. I don't care how young you look. Now tell me son. Which one of those are you?" Andrew Jackson thought about it for a bit. As he spoke, he had his sword out with the blade on the ground. He walked around, occasionally lifting the sword a bit only to have it fall back to the ground. He stopped soon enough, holding his hands out, as if he were carrying a small stone. Then, it turns out there was a stone; a stone shaped like an egg. Except it wasn't a stone, it was in fact an egg which hatched and quickly grew into a fully grown bald eagle. "See this? This is a symbol of America's freedom. As long as this little critter stays alive, he will remain a beacon of hope. And freedom." The president released his grip of the eagle, setting it free as it flew off into the distance. "Now go free" Andrew said as the bird slowly disappeared from sight. "As I was saying. You're either for this country or against it. As an American, I can't have nobody harming this country or its people. The way I see it you've done both of these things. That makes you a repeat offender, and I can't have none of that." The president picked up his sword and held it in both hands before making a mad dash towards Fuschia. Dirt was kicked backwards, shrouding a bit of the background behind the president in dust. The president raised his sword high into the air before coming in to slash at Fuschia, the blade aimed at the boy's shoulder. As the dust settled, three letters were revealed- the letters Andrew Jackson had marked with his sword. It spelled "USA".