As if acting on instinct, Sisseepa’s hand flew to the dagger that was strapped to his hip upon Aela’s loud and rather abrupt entrance. However, once seeing there was no immediate threat the startled reptile eased slightly. Usually when Jorvasker’s door were flung open in such a way danger was the cause. Thankfully this didn’t seem to be the case, though the look on the seasoned Companion’s face told otherwise. Her news was just as chilling. The Harbinger missing? It wasn’t like the Dovahkin to just vanish. He understood that as Harbinger and Dovahkin, a lot would be expected of them and at times would be called away. But to be missing leaving nothing behind but a letter telling of possible danger was troubling. Glancing around the room it was apparent the others shared his concern. He was worried not just for the Harbinger but for them as well. For someone are something to be powerful enough to fell the Dovahkin...What odds did they have of standing chance? No, he couldn’t think of that. Now was time the time to dwell but the time to act. Sisseepa stood up from his seat and followed Alit and Jarret to the living quarters. He’d made the decision to adorn his armor early this morning needing only to pack a back and grab his bow. The Argonian quickly shoved what he could into the small satchel. Two healing potions and some rations for the road. He shoulder the pack and clipped his quiver in place. The light snores coming from the cot across from his own stopped him in his tracks.[@[color=a187be] “Arise egg-brother.” [/color]]He spoke with worry leaking into his voice as he shook the slumbering mound that was Zazar. [color=a187be]“The Harbinger Dovahkin is missing and we leave for Solitude soon.” [/color]His rising worry causing the natural hiss in is accent to become more heavy. The more time wasted the more dire situation became. Pleased that the fellow Argonian began to stir Sisseepa released the other’s shoulder and grabbed his bow on the way out. If the little group wished to stand a chance against the faceless enemy then they would need all the help they could get. The lavender eyed Argonian soon returned to the group nodding to show he was ready. [color=a187be]“Zazar will be joining us soon.”[/color] He informed exchanging a glance with Hilde and Alit. The Redgaurd’s words caught his attention it was plain to see the nervousness that exuded from his fellow Companion. [color=a187be]“We will be okay.”[/color] He spoke laying a comforting hand upon the other’s shoulder. Sisseepa tried to look hopeful but he couldn’t help the pools of uneasiness reflecting in his own eyes.