[hr][hr][center][img]https://s17.postimg.cc/bsw7fuocv/df2973277f3b3295ff1f09a5d52c51e0.png[/img][hr][img]https://s9.postimg.cc/osznzxcov/tumblr_mt4decx_Jio1rivzjbo1_500.gif[/img][hr][@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi][/center][hr][hr][center][h3][color=7bcdc8][b]Present Day - The Castle: December 21st, 12,507 - 11:45 AM [/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][@LadyRunic]: His walk to the Palace is relatively uneventful. The crowds are larger than they should be outside the Palace grounds this time of day. After a few minutes, he'll be able to overhear why. Apparently, the ExtraOrdinary Wizard was behind schedule and had not yet finished securing the Palace grounds [b]Magykally[/b]. Only the most important guests were being allowed through at the moment, until the ExtraOrdinary Wizard was able to give the all clear to the guards and allow the general public through. Rhys will be able to spot Fleur amongst the crowds waiting to gain entry. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=#9B30FF]Arya Rincewind[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbhwr3tsB71qdxxyt.gif[/img][hr][color=#9B30FF][b]Location:[/b][/color] the Palace[/center][hr] Arya and Rowland were both hard at work setting up various protective [b]Charms[/b] and warding. Even with two ExtraOrdinary Wizards on hand, it was a difficult job - further complicated by the arrival of some of the guests who were milling about the grounds, looking for seats they wished to take. It was to be an outdoor Coronation and while it made it beautiful, it also made it just as challenging. It was a full fifteen minutes before Arya and Rowland finished, with both of them looking a bit out of breath as they went to rejoin Cuyler at the front of the Palace. [color=#9B30FF]"Thank you for...Where is Atkin?"[/color] Arya asked Cuyler, her emerald eyes widening with concern. She clenched her hand slightly with worry. She understood Atkin felt a need to wander and that perhaps he felt slighted by being left with Cuyler, but she and Rowland had needed complete concentration to cast their [b]Magyk[/b] so quickly and efficiently. Atkin didn't know nearly enough [b]Magyk[/b] to assist as well. And of all the days for Atkin to decide to wander off, it was when his life was potentially at risk due to the [b]Queste[/b] and the бесконачни каменци. Rowland performed a simple locater [b]Charm[/b] in order to search for Atkin. "Ah, he is not far, my dear - no need to worry," he reassured Arya. "It seems Atkin has wandered down the Long Walk..." The Long Walk was a relatively famous location of the Palace. It led to the throne room and was lined with treasures from various lands and eras. Centuries ago, Queen Cerys' husband had decorated the halls after they had been made barren, with the Long Walk receiving the most care and attention. [color=#9B30FF]"Thank you, Rowland,"[/color] Arya told her mentor with a strained smile. The stress was beginning to get to her slightly. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=7bcdc8]Nera Hawthorn[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s17.postimg.cc/6c8zvcptr/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=7bcdc8][b]Location:[/b][/color] Port Barge ---> the Castle - South Gate[/center][hr] Nera turned her face to hide her irritation with the comments on the choice of aliases. She held her tongue, resisting the urge to berate Fleur and Malekith for their complaints. While they all had their own areas of wisdom, neither of them had spent as much time in the Castle as she had. Esren Carlan was a respectable name and while not the most gorgeous, certainly not hideous. As for Malekith's protest, Nera understood his initial knee jerk reaction to it yet it helped to have an established relation when going undercover in such a manner. "Kao da znaju koja je stvarna moć...," Marya whispered to her sister, who nodded in agreement with a bit of a giggle. "Treba li da ih pitamo da li bi prava moć volela knjigu ili nešto čitati?" Medea whispered back, prompting snickering from Marya. Nera raised an eyebrow at the pair, wondering if they'd realize that speaking that ancient tongue in public would only draw attention to themselves. [color=7bcdc8]"Girls..."[/color] Nera warned them softly. Marya - or perhaps it was Medea - rolled her eyes but the two of them quieted down. The rest of the ride on the barge was uneventful and it was a relatively quick one. The barge let them off at the docks by the South Gate, with almost every passenger getting off and making a beeline for the same entrance. The guards were talking amongst themselves, randomly stopping individuals in the crowd to ask for their name and occupation. The twins got off the barge, glanced at the others, and shrugged a bit before one of them grabbed Nera and they vanished in the blink of an eye, only a gust of wind signaling that they had been there. Malekith ended up being stopped by one of the guards, who looked him over. "Name, occupation, reason for visit," they grunted at him. The other guard had a pad of paper out, writing down a rough description of Malekith and preparing to record his responses. [hr][hr][center][h1][b][i][color=ff0000]Myrus Silvers[/color][/i][/b][/h1][img]https://s17.postimg.cc/7skidmarz/giphy.gif[/img][hr][color=ff0000][b]Location:[/b][/color] the Throne Room - The Palace[/center][hr] [color=ff0000]"Yeah, sure thing Lyra,"[/color] Myrus replied, giving her a bit of a smile. He figured that the dragon egg had been abandoned in a dusty crypt for this long that it was Lyra's right to keep it. No one in his family had even been aware that it existed and he didn't feel particularly attached to it. His mind was more focused on other matters - his mother's murder and his sister's coronation that would begin rather soon. They were supposed to have had more time to plan and prepare for it this morning, but that had all changed. His entire life had changed. "Come, we must not be late," Asha insisted. Myrus nodded and began to lead the way to the throne room. Once there, his eyes widened as he spotted the dead princess on the floor. It wasn't the first time that blood had stained the throne room in Castle history, but it unnerved him to say the least. His mother's death had been bloodless. He practically stumbled his way over to his sisters. [color=ff0000]"Valda, Luna...Are you two alright?"[/color] he asked nervously. There was a small tear in Valda's robes from where the bullet had been, but Jadis raised her hand and whispered a spell, repairing the robes. "Prince Myrus," Wylie greeted, giving him a slight bow. Myrus gave him a bit of an odd look but he nodded. Most foreigners tended to refer to him that way, though hardly anyone in the Castle did. To them, he was just Myrus Silvers - or perhaps Myrus Marcellus on special occasions - the brother of the Queenling. "Princess Snaera accused Princess Valda of murder and in self defense, this tragedy occurred," Wylie explained. "Do not fret, Myrus," Puck reassured him. "My sister and I will attend to these sorry affairs. Please, go with your sisters and the other delegates - the Coronation will begin soon." Myrus hesitated before nodding. Jadis instructed most of her coven to go outside and get seats for the Coronation, with a few remaining behind to tend to the mess in the throne room. Emperor Taj approached Valda with his sister at his side, extending his hand to her. "My condolences and congratulations, Princess Valda," Emperor Taj said simply. "We have much to speak of together - after you are crowned." His sister was glancing at Jadis and Puck. She then whispered something to Valda quietly.