Garamm had plunged Fahlzarm deep into the chest of a Reaver at the moment she heard the public channel hailing her ship. She went inside, curious as to the noise, dragging the skewered Reaver in with her. It writhed and screeched, its plasma weapon warped beyond recognition, as she listened intently to the message. Garamm welcomed the new direction for her to take. She had grown bored of playing around with these Reavers. They had far too strong a fixation on these plasma guns of theirs. It was beyond her why none of them understood the majesty and utility of a good bladed weapon. It was no wonder they were defeated so long ago. At least the change in setting would allow her to dispatched them with more creativity. She yanked Fahlzarm loose from her unintentional abductee, shoved the dying creature out of her ship, and left it there to rot. She then took flight, heading for this "Cerberus Gate". On the way over, she inevitably ran afoul of Reaver gunships that thought her easy prey. The unfortunate fact for them was that her powers made dog-fighting significantly easier for her, as just about every type of ship in Elysia had something metal in it. Engaging auto-pilot so she could concentrate, she ensnared two unwitting Reaver ships in her grasp. [b]"Now kiss."[/b] She muttered as she smooshed the two together, both of which exploded upon impact, leaving nothing but a smoking, mangled mess that Garamm released to fall lifelessly to the streets below. Another gunship swooped upon her, clipping her ship with its plasma cannons. Once again, Garamm reached out with her powers and gripped the ship, and hurled it skyward, sending it hurtling into the underbelly of the cruiser above. She doubted it would do much damage, but it would give them pause to see one of their own ships smash into them. Re-engaging manual control, Garamm plowed forward towards the gate again. The blades on her ship would make short work of anything stupid enough to end up in her way, and she would be ready to toss about any other ships that felt like crossing her.