[url=http://www.servimg.com/image_preview.php?i=58&u=13065085][img]http://i56.servimg.com/u/f56/13/06/50/85/power10.jpg[/img][/url] Inspiration: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chronicle_(film) [b]Plot:[/b] From the dawn of time mankind has always aspired to be greater, and their legends prove it. With Mythological beings such as the Olympians, and Nordic gods to more modern legends such as Paul Bunyan. Immortality, superhuman strength, moving objects with your mind, having glimpses of the future, bending the weather to your will, conjuring flames to do your bidding, all powers once believed to be possessed by ancient gods are now of super heroes like Superman, Spider-man, and other entertainment media. Nobody really believes anyone can have powers any more, except..for five seniors at the University of California who stumbled into a cave one Friday night. Drunk wandering, natural curiosity, whatever it may be that lead this group of friends to investigate, it's changed their lives forever. Now these people have come into possession of skills thought to be limited to Stan Lee's comic books. How will the power affect these people, how will they use their abilities to change the world around them as they grow more powerful? And most importantly will it all got their heads or do they have the power to let power go. [b]Rules[/b] 1. I'd like a group of about 6-7 in the story, but I'll allow more as long as yall are active. The Limit has now been reached, the RP is closed, thanks for joining. Those still making their CS's complete them and post them of course lol. 2. Be Active, if you have to go for some reason simply inform me either in PM or in the thread, so something can e arranged for your departure and/or absence. 3. Don't like writing excessive rules, so that's it let's make this a great roleplay. [b] Information[/b] Set in Oakland California, with us going to the University of California. The RP can start in the beginning of the Senior Year, or a few days after it started. The Powers will start off somewhat low tier, but as the roleplay progresses they'll continually grow more and more powerful. The more you use your power just like a muscle it'll get stronger. Everyone with a power as an empathic link. Meaning everyone can feel each other's emotions, state of mind ect. If one person is hurting the others would feel pain themselves, and be able to know who it's coming from. PLOT DISCUSSION ROOM: http://us11.chatzy.com/77330206413869 Discuss anything you want about the RP, how your characters know each other, ideas for the RP, plots, or just a general chill place to chat with your fellow players. :) Character Sheet: Since we're playing "ourselves" just describe yourself, and then after that the power you have. Name, age, ,gender, Appearance strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, a short summary of yourself. Also if you could an image that looks like yourself of if you choose too yourself. No official format, and personality won't be required but if you won't you can add that as well.