Flynn was sat outside of her small house that was owned by her mother, she was sat on her suitcase waiting before finally seeing the carriage come down the path. She began to feel nervous she had never been so far away from home before even being here at her mothers house made her feel home sick, She missed her home back in neverland and wanted more then anything to just fly away from the whole situation but instead she stood her grounds as the carriage pulled to a stop in front of her. She looked at her parents who where now stood in the doorway of the house waving her goodbye and she waved back, she quickly looked behind her making sure her shadow was still there smiling slight as she saw her shadow behind her the last thing she wanted was to go chasing it around. She stept into the carriage after putting her bags with the rest, looking at the others that where already in the carriage taking a seat near a window. Pulling her dads signature hat up slightly as it was to big for her. The carriage started moving and she watched as her parents and her home were out of sight, she know felt worse than before as she looked once again at everyone nervously.