[CENTER][img]http://78.media.tumblr.com/09b749e18251f747d1e0e09cf78d2ccb/tumblr_inline_mfj7tqJwWK1rxb8do.gif[/img][/CENTER] [INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3][color=D03F69]Q U I N N P E T E R S O N:[/color][/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][INDENT][sup][COLOR=SILVER]Wednesday, August 15[SUP]th[/SUP] - 12:00 PM | New York City, New York[/COLOR][/sup][/INDENT] Her thoughts seemed to be in the right direction then. If Mr. Smith was similar to the woman on the news, or her nightmares, then this was all piling into something much bigger than a murder. She didn't want to trouble Ms. Smith any more than she already was. [color=D03F69]"It helped. Thank you for coming down. You're free to take his remains if you could sign this quickly."[/color] She pulled out the paperwork she needed to sign in order to take the remains. Quinn's thoughts, meanwhile, were working overtime. What would she do with this information now? The next likely step would be to check in with the police to see where Mr. Smith was found and go from there? But her rational thoughts were saying to let this go. Move on and go back to work. She couldn't do that though. This was all becoming too real. There was something bigger at work here.