Solae suspected they would have to agree to disagree on how 'tough' she truly was. Perhaps her strong sense of self-preservation was another gift from the geneticist consultant her mother and father had employed some twenty odd years ago. Fleeing from death did not feel noble. In retrospect the marquise was not certain she felt like more than a caged animal backed into a corner that was focusing with tunnel-like vision on what would earn their survival. It was a touch ironic that she had been bred for intelligence and beauty yet they had not helped her defy fate. Long golden hair had not made the missiles impact exterior walls and blast debris around her out of bias for its color. Wit had not made Marlene impaled instead of Solae. Already she was weary of running and she could not fathom how much more of it she would be required to do. As many questions as she had- why he had been on punishment detail in the first place, whom had been murdered, what evidence was against him- but it was clear that Rene was not capable of addressing a barrage. It was a show of faith that he had confided in her at all and she was grateful. There would be a day in the future, assuming that the rebellion did not end her life itself, that she would seek her answers with or without Rene on the subject of the murder allegations. He had moved on with life but placing it in the past the best way he knew how, burying the memories and pursuing the only avenue available to him, but even before the words of his innocence left his lips Solae knew she could not let this stand. Telling Rene her intangible plan would put him in a tailspin. He'd object with certainty. An investigation could have a negative impact to her reputation even if her status allowed her greater societal latitude. If the murderer was still at large, and clever enough to not have been suspect to this day, the unknown individual would see Solae's inquisitive pursuit as a threat. Rene carried deeply about Solae's safety and the notion that she'd put herself in cross-hairs that already claimed another would push him over an emotional edge. But Rene deserved more. If he had joined the Imperial Marines of his own volition that would be one matter. That he was veritably forced into it by false accusations, that his name had been besmirched, that he had been obviously traumatized and was still disparaged to this day... it was unconscionable. The soldier had been her knight in shining armor and she prayed the universe gave her the same opportunity in the courts even if decades passed. Solae barely noticed the storm raging outside or even the look in Rene's eyes as she had inadvertently focused inwards. It was only when he pulled her close and kissed her that she become aware of her surroundings. A lady would have gently pushed him away, reminding him he was injured and possibly compromised by medication, that they should have a long, drawn out courtship full of expensive gifts and appearances to establish themselves as a couple, and a meeting between parents to discuss lineage and genetic strength. But Solae was increasingly aware she wasn't much of a lady (she had initiated prior) and, if Lord Armon's other conquests were indication, she was not alone in eschewing such requirements. Conscious thought melted away as she returned the passion of his kiss and pressed against him, craving the intoxicating heat emanating from his body. With no other way to close the distance (limbs and clothing be damned) she slid into his lap nimbly. It was a good thing that the late Marquise Selene Falia in particular was not privy to these developments. She had died believing her daughter's discretion was indicative of chaste, reserved relationships. Marchess Alyosha Falia knew better- his daughter [i]was[/i] well past eighteen years- but he had let his wife believe what she wanted to be to avoid disruptions in his lifestyle. After all, she was not the female version of the playboy Lord Armon, so there had been no reason to intervene or let the illusions Mrs. Falia had constructed fall.