[center][img]http://txt-dynamic.cdn.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjcyLmI1MjRmZi5RVzVoYzNSaGMybGhJRUpzWVdOcmQyVnNiQSwsLjA,/stingray.regular.png[/img] [img]http://www.kiddiepunk.com/zacshauntedhouse/images/2-49.gif[/img][/center] Anastasia was becoming uneasy about the whole situation. After she had told the nurses to clean up the O.R and leave the body there for a later autopsy to be performed to figure out what exactly was wrong with the woman aside from the deep laceration in her neck, she had come out to see the lobby and ER filled with multiple injuries, much like what had happened to her lost patient. [color=fdc68a]“Anastasia, we need to move these patients, more keep coming in..”[/color] A petite nurse whimpered gently as she looked around the area. [color=bc8dbf]“Yes, I know..”[/color] She murmured and glanced around, her eyes scanning over every person, momentarily landing on Connor and Hicks before another nurse came rushing up. [color=6ecff6]“Dr, some of the patiences families are demanding immediate help, alot of these wounds are the same as others, deep bite marks or flesh torn off from their body..”[/color] The male trailed off before letting out a shaky breath. With a long sigh, Anastasia gave a nod and grabbed one of the staplers on the nurses station. Without waiting, Anastasia began to slam the stapler onto the counter over and over letting its loud noise sound out throughout the room until everyone fell silent to look at her. With a small smile, she left the stapler and looked around.[color=bc8dbf] “Yes i know you are all worried for your friends and family, we are worried as well. Right now we cannot do our job unless you all are cooperative with us. We only have so many nurses and doctors at the moment.”[/color] She looked to each person before nodding a bit. [color=bc8dbf]“What i need to happen is that everyone who ISN’T wounded to come up in an orderly fashion and one by one explain where the wound is on who you brought with you today and how long they have had it, the ones who have been wounded the longest and or have the most severe wounds treated first. I need you all to understand we are working as fast as we possibly can, this will go much faster if you can help by doing this one thing for us.”[/color] Anastasia glanced around to see that most, besides those injured, were calming down and nodding in understandment. Just as she was about to speak up once more, a loud scream of pain came from behind the double doors that led to the O.R rooms. Swirling around, Anastasias wide eyes only seemed to widen more as Robert came stumbling through the door, gripping his neck as blood seemed to flow out nonstop. Rushing up, Ana caught him before he could fully hit the ground. [color=bc8dbf]“Robert?! Robert what happened?”[/color] She demanded nervously, her clothes instantly becoming stained by his blood. Silence of shock seemed to spread through the room as the male gripped onto Anastasia tightly, tears streaming down his face. [color=0054a6]“I-I was heading back to the O.R room b-because i had left something…”[/color] He groaned out coughing up blood, his breathing ragged and wet. [color=0054a6]“When some bitch came out of one of the O.R rooms...s-she attacked me Ana! The bitch tore into my neck and i-i ran.”[/color] He coughed out once more, his back arching in pain before he closed his eyes, becoming still in her arms. Hazel eyes wide with fear stared down at the male in disbelief. [color=bc8dbf]“What?”[/color] she mumbled, the silence was sickening, suffocating her as she slowly looked up to see a stumbling body push through those double doors. What exactly was going on?! [color=bc8dbf]“B-but thats...no she died..i watched her die!!”[/color] Anastasia screamed out, her body trembling as screams began to fill the air. She couldn’t move, all she could do was stare up at the woman with half her neck torn out..watch as clouded eyes seemed to be staring right back at her.