Donovan listened dutifully as he downed a water bottle to wash down his meal. He was a little shocked at the youth of Iowa and Massachusetts, but clearly the Director saw fit to put them on the team. Montana looked more the part however. He was just as tall as Donovan, and nearly as big. He also was clearly older than Iowa and Massachusetts, though younger than Donovan. His train of thought was interrupted as Massachusetts continued speaking. She made a good point: how was the command structure going to work? Donovan reasoned it would have something to do with the upcoming evaluations, which reminded him: he should probably get to the training area, and get a start on preparing for the evaluations. He started to stand, and spoke to the other freelancers at the table. "I dunno about you guys, but I think everyone else has gotten enough of a head-start on us for today. I'm heading up to the training area," With that, he made for the door.