I decided to take a shot at the prompt. [hider=From the Travelogue of Esteemed Sir Aalaraamaalaraamaa, Altmer Naturalist, Writer, Traveler] [i]...Amongst these travels, I should say that I met Dunmer fighting against the Nerevarine's forces too; while most of them were unscrupulous mercenaries in it for the coin, there were those with personal stakes as well. One particular example that I had the luxury of interviewing had in fact started off as a mercenary, although by the time of our conversation, he had become a full-on partisan. This maimed mer, named Sadri Beleth (I do not shy away from using his name, for the war has ended long since, and to my limited knowledge, so has his life) struck me as a cutthroat to stay away from at first glance. Later on I would find him a fine fellow to engage in conversation with, although, as usual with most Dunmer, he was prone to giving strangers a cold shoulder unless amused with a gift, which was, in his case, wine. It was in one of those days during which I accompanied this rather diverse mercenary company that I learned that Mister Beleth had in fact served in the Nerevarine's army during the Reclamation War; there were other veterans in the Company, although sadly, I did not get to know them all too well, and thus, unsure as to whether they would like to see our conversations exposed for all to see here, I shall include solely the conversation that I had with this world-weary fellow, who more than welcomed the possibility of his words being published, for posterity. For the reader's discretion, I should mention that while I refrained from rewording Mister Beleth's sentences, the fellow, being not only a Dunmer but also a past sailor and a drunkard, had a tendency to curse as frequently as an Orc thinks of murder and a Khajiit thinks of theft. Therefore, for ladies and the more proper gentlemen amongst our readers, I took the liberty of merely omitting the variety of curses he had in his repertoir, and replacing them with[/i] '*EXPLETIVE*'[i].[/i] [i]The conversation is as follows:[/i] YOURS TRULY- Sir, I could not help but notice that you've mentioned your regrets about serving in, ahem, 'that pompous, patronizing *EXPLETIVE*'s army. Were you an Armiger, perchance? BELETH- Nae, those *EXPLETIVE* *EXPLETIVE* *EXPLETIVE*s were recruited from amongst native Dunmer only during that time. For all the good it did them. *EXPLETIVE* *EXPLETIVE*s. [i]Mister Beleth takes a sip of his wine.[/i] YOURS TRULY- But you did serve during the Reclamation War? BELETH- Yes, I did. I was broke out of my *EXPLETIVE* *EXPLETIVE*, had no clue what to *EXPLETIVE* do with my *EXPLETIVE* life, and thought I could get myself a *EXPLETIVE* reward or something. And I did, admittedly. Then I *EXPLETIVE* lost it. [i]Mister Beleth refills his glass. I notice at this point that he empties his glass with every sip.[/i] YOURS TRULY- And what was the reward, sir? BELETH- A copious amount of gold. Although I did also get a *EXPLETIVE* handshake and a compliment, from the *EXPLETIVE* Nerevarine himself. [i]I gasp with excitement. This lowly Dunmer has met the Nerevarine? How incredible![/i] YOURS TRULY- You've met the Nerevarine? By Auriel, please tell me about it! Was he... charming? Majestic? [i]Mister Beleth glares at me. I put on a more solemn and acceptable expression. I often forget that these primitives are at war.[/i] BELETH- *EXPLETIVE* *EXPLETIVE*, that's what he was. He was this taller than I, (he raises his arm completely) and had a *EXPLETIVE* halo of fire burning bright behind him, like he was some sort of *EXPLETIVE* saint. Clad head to toe in *EXPLETIVE* pitch black armor, save from above his royal *EXPLETIVE* neck. I still remember a bright red magic crown of... *EXPLETIVE* something floating atop his *EXPLETIVE* head. We were all standing in this line, and he came and shook our hands one by one, although I'm not sure if he was walking or *EXPLETIVE* floating. "Thank you for your service," that's what he said to me when he shook my hand. I was afraid that his armor was some sort of *EXPLETIVE* Daedra out to suck my soul dry, it looked like regal *EXPLETIVE* terror with its smooth *EXPLETIVE* curves and puffed cloth, and yet looking into his eyes was somehow even more *EXPLETIVE* terrifying. He had a *EXPLETIVE* weight to his actions, yet it felt as if he was doing *EXPLETIVE* nothing. He was expressionless when he shook my hand. Stone *EXPLETIVE* cold. As if he were looking at some sort of *EXPLETIVE* rodent. Dagon knows, that's probably what he thought of me, if he actually did bother with thinking about my lowly *EXPLETIVE*. YOURS TRULY- You sound impressed, sir. BELETH- You bet your *EXPLETIVE* I was impressed. Not even his *EXPLETIVE* shadow moved without his will. *EXPLETIVE* was like a damn God. YOURS TRULY- Do you think that he was, or is, a God? You did mention some knowledge about the concept of mantling, however disputed it may be. BELETH- Maybe. Maybe. I've yet to see a God who can beat Want, though. YOURS TRULY- And what is it that you want, sir? [i]Mister Beleth downs his glass quite resolutely.[/i] BELETH- Murder the Gods and Topple their Thrones, sir. That is the mantra. I want his *EXPLETIVE* *EXPLETIVE* dead. [/hider]