[hider=Naida Sherwood] [center][img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/952241499944640513/0L356Xdf_400x400.jpg[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180521/c921bec5241b8fbbc5e9ef6a2fcb07b6.png[/img] [hr] [hr] [Color=0B5345]Full Name:[/color] Naida Sherwood [Color=0B5345]Nicknames/Alias/AKA:[/color] Nadia [Color=0B5345]Age:[/color] 20? [Color=0B5345]Gender:[/color] Female [Color=0B5345]DOB:[/color] June 02 (Her Chosen Birthday) [Color=0B5345]Occupation:[/color] Student at Gringore Academy Works at Darling Boutique [Color=0B5345]Race:[/color] Merrow [Color=0B5345]Hair Color:[/color] Brown [Color=0B5345]Eye Color:[/color] Dark Green [Color=0B5345]Height and Build:[/color] 5'4", Average/On the thin side [Color=0B5345]Other Appearance:[/color] When Naida in salt water, her tail is similar to that of a vein-tailed betta fish. It's a dark green color that glints in the sun along with her silver skin. However, she is rarely in this from to prevent anyone accidentally seeing her. When in human form, Naida's hair is dyed brown to make her look more mundane, but her real hair is a silver similar to her skin in water. Naida usually likes to wear cute dresses and skirts. This is partially why she works at the Darling Boutique. She love the way it gives her legs room to breathe. However, when it gets cold, you will never not see her in a sweater of some type. She'd wear large sweaters and sweat pants all the time if she didn't go outside. She also prefers more cute clothing than fashion forward, it fuels her slightly shameful fantasy of feeling like a princess. [Color=0B5345]History/bio:[/color] The first thing Naida remembers is pain. She remembers being constantly hungry and sore. She remembers dark rooms and scary humans. What she doesn't remember are her parents nor the feeling of being in salt water and having a tail. Naida didn't have a sense of time or what life was supposed to be like. All she did was sit in a tiny room, and weave Gloss. Then after awhile of weaving Gloss, they would take her out and do all sort of things to get her to cry. They would beat her, electrocute her, berate her, anything they could. It wasn't hard given that she cried pretty easy, but even after crying until she had more tears, they would try to milk more out of her. It wasn't a good life, but it was the only one she knew. However, one day, her daily life was changed. A comforting hand was reached out to her and suddenly her life was filled with light. Nadia doesn't remember much of what happened since there was so much going on, but she was lead through the building where multiple shouts and lots of struggling took place. She eventually found herself in a large van with other people she assumed to be like her. In an effort to keep Naida safe, she was taken to Nowhere. It was secluded, had a high concentration of supernatural beings, and there was someone willing to take care of her. When Naida met Nala, Naida was a nervous wreck. She wouldn't talk and was wary to trust. Naida was first drawn towards Kallista. They were similar of age and far from the mainly male adults who had tortured her before. The two grew close before Naida finally let Nala have a chance. Nala slowly taught Naida the ways of the world and gained her trust. Eventually, Naida gave herself her name with the help of Nala because of it's connection to water. Plus she thought it sounded pretty. The Merrow was truly fascinated with the outside world, particularly with nature. Something inside her called her to be outside in nature and specifically water. Finding out about her own abilities and her kind's value was a huge shock to her as well. Naida felt the need to catch up with the kids her age in knowledge and eventually surpassed them. Because of this, she became an avid reader. Romantic novels and fantasy are her favorite genre. Nadia is a hopeless romantic and loves daydreaming and reading. Even though it's unrealistic, she loves the idea of being swept off her feet by some prince charming. Now Naida is enrolled in Gringore Academy along with Kallista. When she enrolled, she used the name Nadia instead of Naida since it sounded more normal and she had to keep her identity secret. She also began to dye her hair brown and if asked about her race, she either tries to not say anything or just say that she's a Fey. Both her and Kallista live in the dorms at Gringore. It's a fairly safe space for the two and Nala sees them frequently. The two adopted sisters visit Nala in her apartment frequently to chat and eat some nice food. Naida does lots of chores around the house for Nala to thank her for her kindness in bringing her in and treating her so nicely. Naida also initially took up a job to help Nala, but she refused because she didn't need the money. So now, Naida uses the money to save up and buy gifts for Nala and Kallista. Naida is constantly attached to Kallista and is very shy at the academy. She has trouble talking to others without getting nervous. She especially has troubles talking to authority figures such as professors. If any of them say anything that even hints at being mean, she begins to go misty eyed. She doesn't cry in order to keep her secret, but has occasionally gotten in trouble for running away from a professor. [Color=0B5345]Family/Relationships:[/color] Nala Sherwood (Adopted Mother) Kallista Sherwood (Adopted Sister) [Color=0B5345]Other/Extra:[/color] (anything I missed to put in, anything you wish to add)[/center] [/hider]