[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][color=pink]Cuyler Eysteinsson[/color][/center][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/d8f9cd3b69671efc0faece9872989257/tumblr_nyymexEy261snwcefo4_400.gif[/img][/center] [hr][center][color=pink]Location:[/color] The Palace [/center][hr] The apprentice stared at Cuyler with a less than impressive look before he turned and strolled into the palace. Cuyler stood quickly, having the instinct to follow and keep an eye out for him when he heard a commotion behind him. He knew he should follow Atkin, he wouldn’t involve himself in whatever the young apprentice got into but Arya was counting on him. He turned around however and saw another dog slide and nearly take out Thia but she jumped up the step at the last minute and growled at the intruder. It was Aurora, Lyra’s Night Transformer. Cuyler grinned and shook his head. [color=pink]”Come here Aurora, before Thia yells at you,”[/color] he said sitting back down. With Aurora’s grand entrance, the birds Thia had been chasing had promptly scattered leaving her without prey. Cuyler scratched and rubbed Aurora’s head, shaking his head at the large animal. [color=pink]”Still causing mischief when Lyra isn’t around I see.”[/color] Lyra was Cuyler’s closest friend. They had met during childhood, through their fathers and reconnected once Cuyler began traveling back to the Castle. The two friends quickly rekindled, reminiscing about their childhood and discovering where their paths had led them. Without warning Thia pounced on Aurora and they rolled to the ground, barking and growling as they played. Ayra’s voice triggered Cuyler’s attention and he stood quickly. He looked apologetically at her and was about to explain his incompetence when Rowland assured them both that Atkin was fine. Cuyler relaxed and focused his attention on Ayra, letting the noise from the dogs playing fade into the background. The ExtraOrdinary Wizard looked relieved when she was informed of Atkin’s whereabouts but still there was stress lining her face, more with every intake of breath it seemed. [color=pink]”Let us get through the coronation today, after we can discuss how to keep Atkin safe; and you,”[/color] Cuyler added pointedly. He still remembered the Alchemist’s warnings on her safety as well. He may have been overstepping but Cuyler was valuable in his own way.This problem was [b]Magykal[/b] by nature but the young man had become exceptional at finding things and figuring out ways to survive.