[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/hK690Ki.png[/img][hr][hr] [img]https://i.imgur.com/5PPE5u9.gif[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/MGetDGn.gif[/img] [color=slategray][sub]A [@smarty0114] & [@Silent Observer] Collab Featuring: [color=7eff9a][b]Noah “Dance With Me!” Nichols[/b][/color] & [color=0073d8][b]Dixon “N-no Thanks!” Piccoli[/b][/color] Location: Here, there, and everywhere.[/sub][/color] [hr][hr][/center] [indent][indent]While Katie and Scott had gone for a surely uncomfortable swim in the waters below, Noah and JD had followed Cassie around the corner and back to where the real party was. Noah, who’d been slumped against JD, his head resting on the younger boy’s shoulder, perked up at the sight of the bright colors that decorated the dance floor. Grinning, he took to dancing, the best he could while completely drunk off his ass. Cassie, to her credit, was familiar with alcohol and its effects, and had a slight bit more control over herself. Smirking, she leaned down and spoke in JD’s ear, not worried about anyone overhearing thanks to the deafening music. [color=f1cbff][b]“He’s gonna start to crash pretty soon here, kid! I’d get your boyfriend to a room! Or at least somewhere he can puke in peace!”[/b][/color] Cassie shouted, before smiling, patting JD on the head, and skipping off into the crowd. Dixon blanched at her words. At the [i]assumption[/i]. Oh god, did people think that?! He turned to face her and speak. [color=0073d8][b]“He’s not my—”[/b][/color] but his defense fell on deaf ears. Cassie was already walking away. His stomach clenched in fear. Oh no, what if she told people? This was bad, mayday mayday, high alert urgent [b]bad[/b]. He looked back to Noah, who was thankfully no longer leaning against him (not that JD minded at the time, but he would mind now), and was instead dancing. If you could call that dancing. JD didn’t dance. For a boy whose life was so centered around all things music, dancing was so not his thing. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, he would sometimes dance while he played his viola, but [i]that[/i] was in the privacy of his bedroom. He definitely would not be dancing at a party, in front of all of his classmates. So, instead of joining Noah, Dixon stood a healthy distance away to avoid getting roped into it. Cassie mentioned that Noah might crash… or puke. Noah didn’t look like he was going to vom, but JD didn’t really know exactly what a drunk person about to puke looked like. His parents drank sometimes, but they never got that bad, at least not that he could remember. [color=0073d8][b]“Hey, uhh, are you sure you’re… okay?”[/b][/color] JD attempted to say to Bible Dude over the noise of the crowd. Noah was off in a world of his very own. His head swung around as his body moved, horribly offbeat, and without any semblance of rhythm. Noah didn’t generally like dancing, but tonight, well, the rules were different it seemed. He grinned at JD as he spoke to him, and shouted back a response. [color=7eff9a][b]“I’m great!! Come dance! It’s FUN!”[/b][/color] Dixon stared back at him with wide eyes. Come dance? Oh no, no no no. Why did his palms suddenly feel sweaty at the very mention of that? He wasn’t normally this shy. This was… a new feeling. [color=0073d8][b]“Erm— I’m… good. Thanks.”[/b][/color] Except for the fact that his heart was racing in his chest. That didn’t feel so good. Was this what people called an anxiety attack? He suddenly felt very ill. [color=0073d8][b]“You sure you don’t need, like, water or something?”[/b][/color] Because JD felt like [i]he[/i] needed some water. Where did his juice wind up, anyway? It certainly wasn’t in his hand anymore. Noah rolled his eyes, and in a very Katie-esque fashion, grabbed JD’s hand and pulled him onto the dance floor, jumping up and down to the music, grinning, his hair flopping around. [color=7eff9a][b]“THIS IS AWESOME!”[/b][/color] he shouted, his inhibitions so far gone they were in another state at this point. He looked at Dixon, who looked about as happy as the Grinch, and grabbed his hand again, trying to get him to dance. [color=7eff9a][b]“Dance with me!”[/b][/color] The green-haired boy looked down at the hand around his wrist as if it was branding him. He immediately thought of all of the different moves in his arsenal to gets his hand back and defend himself against this advance. But, this wasn’t the Combat Club. JD couldn’t knock a kid on his ass just for trying to get him to dance, as much as his fight or flight instincts were begging him to do so. Instead, Dixon’s eyes darted around the crowd, searching for any familiar faces that might see him if he actually went through with this. Gods, if his brothers saw him dancing with a guy, he would never hear the end of it. At least that’s what he thought, anyway. [color=0073d8][b]“Okay! Okay.”[/b][/color] JD replied. The coast seemed clear enough. Tucking himself further into the crowd of dancing bodies, Dixon danced. He tried to, at least. Noah was obviously drunk, and likely wouldn’t remember this anyway, so Dixon didn’t really care that he probably wasn’t dancing well. Neither was Noah! Noah grinned at JD, overjoyed at the sight of him dancing. YES! Noah was excited. Mostly from the alcohol, but hey, who cares? Unfortunately, the excitement didn’t last long. The frantic movements that accompanied Noah’s dancing had the alcohol that was still in his stomach churning. It wasn’t long before Noah pushed off the dance floor and ran over to the side of the boat, puking right into the ocean. [color=7eff9a][i]This is decidedly, not cool,[/i][/color] he thought, as he coughed up more vodka into the waves. Nearly as soon as he had been pulled in, JD was off of the dancefloor. Thank the gods for this fortune. Dixon carefully followed after Noah, who practically ran from his spot on the floor, and watched as the kid wretched over the railing. JD winced. [color=0073d8][b]“Oh… gnarly.”[/b][/color] He said as he slowly approached the other boy from behind. [color=0073d8][b]“I mean, I tried to warn you… You, you don’t do this much, huh?”[/b][/color] JD asked rather rhetorically, he was pretty sure he knew the answer to that. He momentarily put a comforting hand on Noah’s back, but quickly retracted it upon realizing what he did. [color=0073d8][b]“You think you want that water now? We can go chill and sit down or something.”[/b][/color] Noah looked up at JD, his eyes half shut as if the vodka had sapped his energy on it’s way out. He nodded, and went to stand back up, but stumbled and grabbed onto JD for support. The world was spinning. Did it always spin like this? Noah closed his eyes, hoping to block out the constant motion, his hands gripping JD’s arm like a vice. [color=7eff9a][sub][b]“Lead the way,”[/b][/sub][/color] he mumbled. Dixon felt every point of contact between their bodies with burning heat as Noah leaned against him. His heart rate once again picked up as the overactive organ beat erratically in his chest. [color=0073d8][i]Jesus, Dixon, get your shit together.[/i][/color] He thought to himself as he let out a raspberry-like sigh through his lips. With a surprising amount of strength for a boy of his stature, JD easily guided the drunk teenager and himself towards the bar. [b]“Ahh, [i]Just Juice[/i], you’re back.”[/b] The snarky bartender remarked when Dixon sidled up to the bar again. The ‘tender took one look at Noah and shook his head ‘no’. [b]“I’m afraid I can’t serve that one any more, sorry kid.”[/b] [color=0073d8][b]“Just two glasses of water, please. And… uh, where’s the nearest bathroom, maybe?”[/b][/color] Dixon requested with an apologetic facial expression, as if this inconvenience to the bartender was his fault. It wasn’t. This was entirely Katie’s fault, he was sure of it, but she wasn’t nearby enough to point the blame at. The bartender nodded and offered them two glasses of water before pointing towards the direction of the bathroom. [color=0073d8][b]“C’mon, I gotcha.”[/b][/color] JD said as he grabbed a glass from the bar and shifted Noah’s weight slightly as he stood. [color=0073d8][b]“I gotcha, you just gotta hold your glass. Okay? Got it?”[/b][/color] Dixon reluctantly let go of the glass once he was sure that Noah had a grip on it, then he grabbed his own glass off of the bar and nodded towards the bartender in thanks. [color=0073d8][b]“Just don’t drop it, please.”[/b][/color] JD encouraged as he made their way towards the bathroom. [color=0073d8][b]“We’re just gonna go find a bathroom, and maybe they’ll have some mouthwash or something for you… or… a toilet, in case you need to puke again, or whatever.”[/b][/color] At this point, JD was just praying that they made it there before Noah puked on [i]him[/i]. What a nightmare this party was. Noah was mostly along for the ride at this point, as JD lead the way to wherever. He heard him mention a bathroom and Noah groaned out some sort of unintelligible response. He mumbled something again, before finally getting out the words he wanted to say. [color=7eff9a][b]“Cabins. There’s cabins, up there,”[/b][/color] Noah said, pointing up, his words slurred together. He was never drinking again after tonight. [color=0073d8][b]“What?”[/b][/color] Dixon turned his head to face Noah with a cocked eyebrow. The poor kid was struggling hard with his words, but he clearly didn’t like where JD was trying to take him. [color=0073d8][b]“Alright, okay, fine. I’ll tell you what, you just try not to drop that glass, and I’ll take you up to one of the cabins instead. Sound like a deal?”[/b][/color] Noah nodded, and began following JD up the stairs, clutching his glass tightly. He took a shaky sip of water, thankful for the delightfully cold, refreshing liquid. He’d found a rare moment of clarity, one that he certainly wouldn’t remember, where he suddenly knew how drunk he was and thought, [color=7eff9a][i]Fuck[/i][/color]. He was going to hate himself in the morning. [color=0073d8][b]“Fuck.”[/b][/color] JD unintentionally echoed Noah’s thoughts aloud. They’d reached the threshold of one of the aforementioned cabins, and the limey-haired boy was forcibly reminded of the entrance fee to get into said cabins. He’d have to write their names to sign them in. [color=0073d8][i]Fuckfuckfuck[/i][/color]. There was no easy way around this one, he’d just have to bite the bullet. JD quickly looked over to a dazed-looking Noah and rolled his eyes before jotting both of their names down on the tablet. He flicked his eyes up to what was most likely a camera peeping at the partygoers above the cabin door, and promptly flipped off whoever was on the other side of the lens before stepping inside. JD smelled nice. That was one of the many conclusions Noah had come to on his way to the cabin with his green-haired guardian angel. He collapsed on the bed, dragging JD down with him, the pair becoming a tangled heap atop the covers. Smiling contently, Noah ran a clammy hand through JD’s hair. [color=7eff9a][b]“You have nice hair. Nice hair,”[/b][/color] Noah said softly, his eyes half shut as he stared up at the ceiling. Whoa! Too fast, much too fast. Noah probably didn’t mean to pull him down onto the bed. It was probably, most definitely, just because he was stumbling drunk. That theory was blown entirely out of the water, however, when the other boy reached up to touch him, just as JD was trying to untangle himself from the pile of cute boy. No, not cute. What the fuck?! And then Noah’s hand found its way into JD’s hair. The simple touch sent tingly shivers from JD’s scalp, down his spine, and straight to his—yikes! By reflex, which was insanely fast given his martial arts training, Dixon’s hand shot up and clamped around Noah’s wrist with much more strength than he intended. Pulling Noah’s hand away, he hissed out his words with equally as unintentional ferocity. [color=0073d8][b]“Don’t [i]do[/i] that, Noah.”[/b][/color] Yikesyikesyikesyikesyikes! JD’s tone had a sobering effect on him, a scolding that made him realize he was acting like a mess. He pulled his hand back slowly, and cautiously untangled himself from JD, and standing up, wobbling a bit, but eventually finding his balance. He turned to look at JD for a moment, but let his eyes wander, to the ceiling, the walls, anywhere but Dixon. [color=7eff9a][b]“I’m just gonna, uh, shower, and like, yeah,”[/b][/color] Noah mumbled, before turning to walk into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him, the click of the lock practically echoing throughout the room, piercing the most uncomfortable silence on a yacht, probably ever. JD felt frozen in time. He wasn’t sure what just happened, but he was certain that he’d never felt quite like that when someone had touched him before. It was overwhelming, and he’d reacted on instinct. He’d reacted badly, he could see that now, reflected in Noah’s mortified expression. Regardless, Dixon was helpless but to stare dumbly at the other boy, a stare that looked far too much like a judging sneer, because the shock had yet to fall from JD’s face. He was caught up, once again, in a moment of irregular heart beats, to the point that he could hear his own pulse thumping in his ears. When Noah mumbled his intentions to shower and make himself scarce, JD simply nodded, quick and fast, and watched as the boy retreated into the bathroom. Once he was alone, and the awkwardness of the silence had passed, Dixon walked back over to the scene of the crime, and sat down on the fluffy comforter. He would stay… he owed the kid that much after being an asshole, that, and Katie would probably chew him out if he abandoned ‘her painter’ in this state. More importantly, he was staying because he wanted to, not that he would admit it.[/indent][/indent]