[hider=Kida] [color=DodgerBlue][h3]Kida Nedakh[/h3][/color] [img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSnC1k_fS1OwivCkVx8sXYWhlHCb7fo7t0rRL0YT2CaBjyZroFK [/img] Full Name: Kidagakash Nedakh Race: Atlantean Age: 8,500 (Appears Mid-late Twenties physically) Bio/History: Confined to the depths of the sea for much of her life, Kida wasn't even aware that other places existed, let alone other worlds. Having lost her mother at a young age, Kida knew all about hardship. But she'd also lived a life cut off from everyone except her fellow people of Atlantis, and that had made her somewhat naive to a lot of things. Her father being the King of her great nation, Kida was raised with a certain standard of living. But her world was slowly dying, the power slowly fading away. Kida longed to save her people, but didn't know how to do so, and her father seemed to shoot down her Eli dead without a second thought. She felt helpless. But, one day Kida had woken up from the strangest dream... A dream involving things she didn't understand. A cloaked figure had appeared before her, spouting nonsense about keyblades and other worlds. Kida had thought the entire thing was just that, a dream. But then monsters started infiltrating Atlantis, and Kida had no choice but to fight them to protect her people. She'd tried to fight them with her normal weapons, but they didn't seem to do any damage. Suddenly, the cloaked figure had appeared and explained that she had been chosen to wield the Keyblade, something Kida didn't understand at all. But then the weapon had appeared in her hand, a weapon forged from light to fight the darkness. Kida was suddenly thrust into a war she hadn't signed up for... Personality: Kida has always had a playful side, not wanting to take things too seriously but also knowing that she had a responsibility as a member of the royal line to protect the people of Atlantis and govern them with a gentle hand. She is patient, thrives on intelligence, and fiercely loyal. She believes that life is about balance, and that justice should be served promptly. But she also believes that people deserve kindness and respect, unless they do wrong by other people. Then, they deserve to be punished. Powers/Abilities: Being Atlantean, Kida possesses a power crystal capable of minor healing abilities, it also is the power source for her people. It can power up Atlantean technology, is an awesome flashlight, and a pretty unique accessory. She also wields a Keyblade, and it looks like this: [hider=Boop] [img] https://t00.deviantart.net/PFkqg3zKnxgQeMp-klIXNIwk93U=/300x200/filters:fixed_height(100,100):origin()/pre00/3fb3/th/pre/i/2015/004/8/7/the_heart_of_atlantis_3d_by_portadorx-d837blu.png[/img] [color=DodgerBlue]Heart of Atlantis[/color] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Deadpool] [color=red][h3]Deadpool[/h3][/color] [img] https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRaQdvlCV1lM9bp1iiVMyvcd-ee2e1HM4EbfNWakkDS5QqgFZySGA[/img] Full Name: ([color=red]Wouldn't you like to know?[/color]) Wade Wilson Age: 38 Race: Human (Mutant) Bio/History: Deadpool used to be a mercenary with a super hot girlfriend, and then he got cancer. To keep himself alive, he decided to join a program that had been offered to him, they'd promised to cure his cancer... And they had done just that. But, they'd also made him look like a freak, and so in retaliation he'd become Deadpool, a smart mouthed trigger happy mercenary with a penchant for vengeance. A year or so later, he'd finally gotten his girlfriend back and accepted that he just would always look like an ugly potato. He kept on being Deadpool though. (As I haven't seen 2 yet, I'm leaving the history kind of vague) Personality: Deadpool is a smart ass, sarcastic, silver-tongued degenerate with a dirty mind and a love of chimichangas. He considers himself to be a wild card, and he acts like one. He never takes anything seriously, thrives on the pain of those who have wronged him, and will tell everyone and their mother that he isn't a hero and doesn't want to be one. Basically, don't let him around your children. Powers/Abilities: -Regeneration: Deadpool has the ability to regenerate his body from any physical damage taken, and can even regenerate whole body parts, though it takes quite some time. He can be shot, set on fire, stabbed, and still recover thanks to his regeneration abilities. -Skilled Marksman/ Martial Artist: Deadpool is skilled with guns, knives, Katanas, and grenades. He will use all of them in rotation, and pleasure. [/hider]