The battle between the orcs and the goblins were not looking good in the orcs favor. While they managed to kill three, the hobgoblin had taken advantage of the orcs momentary distraction to kill one of their own, and another orc had gotten stabbed to death underneath four goblins. The other two weren't looking too hot either, with the hobgoblin relatively unharmed and the other goblins still eager to fight. However just as things were looking bleak, four of the goblins suddenly dropped. This left only four more goblins and the hobgoblin to fight off the two orcs. They were still outnumbered, but seeing this sudden development gave the orcs strength to fight on. Things were looking slightly better for Assallya and Varrock; sure enough two goblins were clambering up towards her like the nightmarish gremlins they were. However there was two things they did wrong: first they were trying to get ahead of eachother. This ultimately slowed each other down as they pulled on one another to get ahead. And secondly, they had no way to defend themselves against Assallya's weapon. Even if she didn't consider herself a marksman, it would be easy for her to shoot the goblins at this range. All she needed to do was aim and shoot. As for Varrock, two goblins were hardly any trouble for him. They both charged him, one getting cleaved in half as soon as he got in range of Varrock's axe. The other jumped onto him and tried to stab into his neck, but his dull knife couldn't break through the padded leather neckguard. It didn't take much longer for Varrock to grab the gremin, toss him to the ground, and crush him into a gory paste underneath his metal boot. [b]"Moving on..."[/b] [@Assallya] [hr] At first the golden necklace seemed just that; a shiny trinket. However once in Roy's hand he could feel his body feel a touch more... Fortified than before. Not in the sense that his body had toughen, but but he did feel as though he was more resistant to something while holding the necklace. At the very least he would know that this thing is innately magical; perhaps if he could find a mage they could divine the exact enchantments of this necklace. Or he would just find out what it does through various trials and errors. Regardless, the night was quiet. Even though there was chaos happening elsewhere in the ruins, they were too far for Roy to detect. No where else to go but forward. [@Searat]